Congratulations of a subscriber and grateful reader on the 15-year anniversary of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal active life
The Inspector General Service of the State Corporation Rosatom congratulates on the 15-year anniversary of an active life the Establisher of the quarterly scientific and practical journal "Nuclear and Radiation Safety”, namely SEC NRS, the editorial board, the editorial staff, make-up editors, active authors, filling up the Journal with the useful content, as well as all SEC NRS employees supporting the Journal publishing and promotion to the users.
Established in 1998 in pursuance of the Federal Law “On the Use of Atomic Energy” about the necessity of preliminary publishing in the official press of draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use before the approval, the Journal (up to 2005 “Vestnik of Gosatomnadzor of Russia”) had been recognized by the specialists of the state supervision body and nuclear power industry from the very first issues as a serious and really practically useful issue. The significance of the Journal was highly appreciated also by foreign specialists in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, which certainly promoted SEC NRS engagement to the members of the European Technical Safety Organization Network. Owing to high methodological level of the published materials, timely announcement about enactment of new or updating of the effective legal and regulatory documents used for regulation of activities in nuclear industry, the Journal acquired interest not only in the network of inspectorate of the state safety supervision bodies, but also among the designers and engineers, operators of the nuclear equipment, and , of course, among specialists of intra-industry supervision over nuclear facilities safety. Openness and transparency of functions performed by Rostechnadzor not only enhances public confidence in peaceful uses of atomic energy, but also provides good basis and preparation to a constructive dialogue of regulatory bodies with operating organizations, which obtain possibility for joint discussions and advance preparation to meeting of new updated safety requirements. Considering the complexity and duration of many processes in nuclear industry, from design to decommissioning of a nuclear facility, we would like to emphasize, that the Journal content demonstrates not only implementation of a feedback mechanism in application of the accumulated domestic and foreign experience for enhancement of safety regulation, but also contributes to optimization of a long-term planning of nuclear industry evolution. We express confidence, that the Journal will further retain its adherence to the existing practice to publish the verified materials of high scientific and practical significance. Accept our most kind wishes on the eve of the 15-year anniversary, and in the context of preparation of the 70-th Journal issue. We wish you further creative success, retaining and enlarging readership and new, interesting publications. S. A. Adamchik, Inspector General of the State Corporation Rosatom, A. N. Antonov, Director of the Inspector General Service of Rosatom. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |