NP-098-17, NP-099-17, NP-199-17 entered into force![]() On August 01, 2017 three documents NP-098-17, NP-099-17, NP-199-17(of the federal rules and regulations level) entered into force. NP-098-17, «Facilities on Production of Plutonium-Involving Nuclear Fuel. Safety Requirements»This document is developed on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, FRRs and following the requirements and recommendations of the IAEA regarding the safety of facilities on plutonium-involving nuclear fuel production. Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 217 (dated by June 23, 2017) « On Approval of the Federal Rules and Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use «Facilities on Production of Plutonium-Involving Nuclear Fuel. Safety Requirements» is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 20, 2017, registration number No. 47476, to be introduced into force on August 1, 2017. This document is developed in SEC NRS with contribution from А.М. Кirkin, А.V. Кuryndin, И.А. Lyashko, А.А. Stroganov, R.B. Sharafutdinov (SEC NRS), Е.G. Kudryavtsev (Rostechnadzor) and others. Comments and suggestions provided by SC Rosatom, JSC «TVEL», JSK «Atomenergomash», JSC «Atomproekt », FSUE «MCC», FSUE «PO «Mayak», JSC «SSC NIIAR», JSK «SCC», JSC «SSC IPPE» and ITD NRS of Rostechnadzor were incorporated after their discussion and elaboration of ultimate solutions. NP-099-17, «Requirement to Items and Contents of Safety Analysis Report of RW Storage Facilities»This FRR establishes requirements to the components and the contents of reports on safety analysis regarding radioactive waste storage facilities during their siting, construction and operation, as well as the procedure of such reports development and maintaining up-to-date and the requirements to their execution. This document is published for the first time. This document is developed on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, FRRs in the field of atomic energy use and taking into account the IAEA publications: «Fundamental Safety Principles. Safety Fundamentals» (SF-1), «Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste. General Safety Requirements» (GSR, Part 5), «Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities. General Safety Requirements» (GSR, Part 4). Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 219 (dated by June 23, 2017) « On Approval of the Federal Rules and Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use «Requirement to Items and Contents of Safety Analysis Report of RW Storage Facilities» is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 20, 2017, registration number No. 47471. This document is developed in SEC NRS with contribution from Аbakumova А.S., Belousov А.V., Bochkarev V.V., Nepejpivo М.А., Ponizov А.V., Sharafutdinov R.B. (SEC NRS), Sklifasovkaya Yu.G. (Rostechnadzor). Comments and suggestions provided by SC Rosatom, “Concern Rosenergoatom”, FSUE «RosRAO » and others were taken into account. NP-100-17, «Requirements to Items and Contents of Safety Analysis Report of RW Disposal Facilities»This FRR establishes requirements to the components and the contents of reports on safety analysis regarding radioactive waste disposal facilities during siting, construction and operation, as well as the procedure of such reports development and maintaining up-to-date and the requirements to reports’ execution. |
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