

Meeting of Session No. 3 “Safety of Nuclear Facilities” of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia of 26.11.2018


  • Results of R&D carried out by SEC NRS for the year 2018 in the context of the State Orders in line with the actions of the Federal Target Program “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016-2020 and until 2030”.

STC Session No. 3 decided

  1. To approve the submitted results of R&D carried out by SEC NRS for the year 2018 in line with the State Orders of 16.08.2018 No. 3-GK/2018, of 04.09.2018 Nos. 4-GK/2018, 5-GK/2018 in frames of the Federal Target Program on Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
  2. The actions fulfilled are aimed at scientific and technical support to the regulatory activity of Rostechnadzor.
  3. The scope of actions and deadlines correspond to the requirements established in the Terms of References.
  4. The results of the actions shall be applied in compliance with the Implementation Plans.
  5. Developments on behalf of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor require further support, including evolution based on the results of exercises and drills.

Rostechnadzor Chairman of STC Session No. 3: A. V. Ferapontov, Rostechnadzor Scientific Secretary of STC Session No. 3: V. A. Gremyachkin.

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Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»