Rostechnadzor and the State Corporation ROSATOM considered and analyzed the requests of enterprises and organizations on the procedure of application of the Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use NP-105-18 "Metal Inspection Regulations for NPP Equipment and Pipelines during Production and Mounting" approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 14.11.2018 No. 553, and NP-104-18 "Welding and Surface Cladding for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Plants" approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 14.11.2018 No. 554.
Since there appered a necessity to clarify a number of issues, the Joint Decision was taken:
Decided as follows:
- Design, engineering and process documentation for the products manufactured or mounted at nuclear facilities, or those in the process of manufacturing, mounting at nuclear facilities prior to enactment of NP-104-18 (before 06.01.2019) and NP-105-18 (before 01.01.2019), is not subject to amendments.
Herewith, the commencement of manufacturing, mounting shall be considered the date of conclusion of the contract (additional agreement) for manufacturing, mounting of the certain product.
- Assessment of conformance of products, the contract (additional agreement) for manufacturing, mounting of which was concluded upon enactment of the NP-104-18 (after 06.01.2019) and NP-105-18 (after 01.01.2019), shall be carried out considering the requirements mentioned in the aforesaid Federal Safety Regulations.
- Certification documents, issued in compliance with PNAE G-7-010-89 to the specialists involved in non-destructive and destructive inspection for the products manufactured prior to enactment of the NP-104-18 (before 06.01.2019) nad NP-105-18 (before 01.01.2019),or those in the process of manufacturing at the moment of the mentioned Federal Safety Regulation enactment, shall be considered as valid up to their expiry date, or up to the date of the next evaluation (confirmation) of specialists' competence.
- Certification documents, issued in accordance with the rules and methods (methodologies), envisaged in the NP-105-18, shall be valid both for the products manufactured prior to enactment of the NP-104-18 (before 06.01.2019) and NP-105-18 (before 01.01.2019), and for the products manufactured upon the enactment of the aforesaid Federal Safety Regulations.
Continuity of the regulatory documents according to the unified control methodologies is given as an attachment to the Decision.
- Application of the inspection methods specified in the documents, which are nor included into the summarised list of documents on standardization in the field of atomic energy use, can be possible after passing the conformance assessment procedure in the format of (certification) tests of non-destructive inspection systems.
- The report documentation for manufacturing (mounting) of products shall contain the Federal Safety Regulations, in accordance to which the manufacturing (mounting) activities were carried out.
- The review of the engineering documentation in the part related to metal inspection according to Article 5 of NP-105-18, shall be carried out in frames of conformance assessment in the format of technical documentation review.
- Applicability of NP-104-18 and NP-105-18 in the process of implementation of nuclear facility construction projects abroad, shall be subject to the provisions of the foreign contracts.
- The Decision for items 1 and 6 shall be valid for a one-year period since the date of enactment of the NP-104-18 and NP-105-18 (before 06.01.2020 and 01.01.2020, respectively).»
Decision No. 1-8/9-Pr of March 11, 2019.
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