Rostechnadzor took part in Scheduled Exercise at Novovoronezh NPP
On November 13, 2013, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) took part in scheduled emergency exercise on the topic "Radiation Accident at Novovoronezh NPP to Practice Actions involving Emergency Mobile Equipment". The exercise took place within the current IAEA IRRS Follow-up Mission to the Russian Federation and was observed by the IAEA experts and IRRS team members.
The goal of the emergency exercise was to confirm the preparedness of the Novovoronezh operating personnel and Emergency & Fire Safety Commission for management, localization and mitigation of a beyond design basis radiation accident employing mobile emergency equipment, to make sure that the mechanisms of interaction between the nuclear plant and local authorities under conditions of a radiation accident are in place to make decisions aimed at protection of the personnel and public. Also, the exercise was arranged to practice the procedures of interaction between the nuclear plant, operating organization and authorities of state safety regulation in the field of atomic energy use in case of an accident with emission of radioactive substances into the environment, as required by the federal rules and standards. The tasks of the exercise were fully accomplished. The actions of the Novovoronezh NPP personnel in emergency were verified, and the aspects of interaction with all the vital services were practiced. The Novovoronezh units were under their routine operation during the exercise. No intrusion in their operation due to the exercise had been foreseen. The Novovoronezh NPP is a branch of OAO Concern Rosenergoatom. The plant is located in the territory of Voronezh Region near the town of Novovoronezh. The first unit was started on September 30, 1964. Today, the plant has 5 operating units equipped with water-moderated water-cooled reactors. Each of the operating reactors is a leading prototype for commercial reactors VVER-1000 and VVER-440. copyright infringement: |
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