SEC NRS experts took part in two meetings in Paris
On November 13, 2018 in the office of the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) Head of the International Cooperation Division Mr. Denis Mistryugov took part at the meeting with the IRSN representatives dedicated to the issues concerning the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON). On November 14-15, 2018 the 11th meeting of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP) VVER Working Group (VVERWG) took place at the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (NEA OECD) Headquarters. Mr. Denis Mistryugov and Head of Laboratory of the NPP Safety Division Ms. Nadezhda Kozlova took part in the discussion of the issues concerning the activities of VVERWG and its expert subgroups, made the presentations “Russian Requirements Related to PSAR Structure and Content Regarding Safety Classification of NPP Unit Primary Circuit Systems and Elements”, “Current Status of TESG SA activity” and informed the participants on current status of new VVER power units in Russia. SEC NRS experts presented and received information on new VVER power units project implementation in Hungary, Finland and Russia, as well as information on the review progress of the documents justifying safety of new NPPs in Finland and Hungary. Current results of the work of the VVERWG, plans for further activities and organizational issues of VVERWG activities were discussed as well. SEC NRS experts received information on the approaches of Finland and Hungary to safety assessment and safety review in licensing procedure in case of NPP design update at the construction stage, and the corresponding national requirements. SEC NRS is a technical and scientific support organization of Rostechnadzor and an associated member of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON). |
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