Новости - en

12.03.2020 RB-162-20 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Fulfillment of the Requirements to Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Material Storage Facilities in the Process of Design and Construction.

06.03.2020 Meeting of Session No.1 “Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety, Particle Transport” of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
The results of the review of computer codes were addressed at the meeting.

05.03.2020 RF Government Decree No. 182 of 19.02.2020
On Amendments to Regulations on Granting Subsidies to Legal Entities from the Federal Budget for Reimbursement of Radioactive Waste Management.

28.02.2020 Заседание секции № 4 «Прочность и ресурс элементов, оборудования, систем» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре
На заседание 27 февраля 2020 г. в ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» рассмотрены результаты экспертизы программ для ЭВМ.

19.02.2020 RF Government Decree No. 129 of 12.02.2020
On amendments to some acts of the Russian Federation Government on the issues of the state functions execution of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia.

14.02.2020 Enactment of RB-095-20 and repeal of RB-095-14
Recommendations to Application of Access Control Mechanisms in the System of Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Waste.

12.02.2020 Revocation of RB-009-99
Methodology of Vulnerability Assessment of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Installation Physical Protection.

31.12.2019 Roadmap for updating of the series of Safety Guides in atomic energy use for the period 2020–2025 has been approved
Mr. A.V. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, approved the Roadmap for updating of the series of Safety Guides in atomic energy use for the period 2020–2025.

27.12.2019 Amendments to NP-089-15
Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations.

26.12.2019 46th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards took place at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna
Delegation of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (members of the delegation: Rostechnadzor Deputy Chairman Mr Alexey Ferapontov, and SEC NRS Deputy Director Mr Rashet Sharafutdinov) took part in the 46th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) which was held in Austria (IAEA Headquarters in Vienna) on December 16-20, 2019.

23.12.2019 RB-163-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on the Structure and Content of the Safety Analysis Report on Management of Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes in the process of Transportation.

19.12.2019 Meeting of the Presidium of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On December 19, 2019, SEC NRS hosted the scheduled meeting of the Presidium of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes.

19.12.2019 Вышел в свет 94-й выпуск журнала «Ядерная и радиационная безопасность»
Подписан в печать 16 декабря 2019 года. Электронная версия Журнала доступна на нашем сайте и в нашем бесплатном мобильном приложении.

17.12.2019 Repeal of RB-042-07
Instead the Federal Safety Regulations NP-067-16 “Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste in an Organization” has been put into force.

16.12.2019 Repeal of NP-032-01
On December 13, 2019, the Federal Safety Regulations NP-032-19 “Nuclear Power Plant Site. Safety Requirements” has come into effect.

13.12.2019 SEC NRS attended the EUROSAFE Forum in Cologne
The EUROSAFE annual forum of the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON) took place on November 4 and 5 in Cologne, Germany. The SEC NRS delegation headed by Alexander Khamaza, Director, attended the Forum.

10.12.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations has been developed
Requirements to Safety Analysis Report for Ships and Other Floating Vessels with Nuclear Reactors.

04.12.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of a Reactor Unit Vessel, Equipment, Pipelines and Internals for a Lead-Cooled Nuclear Power Installation” has been developed
Starting date for the comments is December 6, 2019, deadline for the comments is January 6, 2020.

04.12.2019 RB-161-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Fire-Explosion Safety of Processes Applying Pyrophorous Materials at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.

03.12.2019 NP-032-19 has been put into effect
Nuclear Power Plant Site. Safety Requirements.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»