
26.03.2014 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
On March 24, 2014 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the following issues:

  • On application of the risk-oriented approaches for nuclear facilities safety regulation.
  • Summary of SEC NRS staff scientific ratings for the year 2013.

17.03.2014 Проведено плановое заседание Научно-технического совета ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ»
On February 13, 2014 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the issue:

  • SEC NRS activity on preparation to the IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Follow-up mission to the Russian Federation hosted on November 2013 and development of Draft plan on fulfillment of suggestions and recommendations obtained as a result of IAEA IRRS Follow-up mission (Action plan of Rostechnadzor).

06.11.2013 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
On November 6, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the issue:

  • Results of R&D within Federal Target Program “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for the Year 2008 and up to 2015” for the final stage of work for 2013.

17.10.2013 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
On October 17, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the following issues:

  • Concerning the state and plan of development of federal regulations and safety guides. Reporter – A. Belousov.
  • Results of thesis works made by S. Khizhniak.
  • Overview of results “Drafting of regulatory document to establish the procedure of development and maintenance of State register on sealed radioactive sources”.

09.09.2013 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
On September 09, 2013 meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the issue:

  • Overview of works performed within the framework of State contracts on FTP “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for the Year 2008 and up to 2015”, Stage 2.

23.07.2013 Meeting to discuss draft amendments to regulatory documents

  • “Collection, Treatment, Storage and Conditioning of Liquid Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements” NP-019-2000;
  • “Collection, Treatment, Storage and Conditioning of Solid Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements” NP-020-2000;
  • “Gaseous Radioactive Waste Management. Safety Requirements” NP-021-2000;
  • “Safety Rules at Management of Radioactive Waste of Nuclear Power Plants” NP-002-04.

12.07.2013 Meeting to discuss the draft regulatory document "General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants"
Meeting to discuss the draft regulatory document "General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants" scheduled for August 21-22, 2013 at 10 a.m. (SEC NRS Conference hall. Address: Moscow, Malaya Krasnoselskaya st., 2/8, build. 5).

25.06.2013 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
On June 20, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the following issues:

  • Results of R&D performed by SEC NRS for the Ist half of the year 2013.
  • Definition of R&D topics for SEC NRS within State Assignment for the year 2014.
  • Definition of R&D topics within the framework of Federal Target Program “Provision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety” for the year 2014.

23.05.2013 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
The following issues were considered:

  • Review and certification of software within Rostechnadzor: its status, problematic and debating aspects.
  • Methodological basis for assessment of the current state of nuclear facilties safety.

16.04.2013 Session to discuss the final revision of draft amendments to federal regulations “Rules of Physical Protection of Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities and Radioactive Materials”
Session for discussion of the final revision of draft amendments to federal regulations “Rules of Physical Protection of Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities and Radioactive Materials” (NP-034-ХХ) will be organized in the Conference hall of SEC NRS on June 06, 2013 at 10 a.m.

Address: 2/8, bld. 5, Malaya Krasnoselskaya str., 107140, Moscow, Russia. Tel: (499) 753-05-46.

07.02.2013 “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities”
Discussion will be organized in SEC NRS on March 05, 2013 (session will start at 10 a.m. in room No.318).

16.01.2013 The session of Section No.3 of Scientific and Technical Council of Rostechnadzor
The Section No.3 session of Scientific and Technical Council of Rostechnadzor is planned to be held on February 05, 2013 in the Conference-hall of SEC NRS.

23.10.2012 Meeting on supervision over nuclear and radiation safety at fuel cycles facilities
Meeting on issue of supervision over NRS at nuclear fuel cycles facilities for the expired period will be held.

15.12.2011 Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity”
Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity” on the subject of "Reactivity definition and its use in the frames of safety analysis” will be held on December 21, 2011 in the Conference-hall of SEC NRS.

28.07.2011 Workshop “Urgent problems of nuclear and radiation safety regulation”
Since 2008 SEC NRS organizes discussion of the urgent scientific &practical problems concerned with safety regulation of nuclear facilities in the course of monthly workshops, open-ended for all interested specialists and scientists of atomic industry. In the course of workshop all participants can get acquainted with regulatory documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, buy or order them.

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