05.03.2018IAEA TECDOC related to TSO activity published on the website
The document provides the definition of the term of Technical and Scientific Support Organization and contains the full description of TSO functions, challenges and activities of different in type TSOs supporting the regulatory bodies.
02.03.2018RB-019-17 has been approved
On March 2, 2018 the Safety Guide RB-019-17 “Evaluation of Original Seismicity of a Nuclear Facility Region and Site during Engineering Surveys and Studies” was approved.
28.02.2018RB-005-98 has been repealed
On February 28, 2018 the Safety Guide RB-005-98 “Requirements to Certification of Building Structures Important for Safety of Nuclear Facilities” was repealed.
27.02.2018Alexey Aleshin is on an official visit to Spain
The working meeting on regulatory issues associated with nuclear security and management of radiation sources organized by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) took place on February 27, 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
06.02.2018Draft Federal Safety Regulations have been developed
Draft Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Welding and Cladding of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations” and “Metal Inspection Rules for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations during Manufacturing and Mounting” have been developed.
The commencement date for submitting comments is February 5, 2018.
The final date for submitting comments is March 5, 2018.
31.01.2018Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Basic Requirements for Power Unit Lifetime Extension of Nuclear Power Plant” (the mentioned draft was published (posted on the website of Rostechnadzor) on December 22, 2017), will be held on February 7, 2018 at the address: 34 Taganskaya St., bld. 1, Moscow at 10:00 a.m.
30.01.2018Safety Guide RB-140-17 has been put into effect
Emergency Monitoring Systems for VVER-Type Reactor Nuclear Power Plants. General Recommendations and Nomenclature of Monitored Parameters.
29.12.2017Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines and Mechanisms Applied at Nuclear Facilities”.
29.12.2017Draft Federal Safety Regulations have been developed
“Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities” (NP-44-ХХ)
«Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации трубопроводов пара и горячей воды для объектов использования атомной энергии» (НП-45-ХХ)
«Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации паровых и водогрейных котлов для объектов использования атомной энергии» (НП-046-ХХ)
Дата начала приема заключений – 29 декабря 2017 г.
Дата окончания приема заключений – 29 января 2018 г.
28.12.2017Amendments to the RB-117-16
On December 28, 2017 the Amendments to the RB-117-16 “Assessment of the Long-Term Safety of Radioactive Waste Near-Surface Disposal Facilities” have been put into effect.
25.12.2017RB-065-17 has been put into effect on December 11, 2017
The Safety Guide provides recommendations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on accounting of material in the course of physical inventory in material balance areas and on the analysis of the inventory results.
20.12.2017Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Fundamental Requirements to Lifetime Extension of a NPP Unit” has been developed
The document stipulates the requirements to lifetime extension of a NPP power unit, specifically to: the integrated survey of a NPP power unit in the course of preparation to lifetime extension of a NPP unit; the criteria of possibility to operate a NPP unit within the period of the extended lifetime; the requirements to lifetime extension of a NPP components beyond the limits of the assigned lifetime of a NPP unit; the requirements to justification of the extended lifetime of a NPP unit; the requirements to preparation of a NPP unit to the extended lifetime.