SEC NRS took part in the Industry-Specific Seminar of the State Corporation ROSATOM
A.A. Stroganov, Deputy Head of SEC NRS Division for Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues, participated in the Industry-Specific Research and Practice Seminar "Radiation and Environmental Safety in Nuclear Power Industry" organized by the State Corporation ROSATOM. The annual Industry-Specific Seminar was held in Novosibirsk within May 21-25, 2018.
In frames of the Seminar there were roundtable discussions, 2 sessions, 5 plenary sessions and an extended session of the Council on radiation safety methodological support of the State Corporation ROSATOM, as well as a technical visit to the site of the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP). The Seminar was devoted to the discussions of the state of radiation and environmental safety in the industry, plans and tasks of the State Corporation ROSATOM and its organizations in the area of radiation and environmental safety for the nearest future, problematic issues related to introduction of new legal and regulatory requirements, methodological and tool support to the full-scale environmental, radiation and dosimetry control, monitoring of the environment, provision with personal protective equipment, and other issues. The subject-matter reports were presented at the Seminar by the representatives of the State Corporation ROSATOM, as well as of such organizations, as FMBA of Russia, Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, FSUE RosRao, JSC "TVEL", FSUE "MCC", JSC "SCC", Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin, IBRAE RAS, and others. SEC NRS was represented by A.A. Stroganov. He made a presentation and report "Current requirements to control of emissions and discharges of radioactive substances to the environment by the Russian NPPs" (authors: A.V. Kuryndin, candidate of engineering sciences, A.A. Stroganov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, A.S. Shapovalov). The Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) is a scientific and technical support organization (TSO) of Rostechnadzor. It was founded to obtain and apply new scientific knowledge in order to provide scientific and technical support to nuclear and radiation safety regulation, including the review and justification of nuclear and radiation safety criteria and requirements in atomic energy use for civilian and defense purposes. |
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