NP-105-18 was approved
Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Regulations for control of metal of nuclear installations equipment and pipelines under fabrication and assembling” were approved on November 14, 2018. The rules establish the requirements for control (procedure, types, scope, methods, rates of quality assessment of the control results) of a base metal, weld metal and surfaced coat metal (hereinafter referred to as metal if not specified otherwise) under construction, design, fabrication and assembling of equipment and pipelines of nuclear installations stated in Article 3 of the abovementioned rules. Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Regulations for control of metal of nuclear installations equipment and pipelines under fabrication and assembling” (NP-105-18) were approved by the Order № 553, November 14, 2018 of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service. |
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