Новости - en

24.08.2020 Virtual Mission of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to the Russian Federation

20.08.2020 Enactment of RB-165-20
Recommendations on Investigation and Accounting of Abnormalities and Violations in Accounting and Control of Radiactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes in an Organization.

30.07.2020 Enactment of RB-166-20
Recommendations on Evaluation of Errors and Uncertainties of the Results of Computed Safety Analyses for Nuclear Power Plants.

22.07.2020 The “Atoms for Peace in Belarus: Benefits and Perspectives” web-conference
SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President Dr. Alexander Khamaza took part in the “Atoms for Peace in Belarus: Benefits and Perspectives” web-conference.

15.07.2020 Rostechnadzor Introduced Amendments to the Lists of Legal Acts
On July 13, 2020 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia approved the Order on Amendments to the Order of October 17, 2016 No. 421 "On Approval of the Lists of Legal Acts Containing Mandatory Requirements, Adherance to which is to be Estimated in the course of Supervision in Frames of State Control (Supervision) Activities Attributed to Exclusive Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia".

ETSON Workshop on Key Challenges for Nuclear Safety during the Covid-19 Pandemic 13.07.2020 ETSON Workshop on Key Challenges for Nuclear Safety during the Covid-19 Pandemic

02.07.2020 Enactment of RB-155-20 and Repeal of RB-023-02
RB-155-20 “Recommendations on the Procedure, Scope, Methods and Means of Control over Radioactive Wastes to Confirm their Compliance with the Disposal Acceptance Criteria”.

24.06.2020 The 2022 IAEA International TSOs Conference is planned to take place in Russia in 2022

18.06.2020 Repeal of 11 Safety Guides
Repeal of Safety Guides RB-049-09, RB-079-12, RB-077-12, RB-083-13, RB-037-06, RB-004-98, RB-015-2000, RB-016-01, RB-017-01, RB-020-01, RB-032-04.

16.06.2020 The 96th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on June 5, 2020. On-line version of the periodical is also available in our free mobile application.

10.06.2020 EUROSAFE Programme Committee meeting via video-conference
The meeting of the EUROSAFE Programme Committee was held on June 9 via video-conference and was attended by Denis Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head International Cooperation Department.

10.06.2020 An extraordinary meeting of the ETSON Board via video-conference
The extraordinary meeting of the ETSON Board was held on June 9 via video-conference and was attended by Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President.

13.05.2020 ETSON Board meeting via video-conference
The meeting of the ETSON Board was held on May 12 via video-conference and was attended by Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President.

09.05.2020 Revocation of NP-081-07 “Requirements to Arrangement of Material Balance Areas”
NP-081-07 “Requirements to Arrangement of Material Balance Areas” approved by the Decree of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 2 of November 19, 2007 (in effect since June 1, 2008) was recognized as repealed.

28.04.2020 Government Decree on Cooperation with the National Authorities of Foreign Countries
On May 9, 2020 the Government Decree “About Cooperation with the National Authorities of Foreign Countries Involved in Industrial Safety Regulation on the Issues of Development of National Regulation Systems in the Field of Industrial Safety” comes into effect.

27.04.2020 Enactment of NP-030-19 and Revocation of NP-030-12
Fundamental Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.

23.04.2020 Government Decree on Amendments to some Acts of the Russian Federation Government

01.04.2020 The 95th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on March 26, 2020. On-line version of the periodical is also available in our free mobile application.

13.03.2020 RB-164-20 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Assessment of the Safety Level of Storage Facilities and Conduct of the Analysis of Non-Conformance to the Requirements of the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use.

12.03.2020 RB-093-20 has been put into effect
Radiation, Thermal and Physical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Water-Moderated Power Reactors and High Power Channel-Type Reactors.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»