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03.10.2017 RB-131-17, RB-132-17, RB-133-17 were put into effect
NPP valves, pressurized equipment and pipelines, and pupms.

29.09.2017 Notification on the Meeting Postponement
The meeting will be held on October 12-13, 2017 (instead of the previously scheduled dates: October 11-12, 2017).

27.09.2017 XVI All-Russian Scientific and Practice Conference “Emergencies Forecasting Problems”
The Conference is devoted to the issues of the state-of-the–art and improvement of the system of monitoring, laboratory control and forecasting of natural, human-induced, and biologically & socially induced emergencies; use of the data of satellite monitoring at forecasting and prevention of emergencies; as well as risk assessment for emergencies occurrence.

27.09.2017 57th Regular Meeting of the Expert Council on Software Certification under Rostechnadzor has been held devoted to Session No.1 “Neutronic Calculations”
Representatives from 18 nuclear-related scientific and technical organizations, the leading higher education establishments, as well as the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the Meeting.

26.09.2017 The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM Hosted the International Seminar “Women in Nuclear and Public”
Seminar is devoted to this very issue: the role, experience, abilities, and potential of women-specialists in public communications and popularization of the peaceful and safe use of nuclear and radiation technologies.

26.09.2017 Work program of “Interpolitex-2017” exhibition
The participants and visitors of the XXI International Exhibition of the State Security Means “Interpolitex-2017” will be proposed an extremely busy work program, which includes conferences, workshops, panel discussions and presentations. The work program activities will familiarize the participants with the state-of-the-art in the field of security and will provide a platform for discussion of its development trends.

25.09.2017 Notification about Meeting
The meeting on discussion of the Summary List of Comments that was prepared based on the comments and proposals, forwarded in response to the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Regulations for assessment of conformity of products subject to requirements related to safety assurance in the field of atomic energy use, as well as of the associated processes for such products design (including surveys), manufacture, construction, mounting, commissioning, operation, storage, transport, sales, recovery and disposal” will be held on October 11-12, 2017.

21.09.2017 SEC NRS attends the 61st Session of the IAEA General Conference
SEC NRS representatives as part of the Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chair, are attending the 61st Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference (September 18-22, 2017, Vienna, Austria).

20.09.2017 RB-129-17 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Safety Culture Development and Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants and NPP Operating Organizations.

19.09.2017 Annual Scientific and Technical Conference “Young Specialists Awards”
12 specialists of SEC NRS took part in the Conference and presented 10 scientific and research papers.

13.09.2017 XII International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” was open in Saint Petersburg
The Saint Petersburg branch of Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training ”Rosatom Technical Academy” hosts the XII International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies”. The main Forum’s topic for 2017 is Emergency Preparedness and Response.

13.09.2017 Amendments to the Article 3.4.4 of NP-024-2000

12.09.2017 Safety Guides RB-035-05, RB-050-09 and RB-058-10 have been repealed
RB-035-05, RB-050-09, RB-058-10 were repealed.

12.09.2017 SEC NRS Attends the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe in Slovenia
Rashet Sharafutdinov, SEC NRS Deputy Director, attended еру 26th International Conference “Nuclear Energy for New Europe” in Bled, Slovenia, September 11-14, 2017.

06.09.2017 Discussion of emergency preparedness and response at the 12th International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” in St. Petersburg
The 12th International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” will be held from 11 to 15 September in the St. Petersburg branch of ROSATOM CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION AND TRAINING (ROSATOM-CICE&T). The main Forum’s topic for 2017 is “Emergency Preparedness and Response”.

06.09.2017 NP-009-17 “Nuclear Safety Regulations for Research Reactors” is coming into effect
The Federal Safety Regulations (FSR) stipulates the requirements to the design, performance characteristics and operating conditions of systems and elements of research reactors, as well as organization requirements aimed at nuclear safety of research reactors.

04.09.2017 Notification on conduct of the Meeting

01.09.2017 RB-135-17. On August 30, 2017 the Safety Guide “Recommendations on the Methods and Instruments of Control over Radioactive Substances Releases into the Atmosphere” was put into effect
Recommendations on the Methods and Instruments of Control over Radioactive Substances Releases into the Atmosphere.

30.08.2017 Draft amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use
Criteria for Accepting Radioactive Waste for Disposal.

24.08.2017 RB-127-17 “Structure and Content of a Radiation Protection Program for Radioactive Wastes Transport”
On August 24, 2017 the Safety Guide RB-127-17 “Structure and Content of a Radiation Protection Program for Radioactive Wastes Transport” was put into effect.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»