SEC NRS will participate in the ISTC-2018 Conference and Exhibition
Within May 23–24, 2018, the XIth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Industry” (ISTC–2018) will be held in Moscow. The Conference will be arranged by the Rosenergoatom Concern JSC on the territory of JSC “VNIIAES”. The participants of the Conference will have a platform for sharing of experience and information on the key aspects of NPP operation, as well as on the perspectives of nuclear industry development. The ISTC–2018 agenda includes the meetings of 5 Sessions and the Scientific and Technical Conference, where the representatives from the scientific and technical support organization (TSO) SEC NRS will give their presentations: on May 23, 2018, P. Borodkin will make a report “Implementation of the Monitoring of Fast Neutron Fluence to Control the Burn-up Life of the VVER Reactor Equipment Meeting the Requirements of the Effective Federal Safety Regulations”, and on May 24, 2018, A. Kuryndin will present his report “Analysis of the Results of the Radiation and Technical Survey for Source Terms of Radioactive Substances at NPPs”. An exhibition will be open in frames of the ISTC-2018, where the expositions of the leading Russian nuclear-related enterprises and foreign organizations, as well as of the Conference participants, will be exhibited. The arranger of the ISTC is the Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. Detailed information can be obtained by reference: |
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