Новости - en

18.07.2014 Delegation of the French Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority (ASN) visited Rostechnadzor
The delegation of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) headed by its Director General Jean-Christophe Niel visited the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) within the period of July 15 - 16, 2014, to take part in joint events under the programme of bilateral cooperation.

17.07.2014 Planned emergency response exercise at the Kola NPP
On July 15, the planned emergency response exercise took place at the Kola NPP, in the process of which the personnel trained in real-time mode their practical skills, as well as preparedness for response and interaction in conditions of a simulated beyond-design basis accident.

14.07.2014 SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the ETSON General Assembly Meeting held on July 9–10, 2014 in Cadarache (France)
The General Assembly Meeting of the European Technical Support Organizations Network (ETSON) was held on July 9–10, 2014 in Cadarache (France). The SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the Meeting.

03.07.2014 Meeting with delegation of Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) was held in SEC NRS
On July 02, 2014 within the frames of the official visit to Moscow of Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) delegation headed by Vice-president of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) and Head of INRA Mr. Naser Rastkhah, the meeting with the management and leading experts of technical and scientific support organization of Rostechnadzor took place in SEC NRS premises.

30.06.2014 Roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” in Obninsk
In frames of events devoted to the 60th anniversary of the nuclear power industry and startup of the Obninsk NPP, as well as to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Nuclear Society (RNS) and to the 25th anniversary of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), a roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” was held by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the active participation of SEC NRS in Obninsk on June 25, 2014. The discussions were devoted to the status and actual problems of nuclear and radiation safety provision and regulation in nuclear power industry.

26.06.2014 Meeting with delegation from Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) took place in SEC NRS
On June 25, 2014 the meeting with IRSN delegation headed by Mrs. Sylvie SUPERVIL, Director of Emergency Response, took place in SEC NRS premises

25.06.2014 72nd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical
The 72nd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out.

24.06.2014 Rostechnadzor delegation took part in 21st Annual WWER Forum Meeting
The 21st annual meeting of the Forum of the State Nuclear Authorities of the Countries Operating WWER Type Reactors (WWER Forum) took place on June 16 to 18, 2014, in Helsinki, Finland. The Rostechnadzor delegation headed by State Secretary - Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov attended the meeting

11.06.2014 SEC NRS specialists took part in the specialized exhibition organized in the framework of ATOMEXPO-2014 International Forum
A specialized exhibition of the leading Russian and foreign nuclear enterprises and the related industries was held in Moscow (Gostiny Dvor) in June 9–11, 2014 in the framework of the VI ATOMEXPO-2014 International Forum

09.06.2014 On June 9, 2014 the SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the round table “International Nuclear Law: Problem Issues of Formation of the Legal Bases of Nuclear Power Industry Development in XXI Century”

07.06.2014 Plenary session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 85)
The XIX plenary session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 85) was held in the International Trade Centre in June 2 – 6, 2014. The organizers of the plenary session were the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor), the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), Rosatom State Corporation

06.06.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 55th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the NEA/OECD
The 55th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the Nuclear Energy Agency within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development  (NEA/OECD) was held within the period June 4 – 5, 2014 in Paris (France). A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in this Meeting

30.05.2014 SEC NRS summed up the results of the annual competition of young specialists in scientific research papers
On May 27, 2014 the results of the annual competition of SEC NRS young specialists in scientific research papers were summed up at the Scientific and Technical Conference “Young Specialists Awards – 2014”.

23.05.2014 Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в выставочных мероприятиях
с 21 по 23 мая 2014 года - Девятая международная научно-техническая конференция «Безопасность, эффективность и экономика атомной энергетики»
С 20 по 22 мая 2014 года - 10-ый Юбилейный Московский международный инновационный форум и выставка «Точные измерения - основа качества и безопасности»
С 20 по 23 мая 2014 года - Международный салон «Комплексная безопасность-2014»

16.05.2014 Rostechnadzor received the official report of the IAEA on the results of the IAEA integrated regulatory review service follow-up mission held in Russia in November 2013
In early May 2014, Mr. Denis Flory, the IAEA Deputy Director General, forwarded to the address of Rostechnadzor the IAEA final report on the results of the integrated regulatory review service (IRRS) follow-up mission that was held in Moscow (the Russian Federation) in November 11-19, 2013. The final report comprises the conclusions of experts participating in the review and represents an official document which is submitted by the IAEA to the Government of the Russian Federation.

12.05.2014 SEC NRS accreditation as an expert organization
SEC NRS has been accredited as an expert organization to be involved into supervision activities in compliance with the spheres of state regulation (supervision) in the field of use of atomic energy (Accreditation Certificate No. РОСС RU.0001.410200 dd. April 14, 2014).

21.04.2014 Rostechnadzor has been authorized to render assistance in development of national regulatory systems of the countries, which are planning to build nuclear facilities based on the Russian designs
The Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service has been authorized to render assistance on development of national regulatory systems of the countries, which are planning to build nuclear facilities based on the Russian designs

18.04.2014 Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor has certified 9 software tools
On April 17, 2014 the scheduled 63-rd meeting of the Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor took place in SEC NRS. The Council considered the results of the review of 9 software tools and came to a positive decision to approve the certificates thereof.

17.04.2014 SEC NRS representatives participated ETSON research project training
In April 3 – 4, 2014 SEC NRS delegation participated ETSON research project training organized by IRSN.

27.03.2014 SEC NRS delegation participated the in the 3rd Programme Commitee Meeting of the International Conference on Technical and Scientific Support Organizations
During March 26-27, 2014 in Vienna (Austria) SEC NRS delegation headed by the Director A. Khamaza participated the in the 3rd Programme Commitee Meeting of the International Conference on Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSO), that will be held in October 2014 in Beijing (China)  under the auspices of IAEA and the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the TSO Forum (TSOF).

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Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»