Roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” in Obninsk
In frames of events devoted to the 60th anniversary of the nuclear power industry and startup of the Obninsk NPP, as well as to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Nuclear Society (RNS) and to the 25th anniversary of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), a roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” was held by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the active participation of SEC NRS in Obninsk on June 25, 2014. The discussions were devoted to the status and actual problems of nuclear and radiation safety provision and regulation in nuclear power industry.
General management over the round table discussion was fulfilled by the moderator Mr. A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, who, while opening the meeting, presented briefly a history of nuclear power industry development and corresponding transformations in nuclear and radiation safety regulation in the Russian Federation. The reports on various aspects of the round table discussion topic were presented by Mr. S.V. Raikov, Director of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department, of the SC Rosatom organization in charge of licensing and authorization activity, Mr. V.A. Sidorenko, Adviser of the Director of RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, RAS correspondent member, Ms. A.O. Supotaeva, Leading Researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS, Mr. R.B. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Director of SEC NRS, and Mr. S.V. Arsentiev, First Deputy Directo General of AtomicInsurance Broker JSC. The report of Mr. R.B. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Director of SEC NRS, “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Atomic Energy Use” considered the status of the current safety regulation framework in atomic energy use. It was emphasized, that the held IAEA Mission (November 2009) and Post-Mission (November 2013) highly appreciated the activity of Rostechnadzor as an effective and independent regulatory authority for nuclear and radiation safety in the Russian Federation and confirmed the efficiency of the current state safety legal and regulatory framework in atomic energy use. The necessity was outlined for enhancement of the safety legal and regulatory framework in atomic energy use, including problems of amendments to the legislation and updating of the Federal Safety Regulations (including safety requirements to the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power installations). The followed discussion was held with the participation of Mr. E.G. Kudryavtsev, Head of Rostechnadzor Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities, Mr. S.A. Subbotin, Head of Strategic System Researches Department of RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Mr. V.A. Gremyachkin, Director of the Obninsk Branch of the JSC Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry named after L.Ya. Karpov”, Professor Mr. B.G. Gordon, SEC NRS Chief Research Scientist, Mr. Yu.D. Polyakov, Director of “NO RWM” FSUE. The participants of the round table discussions noted, that a lot has been done in the recent years for changeover from the supervision to regulation of safety in nuclear power industry, but still there is much more ahead to be done, including elimination of conflicts of law and upgrading of the safety culture at all levels. The decision was made to prepare a final document to incorporate further cooperation plans. Source: Rostechnadzor. |
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