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01.05.2017 SEC NRS Director Attended WENRA Plenary Meeting
SEC NRS Director Alexander Khamaza as a member of Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov took part in the plenary meeting of Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) held on April 25 to 27, 2017, in Bern, Switzerland.

24.04.2017 The 169th “Nuclear reactor physics” seminar took place
On April 14, 2017 National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» hosted the 169-th “Nuclear reactor physics” seminar of the Kurchatov nuclear and technological complex “Kurchatov Institute”. Mr. Dmitry Yashnikov, the Head of laboratory on accuracy assessment of Codes Assessment Division of SEC NRS, made presentation on topic “Assessment of calculations accuracy performed in the course of  nuclear facilities safety demonstration”.

14.04.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Requirements to the Structure and Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities.

14.04.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Requirements to the Structure and Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities.

12.04.2017 SEC NRS Took Part in 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety
SEC NRS representatives as part the Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov took part in the 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety in March 27 – April 7, 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

11.04.2017 The VIIIth Nevsky International Ecological Congress
The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS), The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation  are  co-organizing  the VIIIth Nevsky International Ecological Congress  on topical issue “Environmental Education – A Clean Country” ; it will took place in the Tavrichesky Palace, St. Petersburg. The Congress will address the issues of environmentally responsible behavior, “green economy” development, sustainable practices of production and consumption, and healthy lifestyles.

10.04.2017 83rd issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

10.04.2017 The first internet-conference “Information openness of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (FTP NRS-2) launches on April 13, 2017
In the period from April 13 to 28  the internet-conference  “Informational openness  of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016-2020 and until 2030” and public outreach principles” will take place on <a href="http://фцп-ярб2030.рф/">фцп-ярб2030.рф</a> internet-portal. Such event is held for the first time. Within  this event frames, everybody will have an opportunity to question the nuclear industry experts  and to take part in questionnaire.

04.04.2017 The IAEA Headquarters in Vienna hosts the 7th Meeting of the Contracting Parties in Frames of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (to Review National Reports)

02.03.2017 Notification on the meeting

01.03.2017 Electronic version of publications timed to the 25-th anniversary of the computer codes certification is available
Electronic version of publications dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of computer codes certification used in nuclear facilities safety demonstration is available.  These publications summed up the outcomes from 25 years of work of Rostechnadzor Council for computer codes certification; issues related to computer codes verification are discussed. These publications also include studies dedicated to formation of computer codes certification system.

21.02.2017 Scientific and Technical Council meeting was held in Rostechnadzor
Meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service took place on February 21, 2017. Alexander Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, made presentation  on topic “The concept of using the risk-informed approach to control and supervision  activity in the field of atomic energy use following the provisions of draft Federal law “On Government Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation”.

13.02.2017 Уведомление о проведении совещания
Совещание по обсуждению сводки отзывов, составленной по замечаниям и предложениям, поступившим на проект федеральных норм и правил в области использования атомной энергии «Правила ядерной безопасности исследовательских реакторов».

09.02.2017 SEC NRS hosted the meeting with IRSN
In the course of the visit to Moscow the IRSN delegation headed by Director General Jean-Christoph Niel visited Rostechnadzor and its Technical Emergency Center.

25.01.2017 Notification on the meeting

11.01.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
General Safety Provisions for Transport and Transportable Nuclear Installations.

11.01.2017 Draft federal safety regulations in the field of atomic energy use “General Safety Provisions for Transport and Transportable Nuclear Installations”
The starting date for accepting conclusions based on this draft document consideration  is January 12, 2017.

Final date for conclusions accepting is February 12, 2017.

30.12.2016 82nd issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

11.11.2016 SEC NRS delegation participated in EUROSAFE Forum and ETSON Board and General Assembly Meetings in Munich
SEC NRS delegation headed by Director A. Khamaza participated in the annual EUROSAFE Forum held on November 7-8 in Munich (Germany).

09.11.2016 A summary of comments was prepared in response to the published Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
NP-012-ХХ “Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NPP Power Unit”.

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Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»