SEC NRS will take part in the Inter-Industry Scientific and Technical Seminar hosted by the FSUE “NITI named after A.P. Alexandrov”
FSUE “NITI named after A.P. Alexandrov” arranges the Inter-Industry Scientific and Technical Seminar “Modeling of a Nuclear Power Installation Dynamics”. It will take place within June 5-7, 2018 in the Sosnoviy Bor (Leningrad Region).
In frames of the Seminar the speakers from the FSUE “NITI named after A.P. Alexandrov”, RRC “Kurchatov Insitute”, JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”, JSC OKB GIDROPRESS, IBRAE RAS, JSC “VNIIAES”, FSUE ‘NII NPO “Luch”’, and other organizations are going to present their reports. The employees of the Rostechnadzor’s technical and scientific support organization (SEC NRS) will present the following reports: — “Accounting of uncertainties in the input data in calculation of thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the wet-type spent nuclear fuel storage facility using the APROS 6 code”, authors; A.V. Kuryndin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, A.A. Stroganov, Candidate of PhysicoMathematical Sciences, A.M. Kirkin, S.V. Sinegribov, I.V. Burkov (Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues Division); — “Application of the ATHLET code in safety analysis of at-reactor fuel pools”, authors: A.G. Samokhin, S.E. Katkovskiy, P.I. Federov (NPP Safety Division); — “Analysis of transients in BN-800 reactor installation with the hybrid core using the ATHLET code and the respective version DYN3D-ATHLET”, authors: V.S. Ivanov, I.A. Danicheva, N.N. Khrennikov (NPP Safety Division); — “Methodology for quantitative estimate of errors and its application for the analysis of the results of modeling of interaction between the fuel rods’ molten cladding and the oxide fuel using the SOCRAT code”, authors: N.A. Kozlova (NPP Safety Division), S.A. Shevchenko, D.A. Yashnikov (Calculated Safety Analysis Division), A.E. Kiselev, T.A. Yudina, N.I. Ryzhov (IBRAE RAS). |
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