Информационная система RISSEC NRS has developed information system (IS) RIS-M, which is available on CD. Information System is being updated in the correspondence with “The List of Basic Regulatory Legal Acts and Regulatory Documents Referred to the Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service” (P-01-01-2013, Section II. “State Regulation of Safety in the Use of Atomic Energy”). Information system enables to search by context through all documents and to use “The Regulatory Pyramid” where the documents are subdivided into five levels:
2 Level. Regulatory Legal Acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation 3 Level. Federal Regulations and Rules in the Field of Use of Atomic Energy 4 Level. Regulatory documents from authorities for state regulation of safety 5 Level. Regulatory documents from authorities which manage the use of atomic energy, standards, construction norms and regulations.
Information system covers 500 documents in HTML, DOC, PDF formats. Information system provides an opportunity to print and copy a random document fragment. The items of Information System is being updated quarterly and expanded with new regulatory documents. Information System file is about 400 МB. It runs directly from CD with no preliminary installation on the computer. Please note, that the documents in hard copies only and published in the periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” are considered to be as the official documents of Rostechnadzor. The electronic documents are for reference. For more information concerned with the Information System RIS-M purchasing, please contact us by phone +7 499-264-08-48, through our online shop or by e-mail: mistryugov@secnrs.ru, balalaechnikov@secnrs.ru. RIS-M Screenshots
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |