SEC NRS takes part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecological, Industrial and Energy Security - 2018"
Sevastopol, Russia, 2018. Today, on September 25 the opening of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecological, Industrial and Energy Security - 2018" took place. The Conference will be held from September 24 to September 27 at the site of the Institute of Nuclear Power and Industry with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
The Conference goals: to provide a scientific platform for share of scientific and research experience, which is the launching platform for further large-scale projects and researches; to maintain the corporate scientific and educational space and to contribute to horizons expanding; to join young researchers and scientists of various scientific schools to discuss and solve the key global challenges in science and practice. The Russian and foreign scienists, academicians, postgraduates and employees of the academic scientific and educational institutions, representatives of enterprises and orgnizations of various forms of ownership, federal and regional government agencies, and public organizations will take part in the Conference. The Conference agenda includes a plenary session, topical sessions, a round table and a scientific and production tour. The scientific programme of the Conference consists of six sections, where the SEC NRS (Rostechnadzor TSO) representatives will present their reports in the first and sixth sections: Section 1 "Environmental Monitoring and Control Devices", the report "About Standardization of Radiactive Substances Emissions and Discharges to the Environment" will be presented by A.A. Stroganov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, A.V. Kuryndin, Candidate of Engineering sciences, and A.S. Shapovalov. Section 6 "Nuclear and Thermal Power: Safety, Security, Efficiency", the report "On the Recommended Evaluation Methods for Radiation Consequences of Accidents at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities" will be presented by D.V. Sorokin, A.V. Kuryndin, Candidate of Engineering sciences, and A.S. Shapovalov. Information source: |
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