Young Specialists Awards -– 2021

<p>The "Young Specialists Awards" is held to support professional growth of young specialists, to encourage their initiatives and creative efforts in the research and development (R&D). When summing-up the results, the scientific innovation and practical significance of work for safety regulation in the field of atomic energy use is evaluated.</p>

<p>7 speakers presented their reports in frames of the competition, and highlighted their findings in the R&D, performed under the supervision of scientific specialists or by themselves:</p>
<li>Emelianov A. S. (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Division) "Research of explosion hazard of the process of evaporation of nitric-acid solution containing mono-ethanolamine".
</li><li>Kavun V. O., Kurbonmamadov A. Sh. (NPP Safety Division) "Development of specifications for implementation of the test (benchmark) problem developed in the physics team in frames of WWER Forum for VVER-1000 reactor installation".
</li><li>Karyakin M. Yu. (Research and Transported Nuclear Facilities Safety Division) "Hydrodynamic evaluation of split-level effect in fresh nuclear fuel storage systems of VVER-1200/1300 reactors".
</li><li>Lebedinskiy V. I. (Strength Division) "Evaluation of impurity elements effect onto radiation embrittlement of VVER-440 reactor pressure vessels under high neutron fluences".
</li><li>Pipchenko G. R. (NPP Safety Division) "Development of the methodology of automated evaluation of the state of NPP unit with VVER-1000 reactor installation in conditions of emergency response on the basis of finite-state automaton".
</li><li>Senatorov S. N. (NPP Safety Division) "Development of Brest-OD-300 reactor core model with the evaluation of application for the reactivity effect analysis under normal operation and in case of accidents".
</li><li>Starov N. A. (Division for Justifying Calculations of Safety) "Computed modeling of emergency protection efficiency measurements in VVER-1200 reactor considering nuclear fuel burn-up".
<p>The paper of Mr. Alexandr Sergeyevich Emelianov (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety) became the winner of the competition. All the participants of the "Young Specialists Awards-2021" obtained diplomas and testimonials. SEC NRS leadership will consider the opportunity for the competition winners to take part in scientific arrangements in Russia and abroad.</p>

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»