11.09.2019RB-121-16 has been amended
Recommendations on the structure and contents of technical operating regulations for NPP unit with VVER-type reactor.
For the 19th time since 1999, experts from ETSON member organisations and representatives of regulatory authorities, scientific institutions and the industry from all over Europe and beyond will meet to discuss current topics in nuclear safety, nuclear waste management and radiation protection.
Feedback shall be sent to secnrs@secnrs.ru from July 26, 2019 to August 26, 2019.
19.07.2019RB-158-19 has entered into force
On July 19, 2019 the safety guide in the field of atomic energy use “Recommendations for planning and justification of technical maintenance reduction, decommissioning of certain systems and elements, changes in the number of operating personnel of NPP unit shut down for decommissioning” (RB-158-19) entered into force.
18.07.2019Draft amendments to NP-089-15
Draft amendments to federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for design and safe operation of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power installations” (NP-089-15) have been prepared.
18.07.2019Revocation of RB-024-11
Provision on basic recommendations for the development of level 1 probabilistic safety assessment for internal initiating events for all NPP unit regimes.
18.07.2019RB-024-19 has come into effect
Recommendations for the Development of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Internal Initiating Events of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit.
20.06.2019Nuclear and Radiation Safety, No. 2(92)–2019
Quarterly academic and research journal of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia. Signed to be published on June 19, 2019.
14.06.2019Summarized results of the "Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019"
The XII “Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019” came back to the site of VDNH EXPO (Exhibition of Economic Achievements, Moscow) upon a two-year break. The EXPO attracted to participate 268 companies and organizations.
30.05.2019New Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor
On May 27, 2019, new Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor came into effect to entrust the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the state service on issuance of permits to workers of nuclear facilities giving the right for implementation of works in the field of atomic energy use.
05.04.2019RB-154-19 has been put into force
Recommendations on usage of radionuclide ratios method for determination of content of difficult-to-measure radionuclides in radioactive waste produced by nuclear fuel cycle facilities.