Planned emergency response exercise at the Kola NPP
On July 15, the planned emergency response exercise took place at the Kola NPP, in the process of which the personnel trained in real-time mode their practical skills, as well as preparedness for response and interaction in conditions of a simulated beyond-design basis accident.
The evolution of the exercise was monitored by a video-conference communication by the representatives of the Crisis Center of Rosenergoatom Concern, technical support centers of the nuclear industry organizations (ATC SPb, OKB Gidropress JSC, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, JSC “Atomenergoremont”, VNIPIET, VNIIAES, FMBC named after A.I.Burnazyan, IBRAE RAS, NPA Typhoon, FMBC), IAC of Rostechnadzor, as well as representatives of the French power generation company EDF. In the course of the exercise the scenario of a primary-to-secondary circuit accident was considered with a flowrate exceeding 150 t/h overlapped by non-closure of the main shutoff gate valve of the primary circuit emergency loop and non-seating of the safety valve of the emergency steam generator, and also failure of two out of three channels of the active part of the emergency core cooling system. SEC NRS employees included in the working groups of the IAC of Rostechnadzor performed evaluation of the critical safety functions of the NP and forecasting of their changes, as well as assessment of the radiation situation around the NP. For these purposes, the computer simulation model for the Kola NPP Unit 4 based on the “Rainbow 7.5”, “MVTU 3.7”, “INTEGR” computer codes and developed in the SEC NRS NPP Safety Division (Dynamic Modes Laboratory) was applied together with the special-purpose codes for calculation of the radiological environment. Based on the results of training the specialists of the working groups evaluated actions of the operating organization and shaped recommendations on enhancement of the emergency preparedness, in particular in the NPP emergency response documentation. In the process of the exercise the SEC NRS employees demonstrated a high level of qualification. The obvious benefit from regular conduct of such exercises shall be noted both for the operating organization and for emergency response on-site and external organizations, and for the regulatory authority as well. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |