Background InformationOn February 23, 1987 the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 228 “About Measures on Effectiveness Improvement and Supervision Activities Enhancement for Safety in Nuclear Energy”. The State Committee of the URRS on Safe Implementation of Activities in Nuclear Energy (Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR) was established by this Resolution. In pursuance of the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 228 dated of February 23, 1987, Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR issued Order No. 58 “About Establishment of Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Nuclear Energy” (dated of May 12, 1987). By the Order of Rostechnadzor No.1021 “On Approval of the List of the Federal Budgetary Enterprises under the Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service and on its Submission to Russian Federal Treasury” (dated of October 28, 2010), the federal budgetary enterprise “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” was included into the list of federal budgetary organizations subordinating to Rostechnadzor. By the Decision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service from June 10, 2013, “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (SEC NRS) was assigned to organization of scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor. Enterprise was established aiming to collect and apply new scientific knowledge for scientific and technical support of nuclear and radiation safety regulation, including analysis and substantiation of criteria and requirements for nuclear and radiation safety at nuclear energy use for peaceful and military purposes. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |
News 28 march, Friday |
Articles |
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS of 13.06.2019 19 june, 2019 12:17 Agenda
03 june, 2019 08:48 Agenda: Shaping of action topics in frames of the State Order for SEC NRS for 2020-2022. |