The Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes under Rostechnadzor validated 12 computer codes
On April 18, 2014 SEC NRS hosted the scheduled 60th meeting of the Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes under Rostechnadzor. The Council considered the results of the review of the 12 computer codes and made a positive decision to approve the validation certificates thereof. The following computer codes were validated for a 10-year period:
- Computer code “MCU–PTR” intended for computation of neutronic characteristics of the IR-8 research reactor by the Monte Carlo method; - Computer code “Sapfir_95&RC_VVER” intended for a few-group three-dimensional computation of VVER type reactor cores; - Computer code “Skala-800” intended for computation estimate of nuclear safety in management of fresh MOX-fuel at the site of BN-800 reactor installation; - Computer code “Resurs-NN” intended for computation of fatigue damages in the structural elements of equipment and systems of a nuclear power installation under operating thermal and mechanical effects; - Computer code “Rant–1” intended for determination of frequencies and natural mode shapes, computation of transfers and inner force factors for pipeline systems in conditions of static, seismic and dynamic loads; - Computer code “Dynamica 3” intended for solution of nonlinear problems of structures deformation under surge and impact effects; - Computer code “Fame_N1” intended for computation of distortion of a single canless fuel assembly, computation of longitudinal forces in fuel elements and simulation of reactions in fuel assembly supports under force, temperature and radiation loads with the account of radiation growth and creep relaxation in structural materials; - Computer code “ANSYS” applied to computation of stress-strain behavior, frequency of free oscillations, steadiness and parameters of mechanics for damage of elements of reactor cores and reactor equipment; - Computer code “START–3А” intended for strength and thermophysical computations for the purpose of study, substantiation and licensing of fuel assemblies thermal-neutron reactors with fuel based on uranium dioxide, including fuel with interned absorber, under normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences; - Computer code “CIVA” intended for computation of acoustic fields generated and intaken by acoustic transducers and acoustic antenna arrays; - Computer code “ARM Structure3D” intended for computation of stress-strain behavior of the mechanical equipment and structures of a nuclear facility; - Computer code “RAMEK-1” intended for computation of erosion/corrosion velocity of the elements of pipelines and feed & breed line of nuclear power plants with VVER-440 and BN-600 reactors. |
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