Enactment of RB-153-18
On Decemeber 29, 2018 the Safety Guide RB-153-18 "Recommendations on the Justification of a Decommissioning Option for Nuclear Facilities" was put into effect. The Safety Guide contains recommendations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on making a choice of a decommissioning option for a nuclear facility and on evaluation of the sufficiency of scope of the conducted surveys and scientific researches for justification of a decommissioning option for a nuclear facility. RB-153-18 covers all nuclear installations, storage facilities for nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive wastes, and radiation sources (hereinafter to be referred to as nuclear facilities). The Safety Guide does not cover radiation sources, containing in their composition only radionuclide sources of Categories four and five of radiation hazard, and also mobile radiation sources and radiation sources based on serial radioisotopic devices, radiation sources, wherein the ionizing radiation is generated, as well as disposal and preservation facilities for special radioactive wastes, and radioactive waste disposal facilities. The Safety Guide is recommended to be used for nuclear facilities in operation (including those finnally shutdown for decommissioning), at the stage of making a choice on a decommissioning option in order to develop and clarify the decommissioning program and project based on the results of the integrated engineering and radiation survey. Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia of December 29, 2018 No. 666. |
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