29.11.2019NP-106-19 has been put into effect
Provision on Procedure of Emergency Alerting, Urgent Information Transfer in Events of Radiation Hazard Situations at Nuclear Research Facilities.
29.11.201960 Federal Safety Regulations in English
The English version of our free mobile application (in Russian and in English) was enlarged to include more than 60 documents (Federal Safety Regulations) translated into English.
28.11.2019NP-085-19 has been enacted to substitute NP-085-10
Requirements to Physical Protection of Ships with Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Maintenance Ships and Ships for Nuclear Materials Transportation, as well as Floating NPPs.
26.11.2019NP-085-19 has been put into effect
Requirements to Physical Protection of Ships with Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Maintenance Ships and Ships for Nuclear Materials Transportation, as well as Floating NPPs.
25.11.2019On repealed NP-075-06
“On Approval and Enactment of the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Requirements to Content of the Personnel Protection Action Plan in Case of an Accident at Nuclear Research Facilities”.
14.11.2019Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2019 No. 386-rp “Honoris Causa the State Supervision over Industrial and Energy Safety, the Certificate of Honour of the President of the Russian Federation is awarded to Sergey BOGDAN, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety”.
11.11.2019RB-159-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on the Conduct of an Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey for a Nuclear Facility.
11.11.2019Enactment of NP-075-19
Requirements to Content of the Personnel Protection Action Plan in Case of an Accident at Nuclear Research Facilities.
"To award Mr Alexander A. Khamaza, Director of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, the city of Moscow, with a medal «For merits in the development of atomic energy» for merits in the provision of state supervision in the field of industrial and energy safety."
29.10.2019RB-160-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Development of Program for Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey of a Nuclear Facility.
28.10.2019Technical visit of the participants of the VVER-WG at Tianwan NPP
A meeting of participants of the VVER Working group (VVER WG) of the Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP) with representatives of the National Nuclear Safety Administration of China (NNSA) and Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC), which is the operating organization of the Tianwan NPP, took place on October 24 and 25 within the framework of the technical visit to Tianwan NPP (Lianyungang city, China).
25.10.2019Программа для ЭВМ «Информация о нарушениях в работе исследовательских ядерных установок» (ИоН ИЯУ) прошла процедуру государственной регистрации
The Code is intended for scientific and technical support of Rostechnadzor activity, as well as activity on planning and conduct of inspections and safety review for NRI. Principal users of the Code are the specialists of the scientific and technical support organizations of Rostechnadzor, employees of Rostechnadzor Headquarters and Interregional Territorial Departments for Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
23.10.2019RB-001-19 has been put into effect
On October 23, 2019, the Safety Guide RB-001-19 “Recommendations to the Content of the Report on In-depth Safety Analysis of NPP Power Units under Operation” has been put into effect.
07.10.2019Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” NIKIET 2019
The Conference of Young Specialists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” took place in JSC NIKIET within October 1 – 3, 2019. The major goal of the Conference was to upgrade the activity of young scientists and specialists in the scientific and engineering as well as in the production activity, the possibility to share good practices and to highlight the professional achievements. Specialists from more than 30 organizations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM as well as from the related industry organizations and leading technical universities of Russia took part in the Conference.
20.09.2019SEC NRS attended the regular session of the IAEA General Conference
SEC NRS representatives as a part of the Rostechnadzor delegation attended the events at the 63rd Annual Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference (September 16-20, 2019, Vienna, Austria).