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14.12.2017 NP-093-14
Acceptance Criteria for Radioactive Waste Disposal.

05.12.2017 Amendments to Administrative Regulations
On December 12 the amendments to the “Administrative Regulations for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service on Execution its State Function for Licensing the Activities in the Field of Atomic Energy Use”.

22.11.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines and Mechanisms Applied at Nuclear Facilities” have been developed
The requirements of the Rules cover the following hoisting machines and mechanisms with the load-lifting capacity of 1 t and more, which are specially designed to be applied at nuclear facilities.

21.11.2017 Federal Safety Regulations “General Safety Provisions for Safety of Spacecrafts with Nuclear Reactors” are to be entered into force
The Federal Safety Regulations specify safety goals and basic criteria for spacecrafts with nuclear reacors, as well as basic principles and general requirements to technical and organizational measures, aimed at achievement of safety.

20.11.2017 RB-134-17 has come into effect
Recommended Methods for Assessment and Prediction of Accident Radiological Consequences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.

15.11.2017 “AtomEco 2017” will discuss the issues of “Clean Energy for Future Generations” from the perspective of environmental safety and sustainable development
The main theme of AtomEco-2017 is the “Clean Energy for Future Generations”.

13.11.2017 Decisions taken at the Government session on November 9, 2017
The Draft Law is intended to improve safety in atomic energy use, and implement the national program “Development of the Nuclear Power Generation Complex”. The Draft Law suggests to establish the commitment with regard to review of computer software, which provides calculated modeling of processes affecting safety of nuclear facilities and types of activities in the field of atomic energy use, to identify the subject of such a review, and to empower the state safety regulatory authority to establish the review procedure.

10.11.2017 NP-103-17
Safety Requirements for Special Radioactive Waste Disposal and Preservation Facilities.

09.11.2017 Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities” (the mentioned draft was published (posted on the website of Rostechnadzor) on October 2, 2017), will be held on November 14, 2017 at the address: 34 Taganskaya St., bld. 1, Moscow at 10:00 a.m.

08.11.2017 Discussion of the efficient and safe technologies of ROSATOM for the Arctic region development will take place at “AtomEco 2017”
On November 21, 2017 the round-table discussion “The Arctic and the Atom: Development and Ecology” will take place in frames of the International Public Dialogue-Forum and Exhibition “AtomEco 2017”.

08.11.2017 Rostechnadzor Order No. 288 dated of July 31, 2017 revoking NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03 and NP-046-03 has been registered in the Ministry of Justice
On March 31, 2018 the Rostechnadzor Order No. 288 dated of July 31, 2017, revoking NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03 and NP-046-03, as well as the third paragraph of the i.1 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 198 dated of May 7, 2013 “On Recognition of Becoming Ineffective of the Certain Provisions of Orders of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia”, will come into force.

07.11.2017 Main topic of “AtomEco 2017” will be “Clean Energy for Future Generations”
The International Public Dialogue-Forum and Exhibition “AtomEco 2017” will take place in the World Trade Center in Moscow on November 21-22. The event will be carried out upon the initiative of the State Corporation ROSATOM and will provide an international platform for discussion of ecological aspects of the nuclear power industry, for demonstration of advanced technologies in the field of provision of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety. 

02.11.2017 NP-102-17 is coming into force
The Federal Safety Regulations shall be applied by a reactor plant design developer, as well as by the operating organization and umbrella material organization, when justifying the strength of the reactor internals of the VVER-type reactor NPPs under design, construction and in operation.

26.10.2017 Amendments to NP-086-12
The Amendments goal is to extend the requirements of the effective NP-086-12 for nuclear research installations.

24.10.2017 NP-007-98 has been revoked
On October 16, 2017 the NP-007-98 was revoked by the Order of Rostechnadzor No.430 of October 16, 2017. The NP-007-98 was replaced with the NP-007-17.

13.10.2017 “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical No. 85 has been issued
“Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical No.85 (the third issue of this year) has been issued. The Periodical on-line version will be available on our web-site and in our free mobile application.

13.10.2017 RB-138-17 and RB-136-17 have been put into effect
“Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Instrumentation and Controls’ Lifetime Performance” and “Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Electrical Equipment Lifetime Performance”

13.10.2017 NP-007-17 has been put into effect
“Safety Rules for Decommissioning of Uranium-Graphite Production Reactors”.

13.10.2017 Since August 31, 2017 SEC NRS has become a full member of the international scientific association “Atomic Energy Research” (hereinafter to be referred as AER)
Целью AER является проведение научных исследований в области безопасности АЭС с легководными реакторами, прежде всего АЭС с ВВЭР.

10.10.2017 RB-128-17 and RB-130-17 have been put into effect
Nuclear material transfer and physical protection levels.

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