IAEA TECDOC related to TSO activity published on the website
The IAEA-TECDOC-1835 on Technical and Scientific Support Organizations Providing Support to Regulatory Functions has been published on the IAEA website. The task to develop a document describing role and duties of technical and scientific support organizations of the regulatory bodies (TSOs) was assigned by IAEA TSO Forum Steering Committee with Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director, representing the Russian Federation. The experts of organizations, TSO Forum members, had been productively involved in the document development for over two years. Dr. Alexander Khamaza and Denis Mistryugov, Head of International Cooperation Division, made a strong contribution to the TECDOC drafting. The IAEA developed TECDOC is the only document providing the definition of the term of Technical and Scientific Support Organization and contains the full description of TSO functions, challenges and activities of different in type TSOs supporting the regulatory bodies. The information on SEC NRS activities as a TSO to Rostechnadzor is provided in the Annex to the TECDOC as an example. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |