The International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security, which was held in Tokyo, Japan from 25 to 29 October 2010, concluded that “The IAEA should foster the establishment of a forum dedicated to nuclear safety infrastructure development issues related to scientific and technical support. Such a ‘TSO Forum’ would meet regularly in between the international TSO conferences, establish close working relations with the Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF), and operate in conjunction with established regional TSO cooperation structures as well as with the NEA/CSNI on science related issues…” The recent event at the Fukushima NPS and the subsequent Ministerial Conference at the IAEA further highlighted the need of a TSO Forum.
The TSO Forum was established in 2011 under the aegis of the IAEA. The objective of the TSO Forum (TSOF) is to encourage open dialogue and sharing of scientific and technical information among TSOs worldwide. It promotes coordination and collaboration among the TSOF Member States to contribute to the worldwide harmonization of practices. On behalf of the Russian Party the member of the Steering Committee of the TSO Forum is Mr. A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS. The representatives of the Centre participate on a regular basis in the meetings of the Steering Committee and of the Programme Committee of the TSO International Conference held once per three years. In 2014 SEC NRS took part in the third meeting of the TSO International Conference Programme Committee and in the fifth meeting of the TSO Forum Steering Committee. In the course of the sessions the draft agenda of the upcoming conference was updated, presentation topics, as well as the list of Chairmen for topical sessions and Presenters were approved, organizational aspects were discussed, and the issues related to the TSO Forum activity were considered, information on the progress of drafting of the IAEA Guideline regarding TSO role and challenges was submitted. The International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security was held in Beijing (China) in the period of October 27-31 under the aegis of the IAEA and TSO Forum. The TSO International Conference was organized by the IAEA and TSO Forum supported by the host party (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of China) in cooperation with ETSON, the member of which SEC NRS has been since 2012. About 300 participants represent foreign regulating authorities, TSOs, NPP operators, scientific institutions and other organizations dealing with nuclear energy utilities. |
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