The IAEA TSO International Conference opened in Brussels
The IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security started its work in Brussels (Belgium) on October 15, 2018.
SEC NRS delegation headed by Director Alexander Khamaza participates at the Conference. The TSO Conference is held in Brussels on October 15 – 18, 2018 and organized by IAEA, TSO Forum through the Hosting TSO (Bel V) in cooperation with ETSON, the member of which SEC NRS has been since 2012. The TSO Conference was organized with active participation of SEC NRS representatives – members of the Conference Programme Committee. The first day of the Conference was opened with welcome speeches of Mr J. Jambon, Vice-Primer – Minister of interior for internal affairs of Belgium, Mr. M. Van haesendonck, Director General of Bel V (Belgian TSO) and Mr J.-C. Lentijo, IAEA Deputy Director General followed by Session on the Roles of the TSOs supporting Regulatory Functions. The TSO Café, organized by ETSON members, SEC NRS presented its exhibition which raised much interest of the Conference participants. The first day concluded with the ETSON Board meeting with participation of Mr Khamaza, ETSON Vice-president, and Mr Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head International Relations. |
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