Alexey Aleshin is on an official visit to Spain
The working meeting on regulatory issues associated with nuclear security and management of radiation sources organized by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) took place on February 27, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. “Thank you for your invitation to visit Spain. I am glad to see you again and take part in the bilateral meeting we appointed in November last year in Moscow”, Chairman Alexey Aleshin said. “The major topic of this meeting is safety regulation in management of radioactive sources. I hope that we will have an opportunity to share the latest updates in all spheres of activities performed by the regulatory authorities of Spain and Russia”. Premising his address on the Russian regulatory system for the safe use of atomic energy, Chairman Aleshin stated: “I would like to shortly dwell on one of the initiatives taken by the Government of the Russian Federation, which is directly connected with Rostechnadzor. What is at issue is the implementation of an administrative reform in the field of control and supervisory activities. One of the projects under the reform foresees introduction of a risk-informed approach in implementing control and supervisory activities”. Further on, Chairman Aleshin told about the structure, functions and authority of Rostechnadzor and spoke in detail about the areas related to safety regulation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. He noted that Rostechnadzor was provided with technical and scientific support by the Federal Budgetary Enterprise SEC NRS and JSC VO “Safety”. In a multilateral format Rostechnadzor is involved in an active cooperation with such organizations as: the IAEA and Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (NEA OECD); it also takes part in the activity of the WWER Regulators Forum and plays a role of an observer in the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA). The meeting agenda also included reports from staff members of Rostechnadzor and CSN on regulatory control of management of radiation sources and regulation of nuclear security of radiation sources, and discussions of prospective areas of cooperation. The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear - CSN) is a regulatory authority for nuclear and radiation safety founded on April 22, 1980. CSN yearly reports to the parliament. CSN is headed by a commission comprising a chairperson and four commissioners, one of which is also a vice chairperson. The general secretary, who directly manages the CSN departments, reports to the commission. The working meeting will last up to March 1, 2018. As a part of the Russian delegation’s visit to Spain, a technical visit to the low- and medium-level waste storage facility of El Cabril in the province of Cordoba has been planned. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |