Safety Guide RB-140-17 has been put into effect
The Safety Guide RB-140-17 “Emergency Monitoring Systems for VVER-Type Reactor Nuclear Power Plants. General Recommendations and Nomenclature of Monitored Parameters” was put into effect. The Safety Guide contains recommendations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on the emergency monitoring systems to be applied to the design and operation of the systems performing emergency monitoring at VVER-type reactor NPPs, as well as in the course of safety analysis and assessment of the adopted design solutions. Moreover, the Safety Guide contains recommendations on the nomenclature of the emergency monitoring monitored parameters, which are required for evaluation of the state of a reactor installation, a nuclear power plant unit or a nuclear power plant on the whole in the process of BDBA management. The Safety Guide is intended to be applied by the NPP operating organizations and those, which perform works and render services to the NPP operating organizations in the course of development and design of the emergency monitoring systems, and also to be applied by Rostechnadzor specialists, when executing a licensing (permitting) activity or federal state supervision in the field of atomic energy use. Recommendations, given in the Safety Guide, take account of the accumulated international experience in the field of development of the requirements to emergency monitoring for accident management, in particular, the IAEA recommendations, and lessons learnt from BDBA management practices. The Safety Guide was adopted by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 42 dated of January 30, 2018. |
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