Methodological recommendations for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels during operation

16.07.2019 The documents cover recommendations on organization of and supervision of compliance with the requirements enumerated in the federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use and conditions of license validity during operation of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels, and on analysis of checks results related to nuclear and radiation safety of vessels on the basis of inspection and assessment of technical condition of systems which are important for safety, and their influence on nuclear and radiation safety.

Recommendations are aimed to be used by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service staff involved into supervision in the field of atomic energy use (supervision of compliance with license validity conditions in operation of vessels, analysis of regulatory activities results considering specific design features of vessels, their technical condition including operating life and degradation of systems and equipment which are important for safety, qualification of employees (specialized staff) involved into vessel operation, current level and state of nuclear and radiation safety.

Recommendations are aimed at providing:
  • unified approach to assessment of nuclear and radiation safety of vessels in operation;
  • credibility of assessment of nuclear and radiation safety of vessels in operation.
Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No 281 from July 16, 2019 also annuls RB-038-06 “Analysis of Checks Results in Respect to Nuclear and Radiation Safety Status of Power Installations of Ships and Vessels under Operation” which was approved by the Order No 9 from December 12, 2006 of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service.

Full text of the Methodological recommendations can be downloaded here.

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