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05.02.2015 Working meeting regarding the fire and explosion safety ensuring at nuclear fuel cycle facilities (NFCF) was held in SEC NRS
On February 4, 2015 SEC NRS hosted Working meeting attended by the representatives  from “A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS” (IPCE RAS), Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS specialists. This Meeting was dedicated to the discussion of fire and explosion safety issues  in respect of the technological processes of fuel cycle facilities  and future perspectives for cooperation in this sphere.

23.12.2014 Approval of the Rostechnadzor Action Plan on implementation of the IAEA recommendations and proposals
Integrated Regulatory Review Service for the Russian Federation.

22.12.2014 NEA/OECD Headquarters hosted the meetings of VVER Working Group under the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP)
The 3rd working meeting of the VVER Working Group under the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme and the 1st working meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Fukushima Lessons Learned were held in NEA/OECD Headquarters in Paris in the period of December 16 – 18, 2014. SEC NRS specialists took part in the aforesaid meetings.

19.12.2014 Rostechnadzor held a meeting of the Public Council
On December 18, 2014 the meeting of the Public Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) took place.

15.12.2014 Вышел в свет Отчет об основной деятельности ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ" за 2013 год
Отчет содержит результаты прикладных научно-исследовательских работ, направленных на научно-техническое обеспечение деятельности Федеральной службы по экологическому, технологическому и томному надзору, в том числе в области регулирования ядерной и радиационной безопасности, физической защиты объектов использования атомной энергии, учета и контроля ядерных материалов и радиоактивных веществ, обеспечения безопасности на объектах использования атомной энергии.

12.12.2014 SEC NRS hosted the 1st meeting of the MDEP VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents
The 1st meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents was hosted by SEC NRS on December 11, 2014 in frames of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP).

12.12.2014 Provision on Quality Management System of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the Field of State Regulation of Safety at Atomic Energy Use
“Provision on Quality Management System of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the Field of State Regulation of Safety at Atomic Energy Use” was enacted by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No.557 dated of December 11, 2014.

11.12.2014 International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Missions" has been completed
The International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Missions" organized jointly by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the IAEA concluded its work on December 11, 2014 with a final press-conference.

11.12.2014 Series of Lectures for Specialists in the Field of Nuclear Energy Use has been issued
The “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” - the scientific and technical support organization for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, has issued the series of lectures for specialists in the field of nuclear energy use.

10.12.2014 SEC NRS specialists are taking part in the International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Missions"
The International Workshop “Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Missions” organized jointly by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the IAEA commenced its work on December 9, 2014.

08.12.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 56th meeting of the Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) NEA/OECD
The 56th meeting of the Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) was held in December 3 – 4, 2014 in Paris (France).            A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in this meeting.

04.12.2014 IAEA Regulatory Cooperation Forum Safety Culture Mission to Belarus on safety culture in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy, where delegation of Rostechnadzor took part in, was completed
The IAEA Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) mission to Belarus on safety culture in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy took place on December 2 and 3, 2014, in Minsk. The team of international high level experts was headed by Denis Flory, IAEA Deputy Director General.

01.12.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus in the Republic of Korea
The 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on November 26, 2014 to address issues of safety enhancement at peaceful use of nuclear energy.

28.11.2014 Alexey Ferapontov takes part in the 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus in the Republic of Korea
The 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on November 26, 2014, to address issues of safety enhancement in the peaceful use of atomic energy.

Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, took part in the 2nd TRM Plus meeting.

25.11.2014 74th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out
74th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out.

12.11.2014 SEC NRS employees raised money to help orphaned children
Employees of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) continue participation in the charity event to help orphaned children in frames of the Project “Children in Need”.

10.11.2014 Alexey Ferapontov was included into the Commission of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) was included into the Commission of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The relevant Decree was signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev.

07.11.2014 SEC NRS took part in the 36th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards held in Vienna
The 36th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) was held in November 3 – 5, 2014 in Austria, Vienna. R. Charafoutdinov, Deputy Director of SEC NRS, was included into Rostechnadzor’s delegation headed by A. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor.

30.10.2014 The IAEA TSO International Conference concluded
The IAEA International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security participated by Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS representatives concluded in Beijing.

29.10.2014 The 3rd day of TSO International Conference
The third day of the IAEA International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security participated by Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS representatives concluded in Beijing.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»