Decision of SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council of 06.09.2018
- Analysis of safety aspects for operation of V-9 reservoir at FSUE “Production Association “Mayak” in the regime of liquid radioactive waste discharge for burying.
- On the results of implementation of the second stage of R&D “Development of Safety Guides Containing Recommendations on Software Development and Conduct of Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey for Nuclear Facilities”.
In respect to the first issue STC decided
- To take notice of the information presented in the report of Mr. Andrey Kirkin, Head of Laboratory of NRS Assessment and Forecasting Division.
- To approve the results of actions performed in frames of R&D “Analysis of safety aspects for operation of V-9 reservoir at FSUE “Production Association “Mayak” in the regime of liquid radioactive waste discharge for burying”.
- To recognize that the results of the researches performed, presented in R&D Implementation Report, comply with the requirements of the Terms of References for R&D.
In respect to the second issue STC decided
- To take notice of the information presented in the report.
- To approve the results of actions performed at the second stage of R&D “Development of Safety Guides Containing Recommendations on Software Development and Conduct of Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey for Nuclear Facilities” in support of the activity “Development and Practical Application of New High Performance Technologies in the Process of Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities”.
- To recognize, that the results of the researches performed, submitted in R&D Implementation Report, comply with the requirements of the Terms of References for R&D.
STC Chairman A. A. Khamaza, STC Deputy Chairman R. B. Sharafutdinov.
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