Background InformationOn February 23, 1987 the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 228 “About Measures on Effectiveness Improvement and Supervision Activities Enhancement for Safety in Nuclear Energy”. The State Committee of the URRS on Safe Implementation of Activities in Nuclear Energy (Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR) was established by this Resolution. In pursuance of the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 228 dated of February 23, 1987, Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR issued Order No. 58 “About Establishment of Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Nuclear Energy” (dated of May 12, 1987). By the Order of Rostechnadzor No.1021 “On Approval of the List of the Federal Budgetary Enterprises under the Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service and on its Submission to Russian Federal Treasury” (dated of October 28, 2010), the federal budgetary enterprise “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” was included into the list of federal budgetary organizations subordinating to Rostechnadzor. By the Decision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service from June 10, 2013, “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (SEC NRS) was assigned to organization of scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor. Enterprise was established aiming to collect and apply new scientific knowledge for scientific and technical support of nuclear and radiation safety regulation, including analysis and substantiation of criteria and requirements for nuclear and radiation safety at nuclear energy use for peaceful and military purposes. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |
News 31 march, Monday |
Articles |
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS of 13.06.2019 19 june, 2019 12:17 Agenda
03 june, 2019 08:48 Agenda: Shaping of action topics in frames of the State Order for SEC NRS for 2020-2022.05 december, 2018 12:58 Agenda: results of R&D carried out by SEC NRS for the year 2018 in the context of the State Orders in line with the actions of the Federal Target Program “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016-2020 and until 2030”.
Decision of SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council of 25.10.2018 06 november, 2018 16:45 Agenda
Decision of SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council of 06.09.2018 12 september, 2018 13:20 Agenda
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 18 may, 2018 13:02 At the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council the following reports of SEC NRS young specialists were presented and discussed.
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 25 september, 2017 12:49 The following reports of the young specialists of SEC NRS have been presented and discussed at the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) of SEC NRS.
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 27 july, 2017 11:15 On the results achieved on the fourth stage of the research and development works (R&D) “Scientific and methodological assistance to implementation of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” for preparation to and carrying out of decommissioning of nuclear legacy facilities and on special radioactive waste management” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “Preparation and practical application of new and highly effective technologies in the course of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities decommissioning”.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held 25 august, 2016 15:00 The issues considered:1. On the results achieved on the first stage of research and development work “Scientific and methodological assistance to implementation of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” for preparation to and carrying out of decommissioning of nuclear legacy facilities and on management with special radioactive waste” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “Preparation and practical application in the course of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities decommissioning of new and highly effective technologies”. 2. On the results achieved of the second stage of research and development work «Analysis of national regulatory framework and the IAEA documents, development of proposals to improve requirements from regulatory documentation elaborated for conversion of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities into safe condition with further total disposal; creation of infrastructure for processing, storage and disposal of radioactive waste” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “Creation and development of technologies for processing and conditioning of radioactive waste”.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held 17 february, 2016 12:00 The issues considered:1. Regulatory provision of safety of engineering structures in respect to buildings and building structures of nuclear facilities. 2. Individual plan of postgraduate student Alexander Vasilishin.
Решение Научно-технического совета ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» 05 november, 2015 09:00 Повестка:1. Расчетное моделирование ввода большой реактивности в реакторах ВВЭР (по материалам кандидатской диссертации С.А. Шевченко). 2. Обеспечение ядерной и радиационной безопасности судов и других плавсредств с ядерными реакторами и радиационными источниками. 3. Выдвижение А.В. Курындина на соискание премии Правительства Москвы молодым ученым. 4. О результатах НИОКР по теме «Выполнение исследований в обоснование взрывопожаробезопасности технологических процессов опытно-демонстрационного центра на ФГУП ФЯО «ГХК»» (ТЗ ФГУПФЯО «ГХК» по договору от 19 августа 2015г. № ДНП 4-1141/2015).
Решение Научно-технического совета ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» от 27.08.2015 г. 27 august, 2015 12:00 Повестка:1. О результатах работ по экспертно-аналитической поддержке проведения первичной регистрации радиоактивных отходов и инвентаризации ядерно- и радиационно- опасных объектов.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 15 june, 2015 11:10 The issues considered:12 may, 2015 07:47 On May 12, 2015 the Conference hall of SEC NRS hosted the seminar given by Professor S.L. Soloviev (OJSC VNIIAES) on topic: “Remaining Challenges. Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants”.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held 19 march, 2015 10:00 The issues considered:1. Outcomes of revision “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants”.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held 27 february, 2015 12:00 The issues considered:1. Results of review of background assessment for robustness of the nuclear research installations against extreme external impacts (‘stress-tests’). 2. Consideration of response to dissertation prepared by А.А.Kiselev “Software complex for justifying calculations of radiological safety of public in beyond-design-basis accidents at nuclear facilities”.
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held 29 january, 2015 16:24 The issues considered:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 26 december, 2014 09:51 The issues considered:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 11 december, 2014 10:08 The issues considered:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 20 may, 2014 14:10 On May 20, 2014 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the following issues:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 26 march, 2014 13:21 On March 24, 2014 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the following issues:
Проведено плановое заседание Научно-технического совета ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» 17 march, 2014 10:05 On February 13, 2014 Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the issue:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 06 november, 2013 20:57 On November 6, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the issue:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 17 october, 2013 20:55 On October 17, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was held to consider the following issues:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 09 september, 2013 20:51 On September 09, 2013 meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the issue:
Meeting to discuss draft amendments to regulatory documents 23 july, 2013 12:37 12 july, 2013 11:46 Meeting to discuss the draft regulatory document "General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants" scheduled for August 21-22, 2013 at 10 a.m. (SEC NRS Conference hall. Address: Moscow, Malaya Krasnoselskaya st., 2/8, build. 5).
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 25 june, 2013 13:21 On June 20, 2013 scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was organized to consider the following issues:
Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS 23 may, 2013 18:34 The following issues were considered:16 april, 2013 17:29 Session for discussion of the final revision of draft amendments to federal regulations “Rules of Physical Protection of Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities and Radioactive Materials” (NP-034-ХХ) will be organized in the Conference hall of SEC NRS on June 06, 2013 at 10 a.m.Address: 2/8, bld. 5, Malaya Krasnoselskaya str., 107140, Moscow, Russia. Tel: (499) 753-05-46.
“Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities” 07 february, 2013 17:26 Discussion will be organized in SEC NRS on March 05, 2013 (session will start at 10 a.m. in room No.318).
The session of Section No.3 of Scientific and Technical Council of Rostechnadzor 16 january, 2013 09:11 The Section No.3 session of Scientific and Technical Council of Rostechnadzor is planned to be held on February 05, 2013 in the Conference-hall of SEC NRS.
Meeting on supervision over nuclear and radiation safety at fuel cycles facilities 23 october, 2012 22:12 Meeting on issue of supervision over NRS at nuclear fuel cycles facilities for the expired period will be held.
Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity” 15 december, 2011 07:32 Workshop “Scientific and technical problems of safety and regulatory activity” on the subject of "Reactivity definition and its use in the frames of safety analysis” will be held on December 21, 2011 in the Conference-hall of SEC NRS.
Workshop “Urgent problems of nuclear and radiation safety regulation” 28 july, 2011 11:17 Since 2008 SEC NRS organizes discussion of the urgent scientific &practical problems concerned with safety regulation of nuclear facilities in the course of monthly workshops, open-ended for all interested specialists and scientists of atomic industry. In the course of workshop all participants can get acquainted with regulatory documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, buy or order them. |