Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” NIKIET 2019
The Conference of Young Specialists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” took place in JSC NIKIET within October 1 – 3, 2019. The major goal of the Conference was to upgrade the activity of young scientists and specialists in the scientific and engineering as well as in the production activity, the possibility to share good practices and to highlight the professional achievements. Specialists from more than 30 organizations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM as well as from the related industry organizations and leading technical universities of Russia took part in the Conference.
In frames of the conference the reports on the following topics were presented:
- New installations, equipment, structural materials, coolant know-how, application fields of nuclear power installations.
- Upgrading, optimization of operation modes, improving safety of nuclear power installations.
- Small-scale power generation (stationary, transportable, floating, transport, space nuclear power installations).
- New algorithms and computer codes for justification of designs and safe operation. Results of computed and experimental justifications of innovative projects.
- Primary equipment of a reactor installation. Development, testing, operation experience.
- 3D-modeling, additive technologies and consolidated information area. Verification of multidimensional and multiphysics codes. Digitalization.
The following specialists from SEC NRS (a technical and scientific support organization for Rostechnadzor) took part in the Conference:
- Boris Grigorievich Gordon, Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Managing Division, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, presented a report on the topic “Recommendations to Thesis Defense”;
- Iliya Alexeyevich Lyashko, Senior Researcher of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues Division, presented a report on the topic “Trends and Development Prospects for the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale”;
- Nikolay Borisovich Timofeyev, Researcher of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues Division, presented a report on the topic “Regulatory and Methodological Framework for Regulation of Radioactive Substances Discharges and Emissions into the Environment”;
- Roman Maximovich Polyakov, Junior Researcher of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues Division, presented a report on the topic “Safety Guide in Atomic Energy Use “Recommended Methods for Evaluation and Forecasting of Radiation Accident Consequences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities”;
- Anastasia Mikhailovna Polikarpova, Junior Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Development and Use of Models for Express Assessment of the State of VVER NPP Power Units”;
- German Romanovich Pipchenko, Junior Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Development of Models for Express Assessment of the State of RBMK NPP Power Units”;
- Gennadiy Eduardovich Arbayev, Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Use of ASTEC Computer Code for Evaluation of Severe Accident Consequences at VVER-1000 NPP Power Units”;
- Vitaliya Olegovna Kavun, Junior Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Modeling of a Test Problem Related to Compensation of Reactivity Introduced through Boric Acid Letdown to VVER-1000 Primary Coolant via Discrete Immersion of the CPS Control Rods”;
- Alisher Shakarmamadovich Kurbonmamadov, Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Software Complex for Express Assessment of Fission-Product Yield in Severe Accidents”;
- Viktor Vadimovich Semishin, Junior Researcher of the NPP Safety Division, presented a report on the topic “Development of a Model for Express Assessment of the State of BN-800 NPP Power Unit”.
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