Новости - en

16.09.2013 Rostechnadzor and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan (NISA) have signed the Memorandum of Cooperation

16.09.2013 Rostechnadzor and the Nuclear Safety Authority of France (ASN) agreed for further strengthening of cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety

12.09.2013 Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes certified 6 computer codes
On September 12, 2013 SEC NRS held a scheduled 61st meeting of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes.

13.08.2013 SEC NRS representatives participated in the preparatory follow-up IAEA IRRS mission meeting, held on August 12-13, 2013 in Rostechnadzor
In the framework of the preparatory meeting representatives of the IAEA indicated in detailed manner the procedure of follow-up mission to be held in November 2013, the Rostechnadzor regulatory technical and policy issues subjected to review in the scope of the follow-up mission including those to address significant change in regulatory activities since the 2009 mission as well as organizational matters.

30.07.2013 Draft regulatory document

30.07.2013 Draft regulatory document

30.07.2013 The meeting with GRS experts took place in SEC NRS
On July 23,  2013 the working meeting between GRS and SEC NRS experts took place in Russian TSO’s premises within the framework of the BMWi delegation visit to Moscow to participate at the 7th Joint Coordination Meeting with Rosatom expert team on further development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of reactor safety and RAW R&D.

29.07.2013 Rostechnadzor summarized the results of the legislation activity for the first half-year
In the first half-year period of 2013 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) continued improvement of the legal and regulatory framework.

23.07.2013 3 questions to Alexander Khamaza on common procedures to exchange information
As the Director of SEC NRS, the Russian TSO, Alexander Khamaza provides the perspective of an ETSON associate member on the new challenges of nuclear safety and the mutual benefit a membership in ETSON can provide in taking them up.

22.07.2013 Draft regulatory document
Обеспечение безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации объектов использования атомной энергии. Общие положения. (НП-ХХХ-ХХ).

21.07.2013 SEC NRS representatives as members of Rostechnadzor delegation participated at the Technical meeting on state management of radiation and nuclear safety in Vietnam and the 1st Nuclear Regulatory Conference
that took place in Hai Phong, Vietnam, in July 18-19, 2013

09.07.2013 Rostechnadzor delegation visited FSUE “Mining and Chemical Combine” (the Krasnoyarsk Territory)
The delegation of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) headed by Valeriy Bezzubtsev, Deputy Chairman, in the period from July 3 to 5, 2013 made a working visit to FSUE “Mining and Chemical Combine” (Zheleznogorsk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Evgeniy Kudryavtsev, Head of Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and Radiation Hazardous Facilities, Sergey Chernov, Acting Head of the Rostechnadzor Interregional Territorial Department for Supervision over Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Siberia and Far East and Alexander Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS took part in the business visit.

In frames of the visit, a meeting was held to discuss the issues of licensing of new productions built on the site of the enterprise, and to arrangement of interaction between FSUE “MCC” and FSUE “National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management” in view of handover to the latter of the Deep Disposal Facility for Liquid Radioactive Wastes and performance of the relevant licensing procedures. The delegation was familiarized with the productions in operations and decommissioning, including the modernized spent nuclear fuel “wet” storage facility for VVER-1000 reactors and spent nuclear fuel “dry” storage facility for RBMK reactors, the license for industrial operation of the first stage of which was issued by Rostechnadzor at the end of June 2013, and also learnt about the progress of construction of the second stage of the storage. In the undermountain part of the enterprise the shutdown industrial reactor ADE-2 and underground TPP, as well as a number of other productions and supporting facilities were demonstrated to the delegation.

The delegation during its visit to all facilities was accompanied by Petr Gavrilov, Director General of FSUE “MCC”. A brief meeting of the delegation with journalists of regional media was held in the followup of the visit.

Source: http://www.gosnadzor.ru/news/1553/.

03.07.2013 В период c 2 по 3 июля 2013 года в г. Санкт-Петербург (Россия) состоялось заседание Совета управляющих и Генеральной ассамблеи Ассоциации Европейских организаций технической поддержки (ETSON)
Проведение заседаний было организовано ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» в историческом здании Национального минерально-сырьевого университета «Горный» при  активной поддержке ведущего российского института.

02.07.2013 В ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» состоялась встреча с делегацией Комиссии по ядерному регулированию США (NRC)
1 июня в  ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» состоялась встреча с делегацией Комиссии по ядерному регулированию США (NRC). Возглавлял американскую делегацию  комиссионер Джордж Апостолакис, который является одним из родоначальников вероятностного анализа безопасности АЭС.

01.07.2013 Проект нормативного документа
Требования к системам физической защиты ядерных материалов, ядерных установок и пунктов хранения ядерных материалов. (НП-083-ХХ</a>)

27.06.2013 Вышел в свет 68 выпуск Журнала "Ядерная и радиационная безопасность"
Верстка выполнена в ОНТИ ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ", подписано в печать 24.06.2013 г., тираж 500 экз. Отпечатано в ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ".

26.06.2013 26 июня 2013 года делегация ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ" во главе с директором А.А. Хамазой приняла участие в Симпозиуме "Актуальные вопросы международного ядерного права: правовая международная база атомной энергетики в XXI веке".
Симпозиум состоялся в рамках работы Международного промышленного форума "АТОМЭКСПО" 26-28 июня 2013 года в Санкт-Петербурге.

26.06.2013 Совет Федерации одобрил изменения в Федеральный закон «Об использовании атомной энергии»
26 июня 2013 года Совет Федерации одобрил Федеральный закон «О внесении изменений в статьи 25 и 26 Федерального закона «Об использовании атомной энергии»».

25.06.2013 Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в Европейском ядерном молодежном форуме (ENYGF-2013) в Швеции с 16 по 21 июня 2013 года

24.06.2013 SEC NRS specialists took part in the 23rd Annual Scientific and Technical Conference of the Nuclear Society of Russia “Nuclear Power Development Strategy and Nuclear Education”
Within June 18 – 20, 2013 the 23rd annual scientific and technical conference of the Nuclear Society of Russia “Nuclear Power Development Strategy and Nuclear Education” was held on the basis of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»