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11.09.2019 RB-121-16 has been amended
Recommendations on the structure and contents of technical operating regulations for NPP unit with VVER-type reactor.

04.09.2019 Discussion of the federal rules and regulations draft “Basic rules of nuclear materials accounting and control”
On September 17, 2019 a meeting dedicated to discussion of feedback concerning the draft of the federal rules and regulations “Basic rules of nuclear materials accounting and control” will take place at the Rostechnadzor Department of Special Security.

27.08.2019 Participation at the EUROSAFE 2019, November 4 & 5 in Cologne, Germany

For the 19th time since 1999, experts from ETSON member organisations and representatives of regulatory authorities, scientific institutions and the industry from all over Europe and beyond will meet to discuss current topics in nuclear safety, nuclear waste management and radiation protection.

08.08.2019 Definition of the amount of charge for review of drafts of liquid and airborne radioactive discharge limits
Methodology to define the amount of charge will enter into force on August 17, 2019.

25.07.2019 Draft of the federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Basic provisions for safety of nuclear technology service vessels” has been developed
Draft is available at our web-site section “Drafts of regulatory documents” and at the official Rostechnadzor web-site in section “Development of Rostechnadzor normative legal acts”.

Feedback shall be sent to secnrs@secnrs.ru from July 26, 2019 to August 26, 2019.

19.07.2019 RB-158-19 has entered into force
On July 19, 2019 the safety guide in the field of atomic energy use “Recommendations for planning and justification of technical maintenance reduction, decommissioning of certain systems and elements, changes in the number of operating personnel of NPP unit shut down for decommissioning” (RB-158-19) entered into force.

18.07.2019 Draft amendments to NP-089-15
Draft amendments to federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for design and safe operation of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power installations” (NP-089-15) have been prepared.

18.07.2019 Revocation of RB-024-11
Provision on basic recommendations for the development of level 1 probabilistic safety assessment for internal initiating events for all NPP unit regimes.

18.07.2019 RB-024-19 has come into effect
Recommendations for the Development of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Internal Initiating Events of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit.

16.07.2019 Methodological recommendations for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels during operation
“Methodological recommendations for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels during operation” were approved on July 16, 2019.

27.06.2019 The Multinational Design Evaluation Project (MDEP) VVER Working Group (VVERWG) held a meeting on 21 23 May 2019 in Pyhäjoki
The Multinational Design Evaluation Project (MDEP) VVER Working Group (VVERWG) held a meeting on 21 23 May 2019 in Pyhäjoki, Finland, hosted by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) with the support of the Municipality of Pyhäjoki.

20.06.2019 Nuclear and Radiation Safety, No. 2(92)–2019
Quarterly academic and research journal of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia. Signed to be published on June 19, 2019.

14.06.2019 Summarized results of the "Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019"
The XII “Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019” came back to the site of  VDNH EXPO (Exhibition of Economic Achievements, Moscow) upon a two-year break. The EXPO attracted to participate 268 companies and organizations.

05.06.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations has been developed
Fundamental Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.

30.05.2019 Meeting of Session No. 3 "Safety of Nuclear Facilities" of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosteсhnadzor
Meeting of Session No. 3 "Safety of Nuclear Facilities" of the Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter to be referred to as STC) of Rosteсhnadzor of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on May 28.

30.05.2019 New Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor
On May 27, 2019, new Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor came into effect to entrust the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the state service on issuance of permits to workers of nuclear facilities giving the right for implementation of works in the field of atomic energy use.

30.05.2019 XIIth International Exhibition for Safety and Security Features "Integrated Safety and Security-2019"
Within June 5–7, 2019 the VDNH Pavilion No. 75 will host the XIIth International Exhibition "Integrated Safety and Security-2019". On June 8, the Noginsk Rescue Center of the EMERCOM of Russia will present the large-scale demonstrative exrcise in frames of the Exhibition.

14.05.2019 Edict of the President of the Russian Federation "About Approval of the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation"
The Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation is the strategy planning document in the sphere of National Security of the Russian Federation, which reflects the official opinions on Energy Security in the Russian Federation.

17.04.2019 On the second working day of the International Forum ATOMEXPO-2019 the roundtable "Responsible Consumption and Production: Quality Management in the Nuclear Industry’s Supply Chains for International Projects" took place

05.04.2019 RB-154-19 has been put into force
Recommendations on usage of radionuclide ratios method for determination of content of difficult-to-measure radionuclides in radioactive waste produced by nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

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Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»