Report on key activity of SEC NRS for the year 2014 is published
Basic prerequisite for further large-scale use of atomic energy is nuclear and radiation safety provision. It should be noted that the biggest challenge of state safety regulation when implementing the use of atomic energy is creating and sustaining of conditions that guarantee:
Rostechnadzor as considered to be the authorized body for state regulation of safety in the field of use of atomic energy, involve capacity of the subordinated organizations of scientific and technical support in its functions exercising. Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) in correspondence with the Federal law “On the Use of Atomic Energy” recognized as the organization of scientific and technical support for Rostechnadzor, carries out its activity along the following basic areas:
SEC NRS performs broad range of works necessary for scientific and technical provision of Rostechnadzor activity, in particular:
Fulfilment of the Action Plan on implementation of the IAEA experts recommendations and suggestions regarding the results of the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Follow-up Mission to the Russian Federation (IRRS Follow-up Mission of 2013) that was adopted by Rostechnadzor is considered as one of the primary objectives in the short term prospect. In these conditions, it is envisaged to focus special attention on the improvement of the existing and development of the new regulatory legal documents along with their harmonization with the corresponding international safety standards. Accelerating of SEC NRS actions towards improvement of state control and supervision in the field of use of atomic energy within the frames of overall tendency regarding the development of the state and municipal control and supervision in Russia in various spheres of activity is identified as another ongoing task. This report presents key work results of SEC NRS staff members for the year 2014 that were directed on scientific and technical provision of activities to solve the above stated objectives. Report on key activity of SEC NRS for the year 2014. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |