SEC NRS activity on preparation to the IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Follow-up mission to the Russian Federation hosted on November 2013 and development of Draft plan on fulfillment of suggestions and recommendations obtained as a result of IAEA IRRS Follow-up mission (Action plan of Rostechnadzor).
Results of R&D within Federal Target Program “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for the Year 2008 and up to 2015” for the final stage of work for 2013.
Concerning the state and plan of development of federal regulations and safety guides. Reporter – A. Belousov.
Results of thesis works made by S. Khizhniak.
Overview of results “Drafting of regulatory document to establish the procedure of development and maintenance of State register on sealed radioactive sources”.
Overview of works performed within the framework of State contracts on FTP “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for the Year 2008 and up to 2015”, Stage 2.
15.12.2011Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity”
Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity” on the subject of "Reactivity definition and its use in the frames of safety analysis” will be held on December 21, 2011 in the Conference-hall of SEC NRS.
28.07.2011Workshop “Urgent problems of nuclear and radiation safety regulation”
Since 2008 SEC NRS organizes discussion of the urgent scientific &practical problems concerned with safety regulation of nuclear facilities in the course of monthly workshops, open-ended for all interested specialists and scientists of atomic industry. In the course of workshop all participants can get acquainted with regulatory documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, buy or order them.
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