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Additional to the provisions of “Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources”, SEC NRS has developed new revision of the federal regulations and rules “General Safety Provisions for Radioactive Sources”( NP-038-11). The requirement on obligatory categorization of radioactive sources due to their potential hazard is introduced into this document; such requirement allows the regulatory authority to:
Detailed description of methodology on radioactive sources categorization is provided by Safety Guideline “Recommendations to the Sealed Radionuclide Sources Categorization According to Potential Radiation Hazard” (RB-042-07). The mentioned Safety Guide covers methodology on the sealed radioactive sources categorization acceptable for Rostechnadzor with intent to provide the graded approach to their safety and physical protection. Categorization is based on clear and logically ordered methodology prepared by the IAEA for assignment of radioactive sources applied in various practices, such as research, medicine, industry, construction, education, etc., to one of five categories by considering their potential hazard and radioactive sources ranking to one of four groups in terms of their security (physical protection) provision in the course of particular operations carrying out. Categorizing system provides for comprehensive and internationally harmonized basis for decision-making on the grounds of acceptable risk due to graded approach and it facilitates the classification into categories of radioactive sources and practices in which they are used; this approach is being based on logical and transparent methodology. Categorization is relevant to the sealed radioactive sources, nevertheless, this methodology can be applied to categorization of the open radioactive sources as well. Safety Guide (RB-042-07) is meant for individuals and organizations which performs activities in the field of use of atomic energy involving the sealed radioactive sources, carrying out works and rendering services, as well as for officials and specialists from the state authorities on safety regulation in the use of atomic energy in the part related to regulation of safety and security of the sealed radioactive sources and physical protection of the relevant facilities, including the following basic directions:
![]() CD with training and methodological manual “Categorization of Radioactive Sources in Terms of Potential Radiation Hazard” is also developed in SEC NRS. This training manual is aimed at presentation of scientific and methodological support to Interregional Territorial Departments for Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety (ITD NRS) of Rostechnadzor at regulation of activities in the sphere of radioactive sources application. This manual is considered as an electronic directory, which contains the following libraries (databases):
This electronic directory includes software modules, which allow to determine both the category due to its potential hazard and the resultant category of the radionuclide sources combination and to convert units of dosimetry quantities. CD with training and methodological manual consists of the following:
The electronic training and methodological manual (database) is developed in Access 2007 and is run on computers managed by Access 2007 runtime; it allows to use the embedded means on database control. The electronic training and methodological manual can be useful to the inspectors staff of Rostechnadzor and organizations, which are operating radioactive sources within their activity , in licensing and in practical activity of the industry specialists for evaluation of radiological protection status of personnel, population and environment. It is possible to purchase these products through the online store or in the editorial office. Address: 107140, Moscow, Malaya Krasnoselskaya str., 2/8, build 5, “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (SEC NRS), International Cooperation Division. It is possible to provide your order by fax: +7 (499) 264 0848 or by e-mail:
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |