SEC NRS experts within the scope of the working groups of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor took part in the integrated emergency response exercises at the Kalinin NPP
SEC NRS experts within the scope of the working groups of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor took part in the integrated emergency response exercises at the Kalinin NPP 21.09.2013 In period of September 18 – 20, 2013 the integrated emergency response exercises were held at the Kalinin NPP.
For the time of the exercise the Information and Analytical Center (IAC) of Rostechnadzor was put into the emergency response mode. The IAC working groups for analysis of the nuclear plant process parameters and for analysis and forecasting of the radiation situation involved the spectialists of SEC NRS. Interaction of the IAC working groups with the exercise participants was arranged without visiting the exercise site via using multimedia resources of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor. The target of the exercise is to check the preparedness of the operating organization personnel to management of accidents, enhancement of the joint practical actions of the emergency and rescue forces, subdivisions of the Concern, agency-level emergency response structures and NPP personnel in case of an emergency situation at the nuclear plant. The exercise was held under close collaboration with the local government, regional authorities, EMERCOM, Rostechnadzor and special subdivisions of the Ministry of Defence. The scenario of the command and staff exercise supposed primary circuit leak overlapped by blackout of Unit 4 of the Kalinin NPP. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |