Addressed to the team of “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal
This year, the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal celebrates a 15-year anniversary. It was established for preliminary publishing in the official press of draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use before approval thereof to meet the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Use of Atomic Energy”. In the first years of its existence, the Journal has been already recognized by specialists of the supervisory authority and nuclear power industry as a serious scientific and practical edition, where in line with publishing of draft documents the actual problems were outlined regarding state safety regulation in atomic energy use in the Russian Federation.
For the previous 15 years more than 100 draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use, 165 approved regulatory documents of Rostechnadzor, above 140 articles devoted to the most important issues of nuclear and radiation safety provision and regulation have been printed on the Journal pages. The Journal readership includes not only specialists of Rostechnadzor Headquarters and inspectors of the Rostechnadzor Interregional Territorial Departments for Supervision over Nuclear and Radiation Safety, but also a wide range of specialists working for the organizations and enterprises of the nuclear power complex, and also all those people, who are interested in problems of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear facilities. The Journal maintains a high methodological level for the published materials and renders assistance in training of highly-qualified specialists in the field of safety provision and regulation in atomic energy use. The contribution of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal to strengthening of public confidence in Rostechnadzor activity as the authorized body for state safety regulation in atomic energy use is invaluable, since openness and transparency of information and functions performed by Rostechnadzor in the field of state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety are the top-priority challenges for the Journal. I am sure, that in future the Journal will remain faithful to honored traditions and will maintain a high scientific and practical level for the materials published. Please, accept my most sincere congratulations with the 15-year anniversary of the Journal. With all my heart I wish further fruitful success to the team, large readership and new interesting publications. Acting Chairman of Rostechnadzor A. V. Ferapontov. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |