Official issue Published since 1998
№ 1(71)-2014
Editorial board: A. Ferapontov, V. Bezzubtsev, M. Miroshnichenko,
E. Kudryavtsev, V. Sidorenko
Editorial team:
A. Khamaza – Chief Editor
R. Charafoutdinov – Deputy Chief Editor
E. Bugaev, O. Kovalevich, O. Kavun, V. Slutsker, E. Sokolova, A. Stroganov
T. Sinitsyna – Executive Secretary
Issue Editor E. Dorogavtseva
Computer-aided publishing N. Bolshakova
Oficial documents
- NP-043-11. Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Cargo Cranes for Nuclear Facilities.
- NP-088-11. Provisions on the Procedure for Investigation and Accounting of Malfunctions in Operation of Ships with Nuclear Installations and Radiation Sources.
- Rules for Conversion of Nuclear Materials into Radioactive Substances or Radioactive Wastes. NP-072-13
- Scope and Content of the Yearly Report on Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities. RB-043-13
- Recommendations on Safety Assurance at Return of SFA Conversion Products to the Supplier Country. RB-092-13
Drafts of regulatory documents
International information
- ETSON positionon technical aspects in the revision of the European Directive on Nuclear Safety. .
- List of documents of international organizations, approved in 2014.
Reference information
- 19 Plenary Meeting of the Technical Committee 85 “Atomic Energy“ of the International Organization for Standardization..
ISSN 2218-8665
©Nuclear and Radiation Safety
SEC NRS, 2014 г.