Draft federal safety regulations «Rules on Safety Ensuring during NPP Power Unit Decommissioning»
Purpose and Scope of Application
- Federal safety regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy “Rules on Safety Ensuring during NPP power unit Decommissioning” (NP-012-ХХ) (hereinafter to be referred in text as - Regulations) are developed in correspondence with the Federal law No. 170-FZ dated from November 21, 1995 «On the Use of Atomic Energy» (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, art. 4552; 1997, No. 7, art. 808; 2001, No. 29, art. 2949; 2002, No. 1, art. 2; No. 13, art. 1180; 2003, No. 46, art. 4436; 2004, No. 35, art. 3607; 2006, No. 52, art. 5498; 2007, No. 7, art. 834; No. 49, art. 6079; 2008, No. 29, art. 3418; No. 30, art. 3616; 2009, No. 1, art. 17; № 52, art. 6450; 2011, No. 29, art. 4281; № 30, art. 4590, art. 4596; No. 45, art. 6333; № 48, art. 6732; No. 49, art. 7025; 2012, No. 26, art. 3446; 2013, No.27, art. 3451; 2016, No. 14, art. 1904), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated by December 1, 1997, No. 1511 «On approval of the Provision about the development and approval of the federal regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy» (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 49, art. 5600; 1999, No. 27, art. 3380; 2000, No. 28, art. 2981; 2002, No. 4, art. 325; No. 44, art. 4392; 2003, No. 40, art. 3899; 2005, No. 23, art. 2278; 2006, No. 50, art. 5346; 2007, No. 14, art. 1692; No. 46, art. 5583; 2008, No. 15, art. 1549; 2012, No. 51, art. 7203).
- The present document establishes requirements to safety ensuring at NPP power unit during decommissioning to be realized at NPP power unit life-cycle stages that are provided by the legislation in the field of the use of atomic energy.
- List of abbreviations used in the present Regulations is given in Annex No. 1 to the present Regulations; terms and definitions are given in Annex No. 2.
The full text of draft document.
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