New Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor


On May 27, 2019, new Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor came into effect to entrust the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the state service on issuance of permits to workers of nuclear facilities giving the right for implementation of works in the field of atomic energy use. New Regulations was approved by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 623 of December 19, 2018 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 15, 2019 under the No. 54629).

The Regulations stipulates dates and sequence of adminisstrative procedures (actions) for Rostechnadzor to provide the state service, the procedure for cooperation among the structural subdivisions of Rostechnadzor, their officials, as well as the procedure for Rostechnadzor interaction with the Applicants in the process of execution of the state service.

Applicants for the state service are the workers of nuclear facilities, the list of their job positions is approved by the Decree of the RF Government of March 3, 1997 No. 240 "About Approval of the List of Job Positions of Nuclear Facilities' Workers, who shall Obtain Permits of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia for the Right of Implementation of Works in the Field of Atomic Energy Use".

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