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02.09.2022 Enactment of RB-020-22
Recommendations on Selection of Reference Units of Standard Elements of NPP Instrumentation and Control Systems Applied for Lifetime Management Activities.

26.08.2022 Enactment of RB-017-22
Recommendations on Selection of Reference Units of Standard Elements of NPP Electrical Equipment Applied for Lifetime Management Activities.

15.08.2022 Enactment of RB-015-22
Recommendations on Selection of Reference Units of Standard NPP Thermomechanical Equipment Applied for Lifetime Management Activities.

09.08.2022 Enactment of RB-013-22
Recommendations to the Structure and Content of a NPP Unit Decommissioning Program.

02.08.2022 Enactment of RB-016-22
Recommended Test Tasks for Verification of Computer Programs Used in Probabilistic Safety Analysis of Nuclear Facilities.

18.07.2022 Amendments to NP-055-14, NP-058-14, NP-069-14 and NP-103-17

On July 25, 2022 the amendments to the Federal Rules and Regulations in the field of atomic energy use are coming into effect with regard to issues of safety regulation at management of radioactive wastes: NP-055-14, NP-058-14, NP-069-14 and NP-103-17.

29.06.2022 Enactment of NP-025-22
Safety Rules for Onsite Transport of Radioactive Materials at Nuclear Facilities.

27.04.2022 SEC NRS participated in the 51st meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards
51st meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) took place on April 20-22, 2022.

14.04.2022 II Moscow International Forum "Energy Security. Eurasian Scenario"
On April 26, 2022 the Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University will host the II Moscow International Forum "Energy Security. Eurasian Scenario" in frames of a set of events of the International Forum "Oil and Gas - 2022". Registration will be open till April 19, 2022.

08.04.2022 Rostechnadzor Procedure for Approval of Calculation Methodologies for Radioactive Substances Emissions into the Atmosphere by Stationary Sources was Adopted
On April 18, 2022 the Procedure for Approval by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia of Calculation Methodologies for Radioactive Substances Emissions into the Atmosphere by Stationary Sources was adopted.

06.04.2022 New book in the "SEC NRS Scientific Papers" series was published
On April 1, a book of Professor B.G. Gordon "Experiments. Thesis defence" came out in the "SEC NRS Scientific Papers" series.

The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) registered the computer code "Information System for Radioactive Waste Containers" 06.04.2022 The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) registered the computer code "Information System for Radioactive Waste Containers"
The computer code "Information System for Radioactive Waste Containers" was introduced into the Registry of Computer Codes under the registry No. 2022615046 of 29.03.2022.

The first meeting of the SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council in 2022 05.04.2022 The first meeting of the SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council in 2022
On March 31 the first meeting of the SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council (STC) in 2022 took place in the format of a video conference to address two issues.

05.04.2022 The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) registered the computer code "Information System for Arrangement of Reviews of Draft Standards and Permits for Emissions and Discharges of Radioactive Substances"
The computer code "Information System for Arrangement of Reviews of Draft Standards and Permits for Emissions and Discharges of Radioactive Substances" was introduced into the Registry of Computer Codes under the registry No. 2022615045 of 29.03.2022.

30.03.2022 The 103rd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical
The 103rd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out (the official issue of Rostechnadzor). On-line version of the periodical is also available in our free mobile application.

28.03.2022 SEC NRS took part in the meeting of the OECD NEA Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations & Legacy Management and Radioactive Waste Management Committee
The 4th annual joint meeting of the Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations & Legacy Management (CDLM) and Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) of the Nuclear Energy Agency under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD NEA) was held in the format of a video conference.

28.03.2022 Amendments to NP-093-14
Criteria for Accepting Radioactive Waste for Disposal.

23.03.2022 Enactment of RB-045-22 and repeal of RB-045-08
Dynamic Monitoring of Building Structures of Nuclear Facilities.

15.03.2022 Enactment of RB-007-22 and repeal of RB-007-99
Accounting of Fast Neutron Fluence on WWER Vessels and Surveillance Specimens for Further Prediction of Vessels Radiation-Induced Residual Lifetime.

17.02.2022 Enactment of RB-011-22
Recommendations on Arrangement and Conduct of Radionuclide Sources Categorization per Radiation Hazard.

14.02.2022 Enactment of the Methodological Recommendations
On February 11, the "Methodological Recommendations on Permanent State Supervision at Nuclear Research Installations" were enacted.

07.02.2022 Enactment of Section II of the List P-01-01-2021
Section II "State Safety Regulation in Atomic Energy Use" of the List of Regulatory Legal Acts and Regulatory Documents relating to the activity of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia.

03.02.2022 Amendments to NP-009-17
Nuclear Safety Regulations for Research Reactors.

01.02.2022 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2022 No. 45
On licensing of activities in the field of use of the sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for case if these sources are used in medical activities).

17.01.2022 Enactment of RB-033-22 and repeal of RB-033-17
Recommendations on the Scope and Content of the Integrated Survey Report for Ships and Other Floating Vessels with Nuclear Reactors, and Nuclear Maintenance Ships during Operating Lifetime Extension.

11.01.2022 Enactment of RB-092-21
Recommendations on Safety Ensuring in Return of the Irradiated Fuel Assemblies Processing Products to the Supplier Country.

27.12.2021 The 102nd issue of the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Periodical
The 102nd issue of the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Periodical (official issue of Rostechnadzor) has come out. On-line version of the periodical is available on our website and in our free mobile application.

24.12.2021 The IAEA International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety "Strengthening Safety of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs"
Within October 18-21, 2022 the IAEA International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety "Strengthening Safety of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs" will be hosted at the IAEA Headquarters in Austria (Vienna).

22.12.2021 Information on amendements to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic use for the IV quarter 2021

15.12.2021 Drafted Federal Safety Regulations
Safety Rules for Radioactive Materials Transport at Nuclear Facilities.

10.12.2021 Decree of the Government of the RF No. 2160 of 1.12.2021
About approval of the Provision on arrangement and conduct of the licensing supervision over the activity of organizations involved in nuclear materials and radioactive substances use in the course of implementation of works on atomic energy defence uses, including development, manufacture, test, transport (shipment), operation, storage, elimination and disposal of nuclear weapons and nuclear power installations for the purposes of defence, except for the activity of military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in the aforesaid field, and about amendments to the Decree of the Government of the RF No. 911 of July 31, 2017.

09.12.2021 New provisions for the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Journal
On November 7, 2021 the new Provisions for the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Journal came into effect in order to upgrade the efficiency of working on the journal publication and observance of the international quality standards for the publishing activity.

Implementation of digital transformation projects 08.12.2021 Implementation of digital transformation projects
SEC NRS specialists (TSO for Rostechnadzor) were trained under the advanced professional training program "Implementation of digital transformation projects" in the Digital Transformation Leadership and Teams Training Center based on the Graduate School of Public Management (GSPM) of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

SEC NRS took part in the EUROSAFE Forum and in the ETSON General Assembly meeting 07.12.2021 SEC NRS took part in the EUROSAFE Forum and in the ETSON General Assembly meeting
On November 22 and 23, 2021 the annual EUROSAFE Forum, arranged by the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON), was held in Paris (France).

Rostechnadzor took part in the emergency response exercise at the Leningrad NPP 25.11.2021 Rostechnadzor took part in the emergency response exercise at the Leningrad NPP
On November 23, 2021 the emergency response exercise, arranged by the Rosenergoatom JSC, was conducted at the Leningrad NPP, where the specialists of SEC NRS took part being involved in the working groups of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor.

SEC NRS evaluated tests performed for the reactor building structures of the Rooppur NPP Unit 2 24.11.2021 SEC NRS evaluated tests performed for the reactor building structures of the Rooppur NPP Unit 2
By the order of Rostechnadzor in order to render assisstance in the licensing activity to the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA), SEC NRS carried out evaluation of the test results for the cast-in-situ reinforced-concrete civil structures of the reactor building of the Rooppur NPP Unit 2.

Workshop of SEC NRS and "Proryv" project on the issues of estimate of calculation errors of fast neutron reactors' neutronic characteristics 19.11.2021 Workshop of SEC NRS and "Proryv" project on the issues of estimate of calculation errors of fast neutron reactors' neutronic characteristics
On  November 17, 2021 the joint workshop of SEC NRS and "Proryv" project was held devoted to the issues of estimate of calculation errors of fast neutron reactors' neutronic characteristics.

01.11.2021 SEC NRS took part in the VVERWG (MDEP) meeting and in the Workshop "Construction of New VVERs in VVERWG Member Countries (MDEP)"

21.10.2021 Amendments to NP-019-15
NP-019-15 "Collection, Processing, Storage and Conditioning of Liquid Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements".

15.10.2021 The XIth Russian Scientific Conference "Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety in Nuclear Technologies"
Organizing and Program committees invite to take part in the XIth Russian Scientific Conference "Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety in Nuclear Technologies", which will be held on October 27-30, 2020 in Moscow.

The IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Team-2021" 14.10.2021 The IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Team-2021"
SEC NRS employee took part in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Team-2021", where she presented a report that was recognized to be the best one in the Session "Justifying calculations for structures, systems and components (SSC)". The Conference organizer was the Youth Society of JSC ATOMPROEKT, Saint-Petersburg.

08.10.2021 Draft Amendments to NP-009-17
NP-009-17 "Nuclear Safety Rules of Research Reactors".

07.10.2021 Enactment of NP-108-21
NP-108-21 "Requirements to Justification of Strength of the Reactor Unit Vessel, Equipment, Pipelines and Reactor Internals of the Lead-Cooled Nuclear Power Installation".

04.10.2021 Information on amendments to the current Russian Federation legislation in the field of atomic energy use for the III quarter of 2021

04.10.2021 The 101st issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
The 101st issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical (Rostechnadzor official issue) has come out. On-line version of the periodical is available on our website and in our free mobile application.

01.10.2021 Enactment of NP-011-21
Requirements to Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Maintenance Ships.

29.09.2021 Meeting of Session No. 7 "Physical Chemistry, Geochemistry and Hydrogeology" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On September 28, 2021 the scheduled meeting of Session No. 7 "Physical Chemistry, Geochemistry and Hydrogeology" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes took place in the format of a videoconference.

29.09.2021 Eco-Dictation-2021
Eco-Dictation-2021 will take place on November 14-18, 2021.

28.09.2021 Enactment of RB-009-21
Recommendations on Development of Quality Assurance Programs for Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Research Installations.

24.09.2021 Enactment of RB-085-21
Recommendations to the Contents of Documents to Substantiate Standards for Maximum Permissible Emissions of Radioactive Substances into Atmosphere and Standards for Permissible Discharges of Radioactive Substances into Water Bodies.

22.09.2021 SEC NRS delegation headed by Director Alexander Khamaza continuous its work at the 65th Session of IAEA General Conference
In the course of the second day of the IAEA General Conference SEC NRS representatives participated at the bilateral meetings of Alexander Trembitsky, Rostechnadzor Head, with Marc Kenzelmann, Director General of ENSI (Switzerland ),  Petteri Tiippana, Director General of STUK (Finland), Dr. Szabolcs Hullán, acting head of HAEA (Hungary).The parties discussed topical issues of interagency interaction and priority areas of cooperation for the future.

22.09.2021 SEC NRS Takes Part in 65th Session of IAEA General Conference
Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director, and Denis Mistryugov, SEC NRS International Cooperation Division Head, attended the 65th Session of IAEA General Conference started on September 20, 2021, at the IAEA Headquarters.

33 Russian researchers became winners of the track "Science" in the competition "Leaders of Russia" 21.09.2021 33 Russian researchers became winners of the track "Science" in the competition "Leaders of Russia"
Arslan Ruslanovich Zabirov, Senior Researcher of Safety Justifying Calculations Division became the winner of the track "Science" in the competition "Leaders of Russia", which is the flagman project of the Presidential platform "Russia is the Land of Opportunities" that was held on September 17-18, 2021 in the National University of Science and Technology "MISiS" under the aegis of the Year of Science and Technologies.

Rospatent registered the computer code "Information System "IoN AS" 17.09.2021 Rospatent registered the computer code "Information System "IoN AS"
The computer code "Information System "IoN AS" was introduced into the Registry of Computer Codes under the registry No. 2021664145 of 01.09.2021.

IAEA International Training Course on Conducting Computer Security Assessments at Nuclear Facilities 15.09.2021 IAEA International Training Course on Conducting Computer Security Assessments at Nuclear Facilities
Specialists of SEC NRS (TSO for Rostechnadzor) within the Russian Team took part in a week-long IAEA International Training Course on Conducting Computer Security Assessments hosted by the Rosatom Technical Academy in Obninsk.

10.09.2021 Enactment of RB-126-21
Recommended Methods for Calculation of Parameters Necessary to Develop Standards for Permissible Discharges of Radioactive Substances into Water Bodies.

01.09.2021 Enactment of RB-106-21
Recommended Methods for Calculation of Parameters Necessary to Develop and Establish Standards for Maximum Permissible Emissions of Radioactive Substances into Atmosphere.

11.08.2021 Cooperation in the Field of Safety Regulation under the Project on Construction of the Center for Nuclear Research and Technology in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
In the period from May to July 2021, SEC NRS within a framework of request incoming from Mr. A.V. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, concerning arrangement of works to render assisstance to the Plurinational State of Bolivia in development of the National Safety Regulation System in Atomic Energy Use has carried out the safety review of documents justifying safety of the nuclear research reactor of the Center for Nuclear Research and Technology of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (hereinafterto be referred to as CNRT) for the stages of siting and construction.

09.08.2021 Enactment of RB-008-21
On July 30, 2021 the Safety Guide RB-008-21 "Recommendations on Development of a Concept for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning" was put into effect.

08.07.2021 Enactment of the Safety Guide RB-004-21
On July 7, 2021 the Safety Guide RB-004-21 "Recommendations on Creating of a List of Radionuclides to be Controlled in Conditioned Radioactive Wastes at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities" has been put into effect.

30.06.2021 The 100th issue of the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Periodical
Issue No.2 of 2021 of the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Periodical has come out to become the one hundredth jubilee issue since the year of foundation 1998. The Journal major goal is to provide objective information on the actual issues of nuclear and radiation safety in the field of atomic energy use.

Meeting of Session No. 1 "Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety, Particles Fluence" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes 17.06.2021 Meeting of Session No. 1 "Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety, Particles Fluence" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On June 15, 2021 the scheduled meeting of Session No. 1 "Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety, Particles Fluence" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes took place using the SEC NRS digital portal for computer codes review https://soft.secnrs.ru/ in the format of a videoconference.

Registration by Rospatent of the Computer Code "Calculator of Radiation and Thermophysical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel (v2.0)" and the Database "Database for Radiation and Thermophysical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel (v2.0)" 15.06.2021 Registration by Rospatent of the Computer Code "Calculator of Radiation and Thermophysical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel (v2.0)" and the Database "Database for Radiation and Thermophysical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel (v2.0)"

Working visit of Rostechnadzor Leadership to SEC NRS 12.06.2021 Working visit of Rostechnadzor Leadership to SEC NRS
On June 9, 2021 Mr. A.V. Trembitsky, Rostechnadzor Chairman, and Mr. A.V. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, paid a working visit to SEC NRS.

04.06.2021 The ETSON Technical Board and Reactor Safety (TBRS) Work Plan 2020-2025 is published
In May 2021 the Board of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) approved the Technical Board and Reactor Safety (TBRS) Work Plan 2020-2025.

02.06.2021 Draft amendments to NP-055-14, NP-058-14, NP-069-14, NP-093-14, NP-103-17 have been developed
"Safety in Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions", "Near-Surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements", "Criteria for Accepting Radioactive Waste for Disposal", "Safety Requirements for Special Radioactive Waste Disposal and Preservation Facilities".

31.05.2021 Enactment of NP-107-21
Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Reactor Unit Vessel, Equipment, Pipelines and Internals of the Lead-Cooled Nuclear Power Installation.

20.05.2021 Enactment of the Safety Guide RB-021-21 "Recommendations to the Development of the Probabilistic Safety Analysis (Level 1 PSA) for NPP Power Unit in Case of Initiating Events Caused by External Impacts"
Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 184 of May 19, 2021.

17.05.2021 About measures taken by foreign regulators to provide stable functioning in conditions of the pandemic progression
In the course of the 49th meeting of the IAEA Safety Standards Commission (hereinafter to be referred to as SSC) the representatives of the regulatory authorities from the USA (NRC), France (ASN), Germany (BMU) and Canada (CNSA) briefly reported on measures taken by national regulators to provide stable regulation in conditions of the pandemic.

13.05.2021 Development of Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use

  • "Fundamental Requirements for Aseismic Nuclear Plants";
  • "Safety Requirements to Engineering Structures of Buildings and Facilities of Nuclear Plants";
  • Draft Amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use "Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities" (NP-064-17).

11.05.2021 The EUROSAFE Forum will take place on November 22-23, 2021 in Paris, France
The European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON) on its website announced the hosting of the annual international conference on nuclear safety and security, radioactive waste management and radiological protection (the EUROSAFE Forum) on November 22-23, 2021 in Paris, France.

13.04.2021 Amendments to NP-104-18
Welding and Overlay Welding of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Installations.

02.04.2021 Draft Federal Safety Regulations has been developed
Requirements to Planning and Preparedness to Eliminate Consequences of Accidents During Transportation of Radioactive Materials. NP-074-ХХ.

31.03.2021 Information about amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use for the 1st quarter of 2021.

30.03.2021 Meeting of Session No. 4 "Strength and Lifetime of Systems, Components and Equipment" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On March 30, 2021 the scheduled meeting of Session No. 4 "Strength and Lifetime of Systems, Components and Equipment" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes took place using the SEC NRS digital portal in the format of a videoconference.

29.03.2021 Development of the Draft Federal Safety Regulations
Requirements to Safety Analysis of Strength of the Reactor Vessel, Equipment, Pipelines and Reactor Internals of a Lead-Cooled Nuclear Power Installation.

29.03.2021 Development of the draft Federal Safety Regulations
Requirements to the Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Maintenance Ships.

29.03.2021 Enactment of the Safety Guide RB-067-21
Provision on the Contents of the Annual Safety Analysis Report for Ships and other Floating Vessels with Nuclear Reactors, Maintenance Ships and Coastal Infrastructure Facilities.

22.03.2021 The 99th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on March 22, 2021. On-line version of the periodical is available on our website and in our free mobile application.

"Women in Nuclear Russia" held a creative visiting meeting in the Museum of the Obninsk сity history 22.03.2021 "Women in Nuclear Russia" held a creative visiting meeting in the Museum of the Obninsk сity history
On March 20, a creative visiting meeting of members of the Russian branch (Women in Nuclear Russia) of "Women in Nuclear Global" international organization took place in Obninsk (Olga Vladimirovna Nikitina, Chief Specialist, participated in the meeting on behalf of SEC NRS) involving a visit to the "Impressions" exhibition of paintings and graphics of Irina Kupriyanova, Head of "Professional Development" area of the Russian branch "Women in Nuclear Russia" (WiN Russia).

19.03.2021 Enactment of RB-003-21
On March 19, 2021 the Safety Guide RB-003-21 "Assessment of Long-Term Safety of Radioactive Waste Deep Disposal Facilities" was put into effect.

15.03.2021 Approval of the new Strategic Plan for Legal and Regulatory Framework in the Field of Atomic Energy Use for the next 10 years by Rostechnadzor
On March 12, 2021, Mr. A.V. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, approved the "Strategic Plan for Implementation of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Upgrading Concept with Regard to Safety and Standardization in the Field of Atomic Energy Use for the Period 2021–2031".

12.03.2021 Report “Methods for assessing and strengthening the safety culture of the regulatory body” was published by NEA
On March 11, 2021 the report “Methods for assessing and strengthening the safety culture of the regulatory body” was published on the website of Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD NEA).

02.03.2021 Publication of a monography
Integrated benchmarking study of safety for implementation of the open and closed nuclear fuel cycles in the Russian Federation. Methodology and results.

Meeting of Session No.6 "Strength and Reliability of Civil Structures of Buildings and Facilities" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes 25.02.2021 Meeting of Session No.6 "Strength and Reliability of Civil Structures of Buildings and Facilities" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On February 25, 2021 the scheduled meeting of Session No.6 секции № 6 "Strength and Reliability of Civil Structures of Buildings and Facilities" of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes took place. The meeting was for the first time held using SEC NRS digital portal in the format of a video conference.

17.02.2021 Enactment of RB-005-21
Recommendations on Monitoring Methods and Tools for Radioactive Substances Discharge into Water Bodies.

04.02.2021 Amendments to RB-093-20
Radiation, Thermal and Physical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Water-Moderated Power Reactors and High Power Channel-Type Reactors.

02.02.2021 Enactment of RB-046-21
Monitoring of Hydrological, Meteorological and Aerological Conditions in the Location Area of Nuclear Facilities.

29.12.2020 Enactment of Methodological Recommendations on Supervision over Radiation Safety in the Course of Operation of Radiation Sources Containing Bare Radioactive Sources and (or) Radioactive Substances
Enactment of Methodological Recommendations on Supervision over Radiation Safety in the Course of Operation of Radiation Sources Containing Bare Radioactive Sources and (or) Radioactive Substances.

24.12.2020 Information about amedments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use for the IV quarter of 2020

20.12.2020 The 98th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on December 16, 2020.

07.12.2020 Approval of RB-167-20
Recommendations on Justification of Residual Lifetime of Nuclear Facilities Building Structures.

04.12.2020 Repeal of PNAE G-7-023-90
Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations. Aluminum Alloy Weld Joints. Inspection Rules.

ETSON Board and General Assembly meetings took place on July 9-10, 2020 via videoconference 13.11.2020 ETSON Board and General Assembly meetings took place on July 9-10, 2020 via videoconference

09.11.2020 Amendments to the NP-053-16
Safety Rules in Transportation of Radioactive Materials.

05.11.2020 ETSON General Assembly extended the powers of Dr Alexander Khamaza as the Vice-President
The regular meetings of the Board and the General Assembly of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) took place on November 3-4, 2020 via videoconference.

03.11.2020 Information about amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use for the third quarter of 2020.

29.09.2020 The 97th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal has come out
Signed to be published on September 16, 2020. The on-line version of the Journal is available on our official web-site and in the free mobile application.

08.09.2020 Approval of the Standard Program for Inspection of the System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials in an Organization

25.08.2020 Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks registered the computer code "Calculator for Accident Radiological Consequences"
The code was developed by the team of authors of the SEC NRS Division for Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues: Mr. A.V. Kuryndin, Head of Division, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Mr. A.S. Shapovalov, Head of Laboratory; Mr. R.M. Polyakov, Junior Research Scientist.

24.08.2020 Virtual Mission of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to the Russian Federation

20.08.2020 Enactment of RB-165-20
Recommendations on Investigation and Accounting of Abnormalities and Violations in Accounting and Control of Radiactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes in an Organization.

30.07.2020 Enactment of RB-166-20
Recommendations on Evaluation of Errors and Uncertainties of the Results of Computed Safety Analyses for Nuclear Power Plants.

22.07.2020 The “Atoms for Peace in Belarus: Benefits and Perspectives” web-conference
SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President Dr. Alexander Khamaza took part in the “Atoms for Peace in Belarus: Benefits and Perspectives” web-conference.

15.07.2020 Rostechnadzor Introduced Amendments to the Lists of Legal Acts
On July 13, 2020 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia approved the Order on Amendments to the Order of October 17, 2016 No. 421 "On Approval of the Lists of Legal Acts Containing Mandatory Requirements, Adherance to which is to be Estimated in the course of Supervision in Frames of State Control (Supervision) Activities Attributed to Exclusive Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia".

ETSON Workshop on Key Challenges for Nuclear Safety during the Covid-19 Pandemic 13.07.2020 ETSON Workshop on Key Challenges for Nuclear Safety during the Covid-19 Pandemic

02.07.2020 Enactment of RB-155-20 and Repeal of RB-023-02
RB-155-20 “Recommendations on the Procedure, Scope, Methods and Means of Control over Radioactive Wastes to Confirm their Compliance with the Disposal Acceptance Criteria”.

24.06.2020 The 2022 IAEA International TSOs Conference is planned to take place in Russia in 2022

18.06.2020 Repeal of 11 Safety Guides
Repeal of Safety Guides RB-049-09, RB-079-12, RB-077-12, RB-083-13, RB-037-06, RB-004-98, RB-015-2000, RB-016-01, RB-017-01, RB-020-01, RB-032-04.

16.06.2020 The 96th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on June 5, 2020. On-line version of the periodical is also available in our free mobile application.

10.06.2020 EUROSAFE Programme Committee meeting via video-conference
The meeting of the EUROSAFE Programme Committee was held on June 9 via video-conference and was attended by Denis Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head International Cooperation Department.

10.06.2020 An extraordinary meeting of the ETSON Board via video-conference
The extraordinary meeting of the ETSON Board was held on June 9 via video-conference and was attended by Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President.

13.05.2020 ETSON Board meeting via video-conference
The meeting of the ETSON Board was held on May 12 via video-conference and was attended by Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director and ETSON Vice-President.

09.05.2020 Revocation of NP-081-07 “Requirements to Arrangement of Material Balance Areas”
NP-081-07 “Requirements to Arrangement of Material Balance Areas” approved by the Decree of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 2 of November 19, 2007 (in effect since June 1, 2008) was recognized as repealed.

28.04.2020 Government Decree on Cooperation with the National Authorities of Foreign Countries
On May 9, 2020 the Government Decree “About Cooperation with the National Authorities of Foreign Countries Involved in Industrial Safety Regulation on the Issues of Development of National Regulation Systems in the Field of Industrial Safety” comes into effect.

27.04.2020 Enactment of NP-030-19 and Revocation of NP-030-12
Fundamental Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.

23.04.2020 Government Decree on Amendments to some Acts of the Russian Federation Government

01.04.2020 The 95th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on March 26, 2020. On-line version of the periodical is also available in our free mobile application.

13.03.2020 RB-164-20 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Assessment of the Safety Level of Storage Facilities and Conduct of the Analysis of Non-Conformance to the Requirements of the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use.

12.03.2020 RB-093-20 has been put into effect
Radiation, Thermal and Physical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Water-Moderated Power Reactors and High Power Channel-Type Reactors.

12.03.2020 RB-162-20 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Fulfillment of the Requirements to Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Material Storage Facilities in the Process of Design and Construction.

06.03.2020 Meeting of Session No.1 “Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety, Particle Transport” of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
The results of the review of computer codes were addressed at the meeting.

05.03.2020 RF Government Decree No. 182 of 19.02.2020
On Amendments to Regulations on Granting Subsidies to Legal Entities from the Federal Budget for Reimbursement of Radioactive Waste Management.

28.02.2020 Заседание секции № 4 «Прочность и ресурс элементов, оборудования, систем» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре
На заседание 27 февраля 2020 г. в ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» рассмотрены результаты экспертизы программ для ЭВМ.

19.02.2020 RF Government Decree No. 129 of 12.02.2020
On amendments to some acts of the Russian Federation Government on the issues of the state functions execution of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia.

14.02.2020 Enactment of RB-095-20 and repeal of RB-095-14
Recommendations to Application of Access Control Mechanisms in the System of Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Waste.

12.02.2020 Revocation of RB-009-99
Methodology of Vulnerability Assessment of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Installation Physical Protection.

31.12.2019 Roadmap for updating of the series of Safety Guides in atomic energy use for the period 2020–2025 has been approved
Mr. A.V. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, approved the Roadmap for updating of the series of Safety Guides in atomic energy use for the period 2020–2025.

27.12.2019 Amendments to NP-089-15
Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations.

26.12.2019 46th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards took place at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna
Delegation of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (members of the delegation: Rostechnadzor Deputy Chairman Mr Alexey Ferapontov, and SEC NRS Deputy Director Mr Rashet Sharafutdinov) took part in the 46th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) which was held in Austria (IAEA Headquarters in Vienna) on December 16-20, 2019.

23.12.2019 RB-163-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on the Structure and Content of the Safety Analysis Report on Management of Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes in the process of Transportation.

19.12.2019 Meeting of the Presidium of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
On December 19, 2019, SEC NRS hosted the scheduled meeting of the Presidium of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes.

19.12.2019 Вышел в свет 94-й выпуск журнала «Ядерная и радиационная безопасность»
Подписан в печать 16 декабря 2019 года. Электронная версия Журнала доступна на нашем сайте и в нашем бесплатном мобильном приложении.

17.12.2019 Repeal of RB-042-07
Instead the Federal Safety Regulations NP-067-16 “Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste in an Organization” has been put into force.

16.12.2019 Repeal of NP-032-01
On December 13, 2019, the Federal Safety Regulations NP-032-19 “Nuclear Power Plant Site. Safety Requirements” has come into effect.

13.12.2019 SEC NRS attended the EUROSAFE Forum in Cologne
The EUROSAFE annual forum of the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON) took place on November 4 and 5 in Cologne, Germany. The SEC NRS delegation headed by Alexander Khamaza, Director, attended the Forum.

10.12.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations has been developed
Requirements to Safety Analysis Report for Ships and Other Floating Vessels with Nuclear Reactors.

04.12.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of a Reactor Unit Vessel, Equipment, Pipelines and Internals for a Lead-Cooled Nuclear Power Installation” has been developed
Starting date for the comments is December 6, 2019, deadline for the comments is January 6, 2020.

04.12.2019 RB-161-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Fire-Explosion Safety of Processes Applying Pyrophorous Materials at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.

03.12.2019 NP-032-19 has been put into effect
Nuclear Power Plant Site. Safety Requirements.

29.11.2019 NP-106-19 has been put into effect
Provision on Procedure of Emergency Alerting, Urgent Information Transfer in Events of Radiation Hazard Situations at Nuclear Research Facilities.

29.11.2019 60 Federal Safety Regulations in English
The English version of our free mobile application (in Russian and in English) was enlarged to include more than 60 documents (Federal Safety Regulations) translated into English.

28.11.2019 NP-085-19 has been enacted to substitute NP-085-10
Requirements to Physical Protection of Ships with Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Maintenance Ships and Ships for Nuclear Materials Transportation, as well as Floating NPPs.

26.11.2019 NP-085-19 has been put into effect
Requirements to Physical Protection of Ships with Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Maintenance Ships and Ships for Nuclear Materials Transportation, as well as Floating NPPs.

25.11.2019 On repealed NP-075-06
“On Approval and Enactment of the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Requirements to Content of the Personnel Protection Action Plan in Case of an Accident at Nuclear Research Facilities”.

14.11.2019 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2019 No. 386-rp “Honoris Causa the State Supervision over Industrial and Energy Safety, the Certificate of Honour of the President of the Russian Federation is awarded to Sergey BOGDAN, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety”.

14.11.2019 Revocation of RB-039-07
Safety provision in transport of radioactive materials.

11.11.2019 RB-159-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on the Conduct of an Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey for a Nuclear Facility.

11.11.2019 Enactment of NP-075-19
Requirements to Content of the Personnel Protection Action Plan in Case of an Accident at Nuclear Research Facilities.

06.11.2019 SEC NRS and FSUE «Production Association «Mayak» signed an Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation
SEC NRS and FSUE «Production Association «Mayak» signed an Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation concerning the conduct of research (R&D) and its evaluation, mutual scientific and technical assistance, the development of scientific and human capacity.

29.10.2019 Decree on state awards in the Russian Federation
The President signed a Decree on state awards in the Russian Federation.

"To award Mr Alexander A. Khamaza, Director of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, the city of Moscow, with a medal «For merits in the development of atomic energy» for merits in the provision of state supervision in the field of industrial and energy safety."

29.10.2019 RB-160-19 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Development of Program for Integrated Engineering and Radiation Survey of a Nuclear Facility.

28.10.2019 Technical visit of the participants of the VVER-WG at Tianwan NPP
A meeting of participants of the VVER Working group (VVER WG) of the Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP) with representatives of the National Nuclear Safety Administration of China (NNSA) and Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC), which is the operating organization of the Tianwan NPP, took place on October 24 and 25 within the framework of the technical visit to Tianwan NPP (Lianyungang city, China).

25.10.2019 Программа для ЭВМ «Информация о нарушениях в работе исследовательских ядерных установок» (ИоН ИЯУ) прошла процедуру государственной регистрации
The Code is intended for scientific and technical support of Rostechnadzor activity, as well as activity on planning and conduct of inspections and safety review for NRI. Principal users of the Code are the specialists of the scientific and technical support organizations of Rostechnadzor, employees of Rostechnadzor Headquarters and Interregional Territorial Departments for Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety.

23.10.2019 RB-001-19 has been put into effect
On October 23, 2019, the Safety Guide RB-001-19 “Recommendations to the Content of the Report on In-depth Safety Analysis of NPP Power Units under Operation” has been put into effect.

07.10.2019 Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” NIKIET 2019
The Conference of Young Specialists “Innovations in Nuclear Power” took place in JSC NIKIET within October 1 – 3, 2019. The major goal of the Conference was to upgrade the activity of young scientists and specialists in the scientific and engineering as well as in the production activity, the possibility to share good practices and to highlight the professional achievements. Specialists from more than 30 organizations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM as well as from the related industry organizations and leading technical universities of Russia took part in the Conference.

03.10.2019 Issue No. 93 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
The periodical was signed to be published on September 27, 2019. On-line version of the Periodical is available at our web-site and in our free mobile application.

01.10.2019 Review Procedure for Draft Regulations on Permissible Emissions and Discharges enters into force
On October 12, 2019 the Review Procedure for Draft Regulations on Permissible Radioactive Substances Emissions/Discharges into Atmosphere/Water Bodies enters into force.

01.10.2019 The Maintaining Procedure for the Issued Authorizations Register for Emissions/Discharges is coming into effect
The Procedure stipulates the maintaining procedure for the issued authorizations register for radioactive substances emissions/discharges into atmosphere/water bodies.

20.09.2019 SEC NRS attended the regular session of the IAEA General Conference
SEC NRS representatives as a part of the Rostechnadzor delegation attended the events at the  63rd Annual Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference (September 16-20, 2019, Vienna, Austria).

11.09.2019 RB-121-16 has been amended
Recommendations on the structure and contents of technical operating regulations for NPP unit with VVER-type reactor.

04.09.2019 Discussion of the federal rules and regulations draft “Basic rules of nuclear materials accounting and control”
On September 17, 2019 a meeting dedicated to discussion of feedback concerning the draft of the federal rules and regulations “Basic rules of nuclear materials accounting and control” will take place at the Rostechnadzor Department of Special Security.

27.08.2019 Participation at the EUROSAFE 2019, November 4 & 5 in Cologne, Germany

For the 19th time since 1999, experts from ETSON member organisations and representatives of regulatory authorities, scientific institutions and the industry from all over Europe and beyond will meet to discuss current topics in nuclear safety, nuclear waste management and radiation protection.

08.08.2019 Definition of the amount of charge for review of drafts of liquid and airborne radioactive discharge limits
Methodology to define the amount of charge will enter into force on August 17, 2019.

25.07.2019 Draft of the federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Basic provisions for safety of nuclear technology service vessels” has been developed
Draft is available at our web-site section “Drafts of regulatory documents” and at the official Rostechnadzor web-site in section “Development of Rostechnadzor normative legal acts”.

Feedback shall be sent to secnrs@secnrs.ru from July 26, 2019 to August 26, 2019.

19.07.2019 RB-158-19 has entered into force
On July 19, 2019 the safety guide in the field of atomic energy use “Recommendations for planning and justification of technical maintenance reduction, decommissioning of certain systems and elements, changes in the number of operating personnel of NPP unit shut down for decommissioning” (RB-158-19) entered into force.

18.07.2019 Draft amendments to NP-089-15
Draft amendments to federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for design and safe operation of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power installations” (NP-089-15) have been prepared.

18.07.2019 Revocation of RB-024-11
Provision on basic recommendations for the development of level 1 probabilistic safety assessment for internal initiating events for all NPP unit regimes.

18.07.2019 RB-024-19 has come into effect
Recommendations for the Development of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Internal Initiating Events of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit.

16.07.2019 Methodological recommendations for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels during operation
“Methodological recommendations for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of ships and other vessels with nuclear reactors and nuclear technology service vessels during operation” were approved on July 16, 2019.

27.06.2019 The Multinational Design Evaluation Project (MDEP) VVER Working Group (VVERWG) held a meeting on 21 23 May 2019 in Pyhäjoki
The Multinational Design Evaluation Project (MDEP) VVER Working Group (VVERWG) held a meeting on 21 23 May 2019 in Pyhäjoki, Finland, hosted by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) with the support of the Municipality of Pyhäjoki.

20.06.2019 Nuclear and Radiation Safety, No. 2(92)–2019
Quarterly academic and research journal of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia. Signed to be published on June 19, 2019.

14.06.2019 Summarized results of the "Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019"
The XII “Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019” came back to the site of  VDNH EXPO (Exhibition of Economic Achievements, Moscow) upon a two-year break. The EXPO attracted to participate 268 companies and organizations.

05.06.2019 Draft Federal Safety Regulations has been developed
Fundamental Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.

30.05.2019 Meeting of Session No. 3 "Safety of Nuclear Facilities" of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosteсhnadzor
Meeting of Session No. 3 "Safety of Nuclear Facilities" of the Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter to be referred to as STC) of Rosteсhnadzor of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on May 28.

30.05.2019 New Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor
On May 27, 2019, new Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor came into effect to entrust the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the state service on issuance of permits to workers of nuclear facilities giving the right for implementation of works in the field of atomic energy use.

30.05.2019 XIIth International Exhibition for Safety and Security Features "Integrated Safety and Security-2019"
Within June 5–7, 2019 the VDNH Pavilion No. 75 will host the XIIth International Exhibition "Integrated Safety and Security-2019". On June 8, the Noginsk Rescue Center of the EMERCOM of Russia will present the large-scale demonstrative exrcise in frames of the Exhibition.

14.05.2019 Edict of the President of the Russian Federation "About Approval of the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation"
The Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation is the strategy planning document in the sphere of National Security of the Russian Federation, which reflects the official opinions on Energy Security in the Russian Federation.

17.04.2019 On the second working day of the International Forum ATOMEXPO-2019 the roundtable "Responsible Consumption and Production: Quality Management in the Nuclear Industry’s Supply Chains for International Projects" took place

05.04.2019 RB-154-19 has been put into force
Recommendations on usage of radionuclide ratios method for determination of content of difficult-to-measure radionuclides in radioactive waste produced by nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

04.04.2019 Amendments to the Federal Law 170-FZ
On March 18 марта, 2019 the Federal Law No. 40-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Use of Atomic Energy" was enacted.

03.04.2019 Issue No. 91 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on March 28, 2019. The online version of the Periodical is available on our website and in the free mobile application.

15.03.2019 Continuity of Regulatory Documents related to Unified Control Procedures
Joint Decision of Rostechnadzor and the State Corporation ROSATOM on the Use of NP-104-18 and NP-105-18.

14.03.2019 Decision on the Use of NP-104-18 and NP-105-18
Joint Decision of Rostechnadzor and the State Corporation ROSATOM on the Use of NP-104-18 and NP-105-18.

14.03.2019 RB-156-19 and RB-157-19 were put into effect
"Recommendations on Vulnerability Analysis for a Nuclear Facility" and "Recommendations on Evaluation of the Efficiency of Physical Protection Systems of a Nuclear Facility".

05.03.2019 Alexey Aleshin comes to Bangladesh with a working visit
On March 5, 2019 the Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) Alexey Aleshin came to the People’s Rebublic of Bangladesh with a working visit.

28.02.2019 Session No. 1 “Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety”
On February 26, 2019 the scheduled meeting of Session No. 1 “Physics of Nuclear Reactors and Systems with Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Safety” of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes was held in SEC NRS.

26.02.2019 Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes
Standard Program for Inspection of the System of Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes in an Organization.

19.02.2019 SEC NRS confirmed the compliance of the Automated Information System to the Information Security Requirements
The Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) sets high value to the necessity of meeting the information security requirements, including personal data.

19.02.2019 Development of the Draft Federal Safety Regulations
Provision on the Procedure of Emergency Situation Announcement, on-line Information Transfer in case of Radiation Hazard Situations at Nuclear Research Facilities.

14.02.2019 Report of a SEC NRS Young Specialist at the XIX Scientific School of IBRAE RAN Young Scientists Won the Third Award
Moscow, Russia. On November 22–23, 2018 the All-Russian Conference "XIX Scientific School of IBRAE RAN Young Scientists "Safety and Risks in Nuclear Power Industry", which was organized by the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS), took place. The leading specialists of the nuclear power industry, young scientists, postgraduates and students, together with the SEC NRS young specialists, took part in the Conference. The report of Mr. A.S. Emelianov, SEC NRS Junior Research Scientist, won the honorable third award.

07.02.2019 Repeal of RD-03-33-2008
Instruction on Arrangement of the Review of Computer Codes to be Used for Safety Substantiation and (or) Safety Ensurance of Nuclear Facilities.

05.02.2019 Information System ISCERT
Information System ISCERT was developed by SEC NRS and subjected to the State Registry Procedure (Certificate No. 2019611041).

24.01.2019 Repeal of RB-088-14, RB-089-14, RB-090-14
Safety Guide “The Unified Methods of Control of Basic Materials (Semi-Finished Products), Welded Joints and Overlaying for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Facilities. Eddy Current (Nondestructive) Inspection”; Safety Guide “The Unified Methods of Control of Basic Materials (Semi-Finished Products), Welded Joints and Overlaying for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Facilities. Visual Control and Measuring Testing”; Safety Guide “The Unified Methods of Control of Basic Materials (Semi-Finished Products), Welded Joints and Overlaying for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Facilities. Liquid Penetrant Testing”.

22.01.2019 Enactment of RB-151-19
Recommendations on the Structure and Content of Accident Elimination Instruction for Nuclear Fuel Storages.

16.01.2019 Amendments to NP-091-14
"Safety in Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. General Provisions" approved by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia No. 216 of May 20, 2014.

10.01.2019 Enactment of RB-153-18
Recommendations on the Justification of a Decommissioning Option for Nuclear Facilities.

10.01.2019 Repeal of PNAE G-7-009-89 and PNAE G-7-010-89
Recognition as repealed of certain documents of the State Committee of the URRS on Safe Implementation of Activities in Nuclear Energy and decrees of the Federal Inspectorate of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety.

28.12.2018 Approval of the Provision on Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
Mr. S. N. Bogdan, SEC NRS Deputy Director, was appointed to be the Chairman of the Expert Council.

28.12.2018 Enactment of NP-104-186 on January 6
Welding and Overlay Welding of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Installations.

25.12.2018 Issue No. 90 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on September 28, 2018.

14.12.2018 NP-055, NP-058, NP-069: amendments
“Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements”, “Safe radioactive waste management. General requirements” and “Radioactive waste disposal. Principles, criteria and basic safety requirements”.

07.12.2018 Section III "Safety of nuclear installations" of the Rostechnadzor Scientific and Technical Council
The meeting of Section III "Safety of nuclear installations" of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service under the chairmanship of Mr. Alexey Ferapontov, Rostechnadzor Deputy Chairman, took place on November 28, 2018.

29.11.2018 Section 3 “Safety of nuclear installations” Meeting
The meeting of the Section 3 “Safety of nuclear installations” of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service took place on November 26, 2018.

27.11.2018 Section II of the List of normative legal acts and normative documents related to Rostechnadzor scope of activities was approved
Section II “State safety regulation in the field of atomic energy use” of the List of normative legal acts and normative documents related to the scope of activities of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (P-01-01-2017) was adopted on November 27, 2018.

27.11.2018 RB-142-18 has been put into force
The Safety Guide for atomic energy use “Seismological monitoring of nuclear- and radiation hazardous facilities sites” (RB-142-18) was put into force on November 27, 2018.

22.11.2018 NP-105-18 was approved
Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Regulations for control of metal of nuclear installations equipment and pipelines under fabrication and assembling” were approved on November 14, 2018.

22.11.2018 44th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards took place at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna
SEC NRS Deputy Director Mr Rashet Sharafutdinov took part in the 44th Meeting of the Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) which was held in Austria (IAEA Headquarters in Vienna) on November 14-15, 2018.

22.11.2018 Section 3 "Transfer of ionizing radiation, radiation protection, spreading (migration) of radioactive materials"
On November 21, 2018 a regular meeting of Section 3 “Transfer of ionizing radiation, radiation protection, spreading (migration) of radioactive materials” of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council On Validation of Computer Codes took place.

21.11.2018 SEC NRS experts took part in two meetings in Paris
On November 13, 2018 in the office of the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) Head of the International Cooperation Division Mr. Denis Mistryugov took part at the meeting with the IRSN representatives dedicated to the issues concerning the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON).

15.11.2018 Approval of NP-104-18
On November 14, 2018 federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Welding and overlay welding of equipment and pipelines of nuclear installations” (NP-104-18) were approved.

14.11.2018 Regular meeting of Section 2 of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes took place on November 3, 2018
The meeting took place on November 3, 2018. 43 specialists took part in the meeting including authorized representatives of JSC “AKME-engineering”, JSC “SSC RIAR”, JSC “Atomenergoproekt”, JSC “NIKIET”, JSC “ATOMPROEKT”, JSC “OKBM Afrikantov”, National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», JSC OKB “GIDROPRESS”, JSC «EREC», Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), FSUE “Aleksandrov Scientific and Research Technological Centre”, Private Institution “Innovation and Technology Centre of the “Proryv” Project”, JSC “Rusatom Service”, JSC “VNIIAES”, FSUE “Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF”.

12.11.2018 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service №325 of July 30, 2018
“On the establishment of the review procedure of computer codes used for the development of simulation models of the processes which exert influence on the safety of nuclear installations and (or) activities in the field of atomic energy use”.

06.11.2018 Section 3 Meeting “Safety of nuclear installations” of the Rostechnadzor Scientific and Technical Council
On September 24, 2018 a regular meeting of Section 3 “Safety of nuclear installations” of the Rostechnadzor Scientific and Technical Council took place. The agenda covered 3 issues.

29.10.2018 SEC NRS will present a report on RB-134-17 at EMERCOM Conference
On October 30-31, 2018 XVII Russian National Research and Practice Conference “Emergency situations prognosis issues” will be held in Moscow. The conference is organized by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

26.10.2018 SEC NRS will take part in the XVII Russian National Research and Practice Conference
The conference is organized by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

16.10.2018 2nd Day of the TSO International Conference conluded in Brussels
In the cource of the second day of the IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security held in Brussels s (Belgium) three Sessions were held – Safety assessment, Radiation and waste management safety and International cooperation.

16.10.2018 SEC NRS and IRSN signed cooperation agreement at the IAEA TSO Conference
SEC NRS and the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN, France) signed the Cooperation agreement in the field of nuclear safety and security on October 16, 2018 in Brussels on the sidelines of the IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security. The document was signed by Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director, and Jean-Christophe Niel, IRSN Director General.

16.10.2018 ETSON General Assembly extended the powers of Alexander Khamaza as Vice-president
The IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security continues its work in Brussels (Belgium).

16.10.2018 The IAEA TSO International Conference opened in Brussels
The IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security  started its work in Brussels (Belgium) on October 15, 2018.

16.10.2018 RB-149-18 was put in force
“Recommendations on the determination of physical protection measures for portable radiation sources”.

16.10.2018 Basics of the State Policy in the field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the Russian Federation
These Basics serve as strategic planning document in the field of national safety provision in the Russian Federation. The Basics determine the goals, objectives, basic trends and implementation tools of the State Policy in the field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the Russian Federation until 2025 and beyond.

03.10.2018 RB-152-18 was approved
Comments to the federal rules and regulations “Basic provisions of the NPP safety regulation” (NP-001-15).

02.10.2018 Issue No. 89 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on September 28, 2018. The on-line version of the Periodical is available on the website and in our free mobile application (Android, iOS).

02.10.2018 The 13th International Nuclear Forum "Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Transport of Radioactive Materials (ATOMTRANS-2018)" starts session in St.Peterburg
This year the Forum is held under the title "ATOMTRANS-2018", and the main topic is transport of radioactive materials.

25.09.2018 Approval of the Methodological Recommendations

25.09.2018 SEC NRS takes part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecological, Industrial and Energy Security - 2018"

20.09.2018 Approval of the Methodological Recommendations

20.09.2018 SEC NRS obtains the status of a scientific and technical support organization (TSO) for Rostechnadzor

20.09.2018 Amendments to RB-092-13
Recommendations to Safety Ensuring in Return of the Irradiated Fuel Assemblies Processing Products to the Supplier Country.

19.09.2018 Repeal of NP-079-06
Requirements to Planning of Measures for Actions and Protection of Personnel at Nuclear and Radiological Accidents on Vessels and Other Watercraft with Nuclear Reactors.

19.09.2018 Memorandum of cooperation between Rostechnadzor and the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security
On September 18, 2018 the ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) and the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security in the field of regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in atomic energy peaceful uses was held in Vienna (Austria). The document was signed by Mr. Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, and Mr. Khammar Mrabit, Director General of the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security.

05.09.2018 Rostechnadzor hosted the Seminar on nuclear power industry development
On August 21, 2018 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) hosted the Seminar on the issues of nuclear power industry development. The Seminar was attended by leaders and employees of the Rostechnadzor Headquarters, as well as by the SEC NRS leaders and experts (TSO for Rostechnadzor).

05.09.2018 Draft amendments to NP-075-06
Requirements to Contents of the Action Plans for Protection of Personnel in the Event of an Accident at Nuclear Research Installations.

05.09.2018 NP-079-18 approval
Requirements to Planning of Measures for Actions and Protection of Personnel at Nuclear and Radiological Accidents on Vessels and Other Watercraft with Nuclear Reactors.

24.08.2018 Enactment of RB-151-18

21.08.2018 Draft amendments to NP-055-14, NP-058-14, NP-069-14

15.08.2018 Enactment of RB-150-18
Recommendations on Creation of the Final List of Beyond-Design-Basis Accidents to be Considered in the Design of VVER NPPs.

14.08.2018 Repeal of PNAE G-7-014-89, PNAE G-7-015-89, PNAE G-7-017-89, PNAE G-7-019-89, PNAE G-7-030-91, PNAE G-7-031-91 and PNAE G-7-032-91
“Standardized methods of testing of basic materials (semi-finished products, weld joints and surfacing of equipment and piping of nuclear power plants. Ultrasonic inspection. Control of basic materials (semi-finished products)”, “Standardized methods of inspection of basic materials (semi-finished products), welded joints and surfacing of equipment and piping of nuclear power plants. Magnetic particle inspection”, “Standardized methods of control of basic materials (semi-finished products), welded joints and surfacing of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Radiographic control” and “Standardized methods of inspection of basic materials (semi-finished products), welded joints and surfacing of equipment and piping of nuclear power units. Leak tightness control. Gas and liquid methods”.

10.08.2018 RB-044-18 has been put in force
On August 9, 2018 «Recommendations on the development of level 2 probabilistic safety assessment for NPP unit» came into force.

08.08.2018 RB-146-18 has been put in force
On August 8, 2018 the Safety Guide “Recommendations on the transition of facilities for keeping non-retrievable radioactive waste to isolation facilities for special radioactive waste and disposal facilities for non-retrievable radioactive waste” (RB-146-18) came into force.

17.07.2018 Issue No. 88 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on June 28, 2018. The on-line version of the Periodical is available on the website and in our free mobile application.

17.07.2018 Delegation from Vietnam visited the SEC NRS
Guests were presented with the information on the activity of SEC NRS as the scientific and technical support organization of Rostechnadzor. Furthermore, the SEC NRS demonstrated to the Vietnamese guests its activity in support of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor.

17.07.2018 ETSON Board and General Assembly took place in Budapest
The Board members discussed the strategic development of ETSON and further activity of its working groups.

03.07.2018 Software products developed by SEC NRS have been subjected to the state registration procedure
In SEC NRS the "Classifier INES 1.00" and "Information system on accidents at nuclear research installations" software products have been developed for the purposes of scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor.

22.06.2018 New web-site of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal
You'll find the archive of articles for the past years, official documents, drafts of regulatory documents, international and reference information. Almost all articles of the Journal are available for free.

20.06.2018 SEC NRS took part in the Sixth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
SEC NRS employees, included in the delegation of Rostechnadzor headed by Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, took part in the Sixth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, that was held in the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna (Austria) within May 21 – June 1, 2018.

06.06.2018 Amendments to the RB-025-15
The Contents of the Annual Report of Operating Organization on Assessment of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Status of Nuclear Research Installations.

05.06.2018 RB-147-18 has been put into effect
Self-Assessment of the Current Nuclear and Radiation Safety Status of a Nuclear Research Installation by the Operating Organization.

05.06.2018 SEC NRS will take part in the XI Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition-2018
In the period June 6–8, 2018, one of the outstanding annual events will take place that is the XI Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition-2018. It is the third year in sequence, when the exhibition will be held on the territory of the Noginsk Rescue Center of the EMERCOM of Russia. Annually it attracts more than 20 thousand people, i.e. visitors and participants. The arrangers of this largest inter-agency exhibition are the EMERCOM of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

05.06.2018 SEC NRS will take part in the Inter-Industry Scientific and Technical Seminar hosted by the FSUE “NITI named after A.P. Alexandrov”
FSUE “NITI named after A.P. Alexandrov” arranges the Inter-Industry Scientific and Technical Seminar “Modeling of a Nuclear Power Installation Dynamics”. It will take place within June 5-7, 2018 in the Sosnoviy Bor (Leningrad Region).

04.06.2018 Safety Guide RB-145-18 has been put into effect
Radiation Load Monitoring and Estimation of Burn-up Life of the VVER Equipment.

30.05.2018 SEC NRS took part in the Industry-Specific Seminar of the State Corporation ROSATOM
A.A. Stroganov, Deputy Head of SEC NRS Division for Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues, participated in the Industry-Specific Research and Practice Seminar "Radiation and Environmental Safety in Nuclear Power Industry" organized by the State Corporation ROSATOM. The annual Industry-Specific Seminar was held in Novosibirsk within May 21-25, 2018.

27.05.2018 Amendments to the NP-068-05
On Recognition of Certain Provisions to be Exempted from the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use "Pipeline Valves for Nuclear Power Plants. General Technical Requirements.

25.05.2018 Approval of the Safety Guide RB-141-18
Recommendations on the Development of the Acceptance Criteria for Radioactive Wastes to be Disposed in Designing of Near-Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities.

22.05.2018 SEC NRS will participate in the ISTC-2018 Conference and Exhibition
Within May 23–24, 2018, the XIth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Industry” (ISTC–2018) will be held in Moscow.

18.05.2018 Young Specialists Awards – 2018
The annual Scientific and Technical Conference "Young Specialists Awards" took place in the SEC NRS.

15.05.2018 RB-143-18 has come into effect
Recommendations on the Development of Quality Assurance Programs in Construction of Nuclear Facilities.

15.05.2018 NP-017-18 has been issued to substitute NP-017-2000
Basic Requirements for Operation Lifetime Extension of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit.

11.05.2018 Amendments to RB-019-17
Evaluation of Original Seismicity of a Nuclear Facility Region and Site during Engineering Surveys and Studies.

11.05.2018 Repeal of RB-008-99, RB-062-11, and RB-063-11
"Safety Ensuring in Radioactive Waste Management of Nuclear Research Installations", "Provision on the Structure and Contents of Safety Analysis Report for a Nuclear Research Installation Decommissioning" and "Provision on the Structure and Contents of the Principal Program for a Nuclear Research Installation Decommissioning".

08.05.2018 Amendments to NP-071-18
Regulations for assessment of conformity of products, for which the requirements tosafety in the field of atomic energy use are established, as well as of processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, erection, pre-commissioning, operation, storage, transport, implementation, utilization and disposal.

07.05.2018 NP-017-18 is coming into force
Basic Requirements to NPP Unit Lifetime Extention.

03.05.2018 IAEA hosted the 3rd meeting of the Programme Committee in frames of the International TSO Conference
On April 16 – 19, 2018 the IAEA hosted the 3rd meeting of the Programme Committee of the International Conference of Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSO Conference) and the 13th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Technical and Scientific Support Organization Forum (TSOF).

28.04.2018 RD-03-36-2002 has been repealed and RB-148-18 has been enacted
“On Recognition of “Delivery Specifications for Imported Equipment, Products, and Components for Nuclear Facilities, Radiation Sources, and Storage Facilities in the Russian Federation” to be exempted from application and
“Recommendations on Organization and Conduct of Administrative Control over the State of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials” is coming into effect.

26.04.2018 Rostechnadzor has approved the Policy Statement on Safety Culture in the Field of State Safety Regulation in Atomic Energy Use
Today, A.V. Aleshin, Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, has approved the Policy Statement on Safety Culture in the Field of State Safety Regulation in Atomic Energy Use.

24.04.2018 43-rd Meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards
The Meeting was attended by the authorized representatives from 25 countries. The representatives from the Russian Federation, namely: Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, and Rashet Sharafutdinov, Deputy Director of SEC NRS took part in the discussions of technical assignments for development of the IAEA Safety Standards and in the approval of the draft Safety Standards. 

23.04.2018 NP-046-18 has come into effect
Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers for Nuclear Facilities.

23.04.2018 Draft amendments to the NP-091-14 have been developed
Draft amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Safety in Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. General Provisions” have been developed.

22.04.2018 IAEA hosted the 12th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN)
In the period of April 16-17, 2018, the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna (Austria) hosted the Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN).

21.04.2018 Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor has certified 12 software tools
n April 17, 2018, the scheduled 72nd meeting of the Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor took place in SEC NRS.

21.04.2018 SEC NRS took part in the meeting of the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
On March 26 – 28, 2018, SEC NRS took part in the 2nd meeting of the Working Group on Safety Culture (WGSC) of OECD NEA CNRA, which was held in Tokyo (Japan).

16.04.2018 NP-046-18 are coming into effect
Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers for Nuclear Facilities.

09.04.2018 Issue No. 87 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
Signed to be published on April 5, 2018. The on-line version of the Periodical will be available on the website and in our free mobile app (Android, iOS).

06.04.2018 NP-043-18, NP-044-18, and NP-045-18 are coming into effect on April 14, 2018
“Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines and Mechanisms Applied at Nuclear Facilities”, “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities” and “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines for Nuclear Facilities”.

30.03.2018 Scheduled meeting of Section 3 “Safety of Nuclear Facilities” of Rostechnadzor Scientific and Technical Council
During the meeting the participant from SEC NRS, A.M. Kryukov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, presented the report “Estimation of the efficiency of wet annealing of reactor pressure vessels of VVER-1000 type”.

30.03.2018 Rostechnadzor hosted the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council
On March 27, 2018 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) hosted the scheduled meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) under the chairmanship of B.A. Krasnykh, Head of the Rostechnadzor STC. 

26.03.2018 NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03 and NP-046-03 will be repealed
On March 31, 2018 the Rostechnadzor Order No. 288 of July 31, 2017, which revokes NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03, and NP-046-03, comes into effect.

22.03.2018 RB-144-18 has been approved
On March 22, 2018 the Safety Guide “Recommendations on Accounting of Changes in Operation Conditions of Systems and Elements of the Shutdown Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facility, when Estimating the Possibility to Reduce the Scope of Maintenance, and on Introduction of the Relevant Changes to the Operating Documentation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities” (RB-144-18) was approved.

19.03.2018 NP-071-18 is coming into effect, NP-071-06 has been partially repealed
Regulations for assessment of conformity of products, for which the requirements to safety in the field of atomic energy use are established, as well as of processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, erection, pre-commissioning, operation, storage, transport, implementation, utilization and disposal.

05.03.2018 IAEA TECDOC related to TSO activity published on the website
The document provides the definition of the term of Technical and Scientific Support Organization and contains the full description of TSO functions, challenges and activities of different in type TSOs supporting the regulatory bodies.

02.03.2018 RB-019-17 has been approved
On March 2, 2018 the Safety Guide RB-019-17 “Evaluation of Original Seismicity of a Nuclear Facility Region and Site during Engineering Surveys and Studies” was approved.

28.02.2018 RB-005-98 has been repealed
On February 28, 2018 the Safety Guide RB-005-98 “Requirements to Certification of Building Structures Important for Safety of Nuclear Facilities” was repealed.

27.02.2018 Alexey Aleshin is on an official visit to Spain
The working meeting on regulatory issues associated  with nuclear security and management of radiation sources organized by the Spanish  Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) took place on February 27, 2018 in Madrid, Spain.

06.02.2018 Draft Federal Safety Regulations have been developed
Draft Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Welding and Cladding of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations” and “Metal Inspection Rules for Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power Installations during Manufacturing and Mounting” have been developed.

The commencement date for submitting comments is February 5, 2018. 
The final date for submitting comments is March 5, 2018.

31.01.2018 Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Basic Requirements for Power Unit Lifetime Extension of Nuclear Power Plant” (the mentioned draft was published (posted on the website of Rostechnadzor) on December 22, 2017), will be held on February 7, 2018 at the address: 34 Taganskaya St., bld. 1, Moscow at 10:00 a.m.

30.01.2018 Safety Guide RB-140-17 has been put into effect
Emergency Monitoring Systems for VVER-Type Reactor Nuclear Power Plants. General Recommendations and Nomenclature of Monitored Parameters.

19.01.2018 Safety Guide RB-137-17 has been put into effect
Structure and Content of a NPP Unit Reactor Plant Certificate.

19.01.2018 NP-064-05 and NP-049-03 have been revoked
There are NP-064-17 and НП-049-17 instead.

18.01.2018 Safety Guide RB-139-17 has been put into effect
Scope and Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Liquid Radioactive Waste Deep Disposal Facilities.

09.01.2018 NP-049-17 has come into effect
Requirements to the Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations.

09.01.2018 NP-064-17 has come into effect
Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities.

29.12.2017 Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines and Mechanisms Applied at Nuclear Facilities”.

29.12.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations have been developed
“Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities” (NP-44-ХХ)
«Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации трубопроводов пара и горячей воды для объектов использования атомной энергии» (НП-45-ХХ)
«Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации паровых и водогрейных котлов для объектов использования атомной энергии» (НП-046-ХХ)

Дата начала приема заключений – 29 декабря 2017 г.
Дата окончания приема заключений – 29 января 2018 г.

28.12.2017 Methodological Recommendations have been put into effect on December 25, 2017
“Methodological Recommendations on Assessment of the Efficiency of Emergency Response Exercises and Drills by the Operating Organization of Nuclear Power Plants” have been put into effect.

28.12.2017 Amendments to the RB-117-16
On December 28, 2017 the Amendments to the RB-117-16 “Assessment of the Long-Term Safety of Radioactive Waste Near-Surface Disposal Facilities” have been put into effect.

27.12.2017 Issue No. 86 of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out
The on-line version of the Periodical will be available on the website and in out free mobile software application.

25.12.2017 RB-065-17 has been put into effect on December 11, 2017
The Safety Guide provides recommendations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia on accounting of material in the course of physical inventory in material balance areas and on the analysis of the inventory results.

21.12.2017 The draft law on assessment of computer codes applied in the nuclear power industry has passed in the first reading of the State Duma
On December 21, 2017 the State Duma has considered and adopted in the first reading the draft of the Federal Law No.313278-7 “On Introduction of Changes to the Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in the Part of Regulation of Safety Issues in the Field of Atomic Energy Use” submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

20.12.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Fundamental Requirements to Lifetime Extension of a NPP Unit” has been developed
The document stipulates the requirements to lifetime extension of a NPP power unit, specifically to: the integrated survey of a NPP power unit in the course of preparation to lifetime extension of a NPP unit; the criteria of possibility to operate a NPP unit within the period of the extended lifetime; the requirements to lifetime extension of a NPP components beyond the limits of the assigned lifetime of a NPP unit; the requirements to justification of the extended lifetime of a NPP unit; the requirements to preparation of a NPP unit to the extended lifetime.

14.12.2017 NP-093-14
Acceptance Criteria for Radioactive Waste Disposal.

05.12.2017 Amendments to Administrative Regulations
On December 12 the amendments to the “Administrative Regulations for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service on Execution its State Function for Licensing the Activities in the Field of Atomic Energy Use”.

22.11.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines and Mechanisms Applied at Nuclear Facilities” have been developed
The requirements of the Rules cover the following hoisting machines and mechanisms with the load-lifting capacity of 1 t and more, which are specially designed to be applied at nuclear facilities.

21.11.2017 Federal Safety Regulations “General Safety Provisions for Safety of Spacecrafts with Nuclear Reactors” are to be entered into force
The Federal Safety Regulations specify safety goals and basic criteria for spacecrafts with nuclear reacors, as well as basic principles and general requirements to technical and organizational measures, aimed at achievement of safety.

20.11.2017 RB-134-17 has come into effect
Recommended Methods for Assessment and Prediction of Accident Radiological Consequences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.

15.11.2017 “AtomEco 2017” will discuss the issues of “Clean Energy for Future Generations” from the perspective of environmental safety and sustainable development
The main theme of AtomEco-2017 is the “Clean Energy for Future Generations”.

13.11.2017 Decisions taken at the Government session on November 9, 2017
The Draft Law is intended to improve safety in atomic energy use, and implement the national program “Development of the Nuclear Power Generation Complex”. The Draft Law suggests to establish the commitment with regard to review of computer software, which provides calculated modeling of processes affecting safety of nuclear facilities and types of activities in the field of atomic energy use, to identify the subject of such a review, and to empower the state safety regulatory authority to establish the review procedure.

10.11.2017 NP-103-17
Safety Requirements for Special Radioactive Waste Disposal and Preservation Facilities.

09.11.2017 Notification on conduct of the meeting
The meeting on discussion of the summary of comments that was composed based on the comments and suggestions submitted for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities” (the mentioned draft was published (posted on the website of Rostechnadzor) on October 2, 2017), will be held on November 14, 2017 at the address: 34 Taganskaya St., bld. 1, Moscow at 10:00 a.m.

08.11.2017 Discussion of the efficient and safe technologies of ROSATOM for the Arctic region development will take place at “AtomEco 2017”
On November 21, 2017 the round-table discussion “The Arctic and the Atom: Development and Ecology” will take place in frames of the International Public Dialogue-Forum and Exhibition “AtomEco 2017”.

08.11.2017 Rostechnadzor Order No. 288 dated of July 31, 2017 revoking NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03 and NP-046-03 has been registered in the Ministry of Justice
On March 31, 2018 the Rostechnadzor Order No. 288 dated of July 31, 2017, revoking NP-043-11, NP-044-03, NP-045-03 and NP-046-03, as well as the third paragraph of the i.1 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 198 dated of May 7, 2013 “On Recognition of Becoming Ineffective of the Certain Provisions of Orders of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia”, will come into force.

07.11.2017 Main topic of “AtomEco 2017” will be “Clean Energy for Future Generations”
The International Public Dialogue-Forum and Exhibition “AtomEco 2017” will take place in the World Trade Center in Moscow on November 21-22. The event will be carried out upon the initiative of the State Corporation ROSATOM and will provide an international platform for discussion of ecological aspects of the nuclear power industry, for demonstration of advanced technologies in the field of provision of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety. 

02.11.2017 NP-102-17 is coming into force
The Federal Safety Regulations shall be applied by a reactor plant design developer, as well as by the operating organization and umbrella material organization, when justifying the strength of the reactor internals of the VVER-type reactor NPPs under design, construction and in operation.

26.10.2017 Amendments to NP-086-12
The Amendments goal is to extend the requirements of the effective NP-086-12 for nuclear research installations.

24.10.2017 NP-007-98 has been revoked
On October 16, 2017 the NP-007-98 was revoked by the Order of Rostechnadzor No.430 of October 16, 2017. The NP-007-98 was replaced with the NP-007-17.

13.10.2017 “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical No. 85 has been issued
“Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical No.85 (the third issue of this year) has been issued. The Periodical on-line version will be available on our web-site and in our free mobile application.

13.10.2017 RB-138-17 and RB-136-17 have been put into effect
“Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Instrumentation and Controls’ Lifetime Performance” and “Establishment and Methods for Monitoring of NPP Electrical Equipment Lifetime Performance”

13.10.2017 NP-007-17 has been put into effect
“Safety Rules for Decommissioning of Uranium-Graphite Production Reactors”.

13.10.2017 Since August 31, 2017 SEC NRS has become a full member of the international scientific association “Atomic Energy Research” (hereinafter to be referred as AER)
Целью AER является проведение научных исследований в области безопасности АЭС с легководными реакторами, прежде всего АЭС с ВВЭР.

10.10.2017 RB-128-17 and RB-130-17 have been put into effect
Nuclear material transfer and physical protection levels.

03.10.2017 RB-131-17, RB-132-17, RB-133-17 were put into effect
NPP valves, pressurized equipment and pipelines, and pupms.

29.09.2017 Notification on the Meeting Postponement
The meeting will be held on October 12-13, 2017 (instead of the previously scheduled dates: October 11-12, 2017).

27.09.2017 XVI All-Russian Scientific and Practice Conference “Emergencies Forecasting Problems”
The Conference is devoted to the issues of the state-of-the–art and improvement of the system of monitoring, laboratory control and forecasting of natural, human-induced, and biologically & socially induced emergencies; use of the data of satellite monitoring at forecasting and prevention of emergencies; as well as risk assessment for emergencies occurrence.

27.09.2017 57th Regular Meeting of the Expert Council on Software Certification under Rostechnadzor has been held devoted to Session No.1 “Neutronic Calculations”
Representatives from 18 nuclear-related scientific and technical organizations, the leading higher education establishments, as well as the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the Meeting.

26.09.2017 The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM Hosted the International Seminar “Women in Nuclear and Public”
Seminar is devoted to this very issue: the role, experience, abilities, and potential of women-specialists in public communications and popularization of the peaceful and safe use of nuclear and radiation technologies.

26.09.2017 Work program of “Interpolitex-2017” exhibition
The participants and visitors of the XXI International Exhibition of the State Security Means “Interpolitex-2017” will be proposed an extremely busy work program, which includes conferences, workshops, panel discussions and presentations. The work program activities will familiarize the participants with the state-of-the-art in the field of security and will provide a platform for discussion of its development trends.

25.09.2017 Notification about Meeting
The meeting on discussion of the Summary List of Comments that was prepared based on the comments and proposals, forwarded in response to the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Regulations for assessment of conformity of products subject to requirements related to safety assurance in the field of atomic energy use, as well as of the associated processes for such products design (including surveys), manufacture, construction, mounting, commissioning, operation, storage, transport, sales, recovery and disposal” will be held on October 11-12, 2017.

21.09.2017 SEC NRS attends the 61st Session of the IAEA General Conference
SEC NRS representatives as part of the Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chair, are attending the 61st Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference (September 18-22, 2017, Vienna, Austria).

20.09.2017 RB-129-17 has been put into effect
Recommendations on Safety Culture Development and Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants and NPP Operating Organizations.

19.09.2017 Annual Scientific and Technical Conference “Young Specialists Awards”
12 specialists of SEC NRS took part in the Conference and presented 10 scientific and research papers.

13.09.2017 XII International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” was open in Saint Petersburg
The Saint Petersburg branch of Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training ”Rosatom Technical Academy” hosts the XII International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies”. The main Forum’s topic for 2017 is Emergency Preparedness and Response.

13.09.2017 Amendments to the Article 3.4.4 of NP-024-2000

12.09.2017 Safety Guides RB-035-05, RB-050-09 and RB-058-10 have been repealed
RB-035-05, RB-050-09, RB-058-10 were repealed.

12.09.2017 SEC NRS Attends the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe in Slovenia
Rashet Sharafutdinov, SEC NRS Deputy Director, attended еру 26th International Conference “Nuclear Energy for New Europe” in Bled, Slovenia, September 11-14, 2017.

06.09.2017 Discussion of emergency preparedness and response at the 12th International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” in St. Petersburg
The 12th International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” will be held from 11 to 15 September in the St. Petersburg branch of ROSATOM CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION AND TRAINING (ROSATOM-CICE&T). The main Forum’s topic for 2017 is “Emergency Preparedness and Response”.

06.09.2017 NP-009-17 “Nuclear Safety Regulations for Research Reactors” is coming into effect
The Federal Safety Regulations (FSR) stipulates the requirements to the design, performance characteristics and operating conditions of systems and elements of research reactors, as well as organization requirements aimed at nuclear safety of research reactors.

04.09.2017 Notification on conduct of the Meeting

01.09.2017 RB-135-17. On August 30, 2017 the Safety Guide “Recommendations on the Methods and Instruments of Control over Radioactive Substances Releases into the Atmosphere” was put into effect
Recommendations on the Methods and Instruments of Control over Radioactive Substances Releases into the Atmosphere.

30.08.2017 Draft amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use
Criteria for Accepting Radioactive Waste for Disposal.

24.08.2017 RB-127-17 “Structure and Content of a Radiation Protection Program for Radioactive Wastes Transport”
On August 24, 2017 the Safety Guide RB-127-17 “Structure and Content of a Radiation Protection Program for Radioactive Wastes Transport” was put into effect.

18.08.2017 Amendments to the Methodology approved
Methodology of development and establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive wastes into the atmosphere.

05.08.2017 NP-098-17, NP-099-17, NP-199-17 entered into force
On August 01, 2017 three documents NP-098-17, NP-099-17, NP-199-17(of the federal rules and regulations level) entered into force.

28.07.2017 Draft of Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Draft of the federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use «Safety Requirements to Facility for Keeping Special Radioactive Waste  and Isolation Facility for Special Radioactive Waste».

27.07.2017 «Methodological Recommendations on Radiation Safety Supervision at Radioisotope Devices Operation» is introduced into force
On July 25, 2017  the document «Methodological Recommendations on Radiation Safety Supervision at Radioisotope Devices Operation» is introduced into force. This document provides recommendations related with organization and implementation of checks (inspections) in entities operating radioisotope devices in different industrial sectors (including metallurgical, chemical, oil and gas, coal, mining, construction engineering). «Methodological recommendations..» are designed for Rostechnadzor officials which check (carry out inspections) organizations operating radioisotope devices.

27.07.2017 Enactment of Methodological recommendations
Methodological recommendations on implementation of radiation safety supervision at geophysical survey sites using radiation sources.

26.07.2017 Safety Guide «The recommended methods for parameters calculation needed to develop standards for permissible discharges of radioactive substances into water bodies» (RB-126-17) is introduced into force
On July 25, 2017  the Safety Guide «The recommended methods for parameters calculation  needed to develop standards for permissible discharges of radioactive substances into the water bodies» (RB-126-17) is introduced into force.

23.07.2017 Federal rules and regulations «Safety Rules for NFC Nuclear Installations Decommissioning» (NP-057-17) entered into force
This FRR regulates the issues on safety ensuring during decommissioning of a nuclear installation of nuclear fuel cycle within all stages of its life-cycle as well as the requirements to the Programme on decommissioning of a nuclear installation of nuclear fuel cycle and its Complex Engineering and Radiation Survey; this document extends to NFC nuclear installations under siting, design, construction, operation and decommissioning.

19.07.2017 Notification of working meeting
Working meeting to discuss summaries in respect to the draft of federal rules and regulations  in the field of atomic energy use «Requirements to physical protection of ships with  nuclear reactors, service vessels, ships for  nuclear materials transporting and floating NPP units » will take place in SEC NRS (Moscow, M. Krasnoselskaya st., 2/5, build.5)  on July 28, 2017 at 10a.m.

18.07.2017 Federal rules and regulations draft in the field of atomic energy use
Draft of the federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use «Requirements to activities planning on personnel protection-related actions in the event of nuclear and radiation accidents on ships with nuclear reactors» is developed.

14.07.2017 The 84th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out 14.07.2017
Quarterly scientific and practical journal of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia. The official issue. Issued since 1998.

10.07.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Rules of Conformity Assessment of Products to be Subject to the Safety Requirements in the Field of Atomic Energy Use, as well as Processes for their Design (including Surveys), Production, Construction, Installation, Commissioning, Operation, Storage, Transport, Conversion, Recycling and Disposal.

03.07.2017 ETSON General Assembly extended the powers of Alexander Khamaza as Vice-President
The regular meeting of the Board and session of the General Assembly of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) took place in Frascati (Italy) on June 26-27, 2017.
Due to strong performance of acting ETSON Board the General Assembly unanimously decided to extent the powers of its members until October, 2018. Thus, Alexander Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, was reelected as the Vice-President to a second term.

15.06.2017 Проект федеральных норм и правил в области использования атомной энергии
Проект федеральных норм и правил в области использования атомной энергии «Требования к физической защите судов с ядерными реакторами, судов атомно-технологического обслуживания, судов, транспортирующих ядерные материалы,
и плавучих атомных станций» (НП-085-17)

05.06.2017 Notification on the meeting

02.06.2017 Draft amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use

02.06.2017 Meeting to discuss the summary of comments released based on comments and proposals forwarded in response to the Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use

30.05.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Requirements to Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations.

19.05.2017 On May 18, 2017 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) hosted the conference devoted to the 30-th anniversary of SEC NRS establishment
Alexey Aleshin, the Chairman of Rostechnadzor, noted in his congratulatory speech that SEC NRS, which was established for the purposes of scientific and technical support of the state safety regulation at atomic energy use, has evolved into the leading organization of the Russian Federation for solving practical tasks in regulation of nuclear and radiation safety.

19.05.2017 The 10-th International Scientific and Technical Conference “SAFETY ASSURANCE of NPP with VVER” took place (МNТК-2017)
On May 19, 2017  ОКB  «GIDROPRESS» hosted the 10-th  International Scientific and Technical Conference «Safety Assurance of NPP with VVER» (МNТК-2017).

02.05.2017 SEC NRS Attends 41st meeting of IAEA Commission on Safety Standards
The 41st meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) took place on April 19 and 20, 2017, in Vienna, Austria. It was attended by SEC NRS Deputy Director Rashet Sharafutdinov as a member of the Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov.

01.05.2017 SEC NRS Director Attended WENRA Plenary Meeting
SEC NRS Director Alexander Khamaza as a member of Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov took part in the plenary meeting of Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) held on April 25 to 27, 2017, in Bern, Switzerland.

24.04.2017 The 169th “Nuclear reactor physics” seminar took place
On April 14, 2017 National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» hosted the 169-th “Nuclear reactor physics” seminar of the Kurchatov nuclear and technological complex “Kurchatov Institute”. Mr. Dmitry Yashnikov, the Head of laboratory on accuracy assessment of Codes Assessment Division of SEC NRS, made presentation on topic “Assessment of calculations accuracy performed in the course of  nuclear facilities safety demonstration”.

14.04.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Requirements to the Structure and Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities.

14.04.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Requirements to the Structure and Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities.

12.04.2017 SEC NRS Took Part in 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety
SEC NRS representatives as part the Rostechnadzor delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov took part in the 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety in March 27 – April 7, 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

11.04.2017 The VIIIth Nevsky International Ecological Congress
The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS), The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation  are  co-organizing  the VIIIth Nevsky International Ecological Congress  on topical issue “Environmental Education – A Clean Country” ; it will took place in the Tavrichesky Palace, St. Petersburg. The Congress will address the issues of environmentally responsible behavior, “green economy” development, sustainable practices of production and consumption, and healthy lifestyles.

10.04.2017 83rd issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

10.04.2017 The first internet-conference “Information openness of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (FTP NRS-2) launches on April 13, 2017
In the period from April 13 to 28  the internet-conference  “Informational openness  of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016-2020 and until 2030” and public outreach principles” will take place on <a href="http://фцп-ярб2030.рф/">фцп-ярб2030.рф</a> internet-portal. Such event is held for the first time. Within  this event frames, everybody will have an opportunity to question the nuclear industry experts  and to take part in questionnaire.

04.04.2017 The IAEA Headquarters in Vienna hosts the 7th Meeting of the Contracting Parties in Frames of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (to Review National Reports)

02.03.2017 Notification on the meeting

01.03.2017 Electronic version of publications timed to the 25-th anniversary of the computer codes certification is available
Electronic version of publications dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of computer codes certification used in nuclear facilities safety demonstration is available.  These publications summed up the outcomes from 25 years of work of Rostechnadzor Council for computer codes certification; issues related to computer codes verification are discussed. These publications also include studies dedicated to formation of computer codes certification system.

21.02.2017 Scientific and Technical Council meeting was held in Rostechnadzor
Meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service took place on February 21, 2017. Alexander Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, made presentation  on topic “The concept of using the risk-informed approach to control and supervision  activity in the field of atomic energy use following the provisions of draft Federal law “On Government Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation”.

13.02.2017 Уведомление о проведении совещания
Совещание по обсуждению сводки отзывов, составленной по замечаниям и предложениям, поступившим на проект федеральных норм и правил в области использования атомной энергии «Правила ядерной безопасности исследовательских реакторов».

09.02.2017 SEC NRS hosted the meeting with IRSN
In the course of the visit to Moscow the IRSN delegation headed by Director General Jean-Christoph Niel visited Rostechnadzor and its Technical Emergency Center.

25.01.2017 Notification on the meeting

11.01.2017 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
General Safety Provisions for Transport and Transportable Nuclear Installations.

11.01.2017 Draft federal safety regulations in the field of atomic energy use “General Safety Provisions for Transport and Transportable Nuclear Installations”
The starting date for accepting conclusions based on this draft document consideration  is January 12, 2017.

Final date for conclusions accepting is February 12, 2017.

30.12.2016 82nd issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

11.11.2016 SEC NRS delegation participated in EUROSAFE Forum and ETSON Board and General Assembly Meetings in Munich
SEC NRS delegation headed by Director A. Khamaza participated in the annual EUROSAFE Forum held on November 7-8 in Munich (Germany).

09.11.2016 A summary of comments was prepared in response to the published Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
NP-012-ХХ “Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NPP Power Unit”.

21.10.2016 “SEC NRS Policy regarding the personal data protection and processing” is approved
Политика ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ" в отношении защиты и обработки персональных данных разработана в целях обеспечения требований Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 года № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» (далее – Федеральный закон «О персональных данных») и направлена на обеспечение защиты прав и свобод человека и гражданина при обработке его персональных данных, в том числе защиты прав на неприкосновенность частной жизни, личную и семейную тайну.

20.10.2016 Draft of the Federal Rules and Regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy «Requirements to the Contents of Safety Analysis Report for a NPP Power Unit with VVER-type Reactor» (NP-006-XX)

20.10.2016 Draft of the Federal Rules and Regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy «General Safety Provisions for Space Vehicles with Nuclear Reactors» (NP-ХХХ-ХХ)
1 The present Federal Rules and Regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy «General Safety Provisions for Space Vehicles with Nuclear Reactors» are prepared in compliance with  the  Article 6 of the Federal law  No. 170-FZ “On the Use of Atomic Energy”

18.10.2016 "INTERPOLITEX -2016" Exhibition was opened
On October 18, 2016, in Moscow, on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Centre (VDNH) the 20th Anniversary International Exhibition of means for state security ensuring "INTERPOLITEX -2016"  was opened.

18.10.2016 Information and Analytical Portal on the Federal Target Programme “NRS-2” has commenced its work
The Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS) has launched the information portal (a web-site) for the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” (hereinafter to be referred to as – The Programme) to the open access: фцп-ярб2030.рф.

10.10.2016 XIth International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Safety Culture” took place in St. Petersburg
More than 300 participants from 9 countries took part in Forum this year. State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom» leaders and specialists of the IAEA, representatives from leading enterprises of nuclear industry of Russia were the speakers and experts.

04.10.2016 The XIth International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies” started its work
The Forum gathers together leading specialists in nuclear power industry from different countries. The XI-th Forum’s primary goal is to promote the improvement of nuclear facilities safety level through the development and improvement of the safety culture.

28.09.2016 81th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

26.09.2016 The List of Regulatory Legal Acts Attributed to the Sphere of Competence of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service. P-01-01-2016
Section II.  State regulation of safety at atomic energy use.

Includes information about regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents on issues that fall within the scope of mandate of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the field of safety at the use of atomic energy.

21.09.2016 Draft federal safety regulations «Rules on Safety Ensuring during NPP Power Unit Decommissioning»
The document establishes requirements to safety ensuring  at NPP power unit during decommissioning  to be realized  at NPP power unit life-cycle stages that are provided by the legislation in the field of the use of atomic energy.

17.08.2016 Problems and perspectives of security means will be discussed in frames of “Interpolytex”

28.07.2016 The TSOF Consultancy Meeting on developing technical and scientific capabilities of TSOs supporting regulatory functions in embarking countries took place at IAEA HQ in Vienna on 4-6 July, 2016
TSO Forum Consultancy Meeting to develop an action related to the capacity building of technical and scientific organisation of embarking countries was held at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna (Austria) on 4-6 July, 2016. As a follow-up of the TSO Conference in Beijing, the TSOF Steering Committee decided in March 2016 to develop an action related to the capacity building of technical and scientific organisation of embarking countries.

28.07.2016 The International workshop on Treatment processes for the sustainable management of radioactive waste including innovative techniques
The International workshop "Treatment processes for the sustainable management of radioactive waste including innovative techniques" organized by the ETSON WM&D Working Group in collaboration with IAEA took place in the IAEA premises in Vienna within the period from the 4th to 6th of July 2016.

25.07.2016 Commander-in- Chief of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs invites to participate in «INTERPOLITEX-2016»
Live demonstration of operational and combat capabilities of military technical equipment and weapons presented by industrial enterprises both in dynamics and on exposition will be organized within the framework of the 20th International Exhibition of Means of State Security Provision “INTERPOLITEX-2016”  on 22 October 2016, at the special testing and shooting range of the Federal State Enterprise “Geodesia” (in the town of Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Region).

21.07.2016 XI International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Safety Culture” will be organized in St. Petersburg in the period from October 3 to 7, 2016
The XIth International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Safety Culture” will take place in St. Petersburg on October 3-7 of 2016. The purpose of this Forum organization is to improve the safety level of nuclear facilities due to exchange of experiences in the field of development and enhancing of safety culture.

18.07.2016 Mr. Viktor OZEROV: participation in the International Exhibition is effective instrument for business partnership increasing
В период с 18 по 21 октября 2016 года в Москве на территории ВДНХ пройдет XX Юбилейная международная выставка средств обеспечения безопасности государства «Интерполитех-2016». Мероприятие обещает собрать рекордное количество участников и стать крупнейшим конгрессно-выставочным событием в сфере обеспечения государственной безопасности.

15.07.2016 The summary of comments was prepared in response to the published draft NP-067-15
Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste in an Organization.

14.07.2016 Article 31 of the Federal law No. 170-FZ “On the Use of Atomic Energy” is amended
The Federal law No. 356-FZ “On Introduction of Amendments into Article 31 of the Federal law “On the Use of Atomic Energy” (hereinafter in text to be referred to as – the Law) establishes a new type of specific territory within the areas, where a nuclear facility, a radiation source or a storage facility is located; it is a safety zone with a special legal regime (hereinafter in text to be referred to as – a safety zone).

07.07.2016 Forensic Science Centre invites to participate
This year the product-oriented exposition “Forensic Science. Analytics” is planned on the territory of the jubilee international exhibition for means of state security provision “INTERPOLITEX -2016”.

20.06.2016 Departmental award of Rostechnadzor to SEC NRS employee has taken place
On the  16th of June 2016, in Rostechnadzor,  the medal n.a. Yakov Bruce was awarded for Anatoly Matveevich Bukrinsky, the specialist  from Nuclear Power Plants Safety Division of SEC NRS. The medal was presented by Mikhail M. Miroshnichenko, the Acting Head of Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Plants and Research Nuclear Installations of Rostechnadzor.

14.06.2016 Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director, took part in the NEA/OECD CSNI meeting in Paris
The 59th meeting of the Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) was held on June 8 – 9, 2016 in Paris (France). A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in this meeting.  
At the meeting, the reports on the current results and planned activities of the CSNI and its working groups were presented to the participants.

14.06.2016 SEC NRS participated in ETSON Board and General Assembly Meeting
The regular meetings of the Board and General Assembly of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) took place in Manchester (UK) on July 9-10, 2016.

26.05.2016 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste in an Organization. NP-067-15.

20.05.2016 SEC NRS took part in the meeting with the representative of IAEA Gustavo Caruso
A working meeting with IAEA representative Gustavo Caruso was held at Rostechnadzor on the 19th of May, 2016. He presented the information on IAEA activity after accident at Fukushima Daiichi NPP.
The representatives of SEC NRS also took part in the meeting.

10.05.2016 80th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

04.05.2016 The MDEP VVERWG meeting organized by SEC NRS was held in Novovoronezh
The 6th meeting of the VVER Working Group of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP VVERWG) was held in Novovoronezh in the period April 27-28, 2016 participated by representatives of regulators – STUK (Finland), HAEA (Hungary), NNSA (China), Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS (Russia) as well as NEA OECD.

30.03.2016 79th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

On-line registration for visitors and participants of  International Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition - 2016 29.03.2016 On-line registration for visitors and participants of International Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition - 2016
Visitors and participants can get to the “International Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition -2016” (that will take place in the period from May 17 to 20, 2016 on the territory of V.D.N.H.) using free electronic ticket. On-line-registration is envisaged to save time: at the entrance it will be enough to exchange its’ printed list for a personal badge. The registration for the Exhibition is open on the website.

25.03.2016 Summary of comments was prepared for the published Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources”
General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources. NP-038-ХХ.

09.03.2016 SEC NRS hosted the meeting of the MDEP VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents
The meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents was hosted by SEC NRS on March 2-4, 2016 in frames of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP).

03.03.2016 In the period from May 17 to 20, 2016, in Moscow, on the territory of the premiere platform for exhibitions organized in Russia - All-Russia Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (V.D.N.H., in the exhibition center pavilion No. 75) - the IXth Int
The organizes of the exhibition event are: the Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation. The ISSE-2016 exhibition management are: Exhibition Company Group (ECG) “BIZON” and “International Congresses and Exhibitions”, LLC.

26.02.2016 Draft Federal Regulations and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Requirements to Safety Ensuring at Decommissioning of Storage Facilities for Radioactive Waste”
Radiation Safety Division of SEC NRS prepared summary of responses following the comments received (Letter from “All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation” (OJSC VNIIAES)  out No. 1000/0765,  dated from February 02, 2016; and Letter of “ATOMENERGOPROEKT”, JSC, out No. 02-01/2486/930-246, dated from February 01, 2016). The comments collected were concerned with draft Federal Regulations and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Requirements to Safety Ensuring at Decommissioning of Storage Facilities for Radioactive Waste”. This draft document was published in “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” periodical (№ 4(78)-2015).

26.02.2016 Delegation of Gosatomnadzor of the Republic of Belarus visited SEC NRS
On February 25, 2016 the delegation of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (Gosatomnadzor) headed by Olga Lugovskaya visited SEC NRS.

26.02.2016 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 236-r “On Making Amendments to the List of Nuclear Facilities Subject to the Permanent State Supervision Regime”, dd. February 17,2016, entered into force
The Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Making Amendments and Changes to the Resolution of the RF Government No. 610-r “List of Nuclear Facilities to be Subject to the Regime of Permanent State Supervision” (dated from April 23, 2012 )  was prepared in order to update the List of nuclear facilities to be subject to the regime of permanent state supervision, that was approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 610-r dated from April 23, 2012.

16.02.2016 SEC NRS hosted the IAEA Workshop
Regional workshop on robustness of probabilistic safety analyses took place in SEC NRS (Moscow) in the period from February 8 to 12, 2016.

05.02.2016 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has registered new revision of “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants”
Federal regulations and rules in the field of the use of atomic energy “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants” (NP-001-15), (or abbreviated OPB-88/15), establishes purposes and basic criteria of safety in relation to nuclear plants, as well as fundamental principles and general safety requirements to engineering and administrational measures directed at achieving of a nuclear plants’ safety. “General Provisions…” are applicable to all stages of the entire life cycle of nuclear plants, that are established by the legislation adopted in the field of the use of atomic energy.

04.02.2016 “General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources”
Draft Federal regulations and rules  in the field  of use of atomic energy “General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources” (NP-038-ХХ).

04.02.2016 International Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition (ISSE) – 2016
In the period from May 17 to 20, 2016, in Moscow, on the territory of the premiere platform for exhibitions organized in Russia - All-Russia Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (V.D.N.H., in the exhibition center pavilion No. 75) - the IXth International Exhibition “Integrated Safety & Security -2016” (ISSE) will be organized in correspondence with the Decree of the Russian Federation Government (No. 1140-r).

01.02.2016 Summary of comments for the Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Nuclear Safety Rules of Critical Test Facilities”

25.01.2016 SEC NRS took part in MDEP Steering Technical Committee Meeting in Washington
The Steering Technical Committee Meeting of the Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP) took place at the US NRC Headquarters in Washington D.C., USA from 19 to 21 January, 2016. The meeting was attended by SEC NRS representatives.

22.01.2016 Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, Mr. Alexey Ferapontov, has taken part in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Mission
Upon the invitation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr. Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, has taken part in the Agency’s mission on comprehensive assessment of activities performed by Japans’ authority on safety regulation at the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes (Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission).  He participated as a member of the international team of experts.  In particular, he was involved in the review of the framework established by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) demonstrated through the following thematic areas (modules): “Responsibilities and Functions of the Government”; “Global Nuclear Safety Regime”; and “Interfaces with Nuclear Security”.

21.01.2016 The representatives of NRRC and SEC NRS participated in the working meeting held in Moscow
On the 21st of January a working meeting between SEC NRS and NRRC on the issues related to implementation of probabilistic risk assessment to regulation took place at SEC NRS office in Moscow, Russia.

30.12.2015 78th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out
Верстка выполнена в ОНТИ ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ", подписан в печать 29.12.2015 г., тираж 500 экз. Отпечатано в ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ".

11.12.2015 The meetings related to MDEP VVERWG activity held in NEA/OECD HQ
The 5th Meeting of the VVER Working Group of the Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP) and the 3rd meeting of its RPV&PC technical expert sub-group took place at the NEA/OECD’s Headquarters in Paris, France, from 7 to 10 December, 2015.

08.12.2015 “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” periodical is included into the list of Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (VAK)
In agreement with the decision of the presidium of Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (VAK), the compliance of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” periodical to the requirements applicable to the peer reviewed scientific technical periodicals, where main scientific outcomes of the Ph.D. degree applicants’ articles are to be published, is confirmed. (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 13-6518, dated from December 01, 2015).

27.11.2015 Joint workshop on AES-2006 safety review Rostechnadzor-STUK cooperation
Joint Workshop on AES-2006 safety review Rostechnadzor-STUK cooperation was held on 27th of November at SEC NRS office in Moscow.

18.11.2015 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, participated in the 3rd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus in the Republic of Korea
The 3rd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on October 22-23, 2015 to promote safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear energy. A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, participated in the meeting as a member of Rostechnadzor's delegation headed by A. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman.

17.11.2015 APROS training course at SEC NRS
The APROS training course organized by Fortum and Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) was held on 17-20th November at SEC NRS in Moscow, Russia.

17.11.2015 Meeting of Scientific and Technical Council’s Section on safety in the oil and gas industry facilities took place in Ufa
The delegation of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) headed by Mr. Alexey Aleshin, the Chairman of Rostechnadzor, started to work in Ufa. On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 the Scientific and Technical Council’s Section on safety in the oil and gas industry facilities opened in the capital of Bashkortostan.  The Head of Republic of Bashkortostan, Mr. Rustam Khamitov, participated in this Meeting. This event is chaired by Mrs. Svetlana Radionova, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor.

16.11.2015 SEC NRS took part in the 38th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards held in Vienna
The 38th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) was held in November 11 – 12, 2015 in Austria, Vienna. The meeting was participated by SEC NRS delegation headed by Alexander Khamaza, Director.

10.11.2015 VIII International Forum “AtomEco-2015” continues to work
The VIII-th International exhibition and conference “AtomEco-2015” continues to work. The main thematic topic of this forum is the comprehensive implementation of programs related to the elimination of “nuclear legacy”, which are considered as an effective impulse for the development of the nuclear industry.

21.10.2015 State Secretary – Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor Аlexander Rybas had answered media questions related to the certification of experts in industrial safety area
On October 21, 2015 State Secretary – Deputy Chairman of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) Alexander L. Rybas held  the press-conference “Certification of industrial safety experts”.

19.10.2015 SEC NRS took part in the 8th TSOF Steering Committee Meeting in Vienna
The eighth Steering Committee Meeting of the Technical and Scientific Support Organization Forum and  the Consultancy Meeting on the preparation of the TECDOC on TSO took place at the IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from 12 to 16 October, 2015. In October 12-16, 2015. The meetings were attended by SEC NRS delegation headed by Alexander Khamaza, Director.

08.10.2015 77th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

07.10.2015 The first Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society” was finalized in Moscow
On October 1-2, 2015 the international multimedia press-center of International News Agency “Russia Today” in Moscow hosted the first Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society”.

07.10.2015 The Xth Anniversary International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Transport of Radioactive Materials” ATOMTRANS-2015 opened its work in Saint-Petersburg
Between 5 and 9th October, 2015 Saint-Petersburg hosted regular International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies”.

25.09.2015 Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, has forwarded congratulations to the employees and veterans on the Professional Day of the Atomic Industry Employee

17.09.2015 SEC NRS took part in MDEP Steering Technical Committee Meeting in Paris
The Steering Technical Committee Meeting of the Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP) took place at the NEA/OECD’s Headquarters in Paris, France from 14 to 16 September, 2015. The meeting was attended by Rostechnadzor delegation comprised of SEC NRS representatives.

16.09.2015 Accreditation for Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society” is proceeding
The Rostechnadzor press service continues accreditation for the first Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society”, that will take place on October 1-2, 2015 in Moscow .

31.08.2015 VIII International exhibition and conference “AtomEco-2015” will be organized by ROSATOM in November
VIII International exhibition and conference “AtomEco-2015”  will take place  on November  9 – 11,  2015  in Moscow,  International Trade Centre. The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM organizes this event.

11.08.2015 The First Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society”
The First Dialogue Forum “Industrial Safety – the Responsibility of the State, Business and Society” will take place in Moscow with the support of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor).
This event is geared towards improvement of the industrial safety system effectiveness in key sectors of industry, the military-industrial complex and the building complex, greater openness and transparency in decision-making and follow-up process in this sphere.

17.07.2015 SEC NRS participated in ETSON General Assembly Meeting
The regular session of the General Assembly of the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) took place in Garching (Germany) on July 10, 2015.

07.07.2015 Report on key activity of SEC NRS for the year 2014 is published
The Report includes the results of the applied scientific researches directed at scientific and technical support of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service activity inter alia in the part of nuclear and radiation safety regulation, physical protection of nuclear facilities, accounting and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances, safety ensuring at nuclear facilities.

25.06.2015 76th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

24.06.2015 Discussion of summary of responses compiled in respect to comments and suggestions
On July 7, 2015 (at 10:00 a.m.) SEC NRS will host meeting that aim to discuss summary of responses received with relation to the draft of the federal regulations and rules in the field of use of atomic energy “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants” NP-001-XX.

10.06.2015 SEC NRS has developed performance reward system for employees who succeeded in passing GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) tests
Andrey Tikhonov, Deputy Head of Computer Equipment Support Division, was the first SEC NRS employee, who succeeded in passing GTO tests and was awarded the gold merit badge!

04.06.2015 SEC NRS took part in the ATOMEXPO’2015 VIIth International Forum
Information on the main areas of the Centre activity in the part of scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor was presented at the exposition of the exhibition.

02.06.2015 Nevsky International Ecological Congress 2015
The organizers of the VII-th Nevsky International Ecological Congress were the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS), the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The basic threads that ran through all discussions were the implementation tools of environmental safety strategies.

01.06.2015 Rostechnadzor and NNR had a workshop on regulatory experience exchange in the field of account, control and physical protection of nuclear materials
The National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa and Rostechnadzor representatives attended the joint workshop on regulatory experience exchange in the field of account, control and physical protection of nuclear materials held in Hartbeespoort (South Africa) on May 25-27, 2015.

25.05.2015 The 11-th Moscow International Innovative Forum & Exhibition “Precision Measurements - the Basis of Quality and Safety” has been successfully completed in Moscow at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements

23.05.2015 The delegation of SEC NRS participated in the IX-th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety Assurance of NPP with VVER” (ISTC-2015)
The Conference (ISTC-2015) was held in the period of May 19-22, 2015 in ОКB “GIDROPRESS”. The Conference was attended by  Russian and foreign specialists from design engineering organizations, machine-building plants, scientific and research institutes and nuclear power plants.

21.05.2015 The MDEP VVERWG meeting organized by SEC NRS was held in Sosnovy Bor
The 4th meeting of the VVER Working Group of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP VVERWG) was held in Sosnovy Bor in the period May 19-20, 2015 participated by representatives from ТАЕК (Turkey), STUK (Finland), Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA OECD) and SEC NRS.

12.05.2015 SEC NRS delegation attended ETSON stress-tests workshop
The ETSON workshop on Post-Fukushima national and European stress-tests participated by SEC NRS representatives took place on May 11-12, 2015 in Paris (France).

29.04.2015 The contest for young specialists “The Competition of the Graduates-2015” took place in SEC NRS on April 28, 2015
The Scientific and Technical Council was provided with seven entries. After consideration of “The Competition of the Graduates” results, the lead was gained by Andrey KIRKIN, Head of laboratory of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Division.  The topic of the presented report was “Computation and Experimental Research of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Indices in Respect to Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation in TUK-153”.  

14.04.2015 Boris Grigoryevich GORDON (70th Anniversary)
The staff members of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety wholeheartedly and with the deepest and sincere regard congratulate you on the 70th Anniversary!

30.03.2015 SEC NRS took part at the IAEA Consultancy Meeting and TSOF Steering Committee Meeting
The Consultancy Meeting on the Preparation of the Technical and Scientific Support TECDOC and the Seventh Steering Committee Meeting of the Technical and Scientific Support Organization Forum took place at the IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from *23 to 27 March 2015. The meetings were attended by D. Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head International Relations.

03.03.2015 SEC NRS has concluded contract with the IAEA on distribution of IAEA publications in Russia
Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) recognized as scientific and technical support organization for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, has concluded contract with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning distribution of the IAEA publications in Russia.

02.03.2015 75th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out

26.02.2015 С 01.03.2015 г. объявляется набор в аспирантуру ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ»
С 01.03.2015 г. объявляется набор в аспирантуру ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» на очную форму обучения.

13.02.2015 State Secretary – Deputy Chairman of Rostechnador Аlexander Rybas had visited SEC NRS on a working visit
On February 13, 2015, State Secretary – Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor A.L. Rybas  had visited SEC NRS on the working visit.
During the visit the issues related to the main directions of activities of SEC NRS considered to be the organization of scientific and technical support of Rostechnadzor were discussed.
Topical issues regarding drafts preparation of regulatory legal documents regulating the provision of safety in the use of atomic energy and safety review implementation in respect to nuclear facilities and types of activities in the sphere of atomic energy use were under discussion.
Great consideration was addressed to scientific and technical support to the functioning of Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor. Software used by SEC NRS to evaluate and provide efficient forecasting of NPP rector facilities and systems performance parameters in case of accidents as well as for radiological assessment in case of potentially possible emissions  of radioactive  substances into environment during nuclear events was presented. Besides that operation of information system on regulatory decision-making support in case of SNF transportation from VVER-440, VVER-1000 and RBMK-1000 reactor-types was demonstrated.

05.02.2015 Working meeting regarding the fire and explosion safety ensuring at nuclear fuel cycle facilities (NFCF) was held in SEC NRS
On February 4, 2015 SEC NRS hosted Working meeting attended by the representatives  from “A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS” (IPCE RAS), Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS specialists. This Meeting was dedicated to the discussion of fire and explosion safety issues  in respect of the technological processes of fuel cycle facilities  and future perspectives for cooperation in this sphere.

23.12.2014 Approval of the Rostechnadzor Action Plan on implementation of the IAEA recommendations and proposals
Integrated Regulatory Review Service for the Russian Federation.

22.12.2014 NEA/OECD Headquarters hosted the meetings of VVER Working Group under the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP)
The 3rd working meeting of the VVER Working Group under the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme and the 1st working meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Fukushima Lessons Learned were held in NEA/OECD Headquarters in Paris in the period of December 16 – 18, 2014. SEC NRS specialists took part in the aforesaid meetings.

19.12.2014 Rostechnadzor held a meeting of the Public Council
On December 18, 2014 the meeting of the Public Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) took place.

15.12.2014 Вышел в свет Отчет об основной деятельности ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ" за 2013 год
Отчет содержит результаты прикладных научно-исследовательских работ, направленных на научно-техническое обеспечение деятельности Федеральной службы по экологическому, технологическому и томному надзору, в том числе в области регулирования ядерной и радиационной безопасности, физической защиты объектов использования атомной энергии, учета и контроля ядерных материалов и радиоактивных веществ, обеспечения безопасности на объектах использования атомной энергии.

12.12.2014 SEC NRS hosted the 1st meeting of the MDEP VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents
The 1st meeting of the VVERWG Technical Expert Subgroup on Severe Accidents was hosted by SEC NRS on December 11, 2014 in frames of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP).

12.12.2014 Provision on Quality Management System of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the Field of State Regulation of Safety at Atomic Energy Use
“Provision on Quality Management System of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service in the Field of State Regulation of Safety at Atomic Energy Use” was enacted by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No.557 dated of December 11, 2014.

11.12.2014 International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Missions" has been completed
The International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Missions" organized jointly by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the IAEA concluded its work on December 11, 2014 with a final press-conference.

11.12.2014 Series of Lectures for Specialists in the Field of Nuclear Energy Use has been issued
The “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” - the scientific and technical support organization for the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, has issued the series of lectures for specialists in the field of nuclear energy use.

10.12.2014 SEC NRS specialists are taking part in the International Workshop "Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service Missions"
The International Workshop “Lessons Learned from the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Missions” organized jointly by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the IAEA commenced its work on December 9, 2014.

08.12.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 56th meeting of the Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) NEA/OECD
The 56th meeting of the Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) was held in December 3 – 4, 2014 in Paris (France).            A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in this meeting.

04.12.2014 IAEA Regulatory Cooperation Forum Safety Culture Mission to Belarus on safety culture in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy, where delegation of Rostechnadzor took part in, was completed
The IAEA Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) mission to Belarus on safety culture in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy took place on December 2 and 3, 2014, in Minsk. The team of international high level experts was headed by Denis Flory, IAEA Deputy Director General.

01.12.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus in the Republic of Korea
The 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on November 26, 2014 to address issues of safety enhancement at peaceful use of nuclear energy.

28.11.2014 Alexey Ferapontov takes part in the 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus in the Republic of Korea
The 2nd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on November 26, 2014, to address issues of safety enhancement in the peaceful use of atomic energy.

Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, took part in the 2nd TRM Plus meeting.

25.11.2014 74th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out
74th issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out.

12.11.2014 SEC NRS employees raised money to help orphaned children
Employees of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) continue participation in the charity event to help orphaned children in frames of the Project “Children in Need”.

10.11.2014 Alexey Ferapontov was included into the Commission of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) was included into the Commission of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The relevant Decree was signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev.

07.11.2014 SEC NRS took part in the 36th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards held in Vienna
The 36th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) was held in November 3 – 5, 2014 in Austria, Vienna. R. Charafoutdinov, Deputy Director of SEC NRS, was included into Rostechnadzor’s delegation headed by A. Ferapontov, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor.

30.10.2014 The IAEA TSO International Conference concluded
The IAEA International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security participated by Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS representatives concluded in Beijing.

29.10.2014 The 3rd day of TSO International Conference
The third day of the IAEA International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security participated by Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS representatives concluded in Beijing.

28.10.2014 The TSO International Conference goes on
The second day of the IAEA International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in enhancing nuclear safety and security concluded in Beijing participated by Rostechnadzor and SEC NRS representatives.

27.10.2014 The TSO International Conference opened in Beijing
International Conference on challenges faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) has started the work in Beijing (China) on October 27, 2014.

17.10.2014 Draft Federal Regulations in the Field of Nuclear Energy Use
Правила контроля основного металла, сварных соединений и наплавленных поверхностей при эксплуатации оборудования, трубопроводов и других элементов АС.

12.10.2014 Mr. A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovative Designs and Technologies of Nuclear Power”
Mr. A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, made a report on the topic: “Experience in Safety Review of New NPP Designs at Arrangement of Scientific and Technical Support to the Regulatory Authority”, and also participated in the round-table discussion on the topic “Global Nuclear Power Development and Present Challenges”, devoted to the discussion of the actual challenges faced by the Russian Federation and world-wide economic community.

10.10.2014 73 issue of the Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” went out
Quarterly Academic and Research Periodical of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service. Official Journal issued since 1998.

30.09.2014 SEC NRS hosted a kick-off meeting of Working Group on reactor physics analysis of WWER Regulators Forum
On September 25-26, 2014 the first meeting of the Working Group on reactor physics analysis of WWER Regulators Forum took place in SEC NRS premises which was participated by representatives from Armenia, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran and Russia.

26.09.2014 The IAEA General Conference, where the Delegation of Rostechnadzor took part, is being completed
The General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), where the delegation of Rostechnadzor took part, is being completed in Vienna. Delegations from 159 IAEA member states at the level of ministers and leadership of nuclear organizations took part in the Conference, which was opened on Monday of September 22, 2014.

23.09.2014 The Delegation of Rostechnadzor Continues Working at 58th IAEA General Conference
The delegation of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) continues its work at 58th IAEA General Conference. On the first day, the Director General of State Corporation “Rosatom”, Sergey Kirienko, who is heading the Russian delegation, delivered a speech to the conference participants (this year Vienna receives representatives fr om 159 countries).

23.09.2014 Alexey Aleshin held a meeting with the IAEA Deputy Director General
The Chairman of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor), Alexey Aleshin held a meeting with the IAEA Deputy Director General, Denis Flory. The meeting took place in Vienna, Austria, in the course of 58th IAEA General Conference.

23.09.2014 The Chairman of Rostechnadzor discussed issues of further cooperation with the President of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN)
On September 23, 2014, in the course of 58th IAEA General Conference, which is now taking place in Vienna, Austria, a meeting was held between the Chairman of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor), Alexey Aleshin and the President of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), Chevet Pierre-Franck.

22.09.2014 Alexey Aleshin held a meeting with the Head of Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
On September 22, 2014, in the course of the 58th IAEA General Conference, which opened in Vienna, a meeting was held between the Chairman of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) Alexey Aleshin and the Head of Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (Gosatomnadzor of Republic of Belarus) Olga Lugovskaya.

12.09.2014 State Secretary - Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, Alexey Ferapontov, appointed as a member of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS)
On September 8, 2014, the IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano appointed Alexey Ferapontov, State Secretary - Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, as a member of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) on behalf of the Russian Federation.

12.09.2014 SEC NRS will take part in the IX International Nuclear Forum “Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Emergency Preparedness and Response”
The Forum will take place in the branch of Rosatom CICE&T (St.Petersburg) from September 29 up to October 3, 2014. The Forum’s goal is to facilitate an exchange of experience in the field of nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response and to enhance scientific, technical, practical, legal and social aspects of emergency preparedness and response.

03.09.2014 SEC NRS continues charitable contribution to support children
In September 2014 SEC NRS will held a charity event to support orphaned children in frames of the project “Children in Need”.

01.09.2014 SEC NRS specialists took part in the Junior Staff Programme Summer Workshop organized by the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON)
The ETSON Junior Staff Programme Summer Workshop took place in the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in the period of August 25 - 29, 2014. SEC NRS specialists participated in the workshop.

30.08.2014 Emergency Response Exercise at Kola NPP
The emergency response exercise was held on August 27-29, 2014 at Kola NPP with the purpose to check preparedness and upgrade the practical skills of the Kola NPP staff, OPAS (urgent support to NPPs) group, structural subdivisions of the Concern Rosenergoatom, Situation and Crisis Center, Technical Support Center in performance of organization measures and implementation of works on localization and elimination of emergencies. The progress of drills was observed by the representatives of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor by means of videoconference.

28.08.2014 SEC NRS took part in the working meeting between Rostechnadzor and delegation of National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa
Within the fames of the South African delegation visit to Moscow the meeting between the State Secretary, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor, Mr. Alexey Ferapontov with the Chief Executive Officer of National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Dr. M.B. Tyobeka with participation of representatives of scientific and technical support organizations of the Russian regulatory authority took place on August 27, 2014 in Rostechnadzor Headquarters.  

26.08.2014 Delegation of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety visited Rostechnadzor
On August 18, 2014, a meeting between the Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) Alexey Aleshin and Director General of Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS) Vuong Huu Tan heading the delegation of Vietnam, which arrived at Rostechnadzor on a scientific visit, was held in Rostechnadzor.

14.08.2014 The VARANS delegation visited the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor
In frames of the scientific visit to Rostechnadzor the delegation of Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS) headed by Dr. Dang Thanh Luong, Deputy Director General, with the participation of SEC NRS employees visited the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor on August 13, 2014.

27.07.2014 SEC NRS specialists took part in the working meeting with GRS
The working meeting took place in the period of July 14-25, 2014 in Garching (Germany) in frames of the scientific and technical cooperation between SEC NRS and the German Association for Safety of Installations and Reactors (GRS).

18.07.2014 Delegation of the French Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority (ASN) visited Rostechnadzor
The delegation of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) headed by its Director General Jean-Christophe Niel visited the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) within the period of July 15 - 16, 2014, to take part in joint events under the programme of bilateral cooperation.

17.07.2014 Planned emergency response exercise at the Kola NPP
On July 15, the planned emergency response exercise took place at the Kola NPP, in the process of which the personnel trained in real-time mode their practical skills, as well as preparedness for response and interaction in conditions of a simulated beyond-design basis accident.

14.07.2014 SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the ETSON General Assembly Meeting held on July 9–10, 2014 in Cadarache (France)
The General Assembly Meeting of the European Technical Support Organizations Network (ETSON) was held on July 9–10, 2014 in Cadarache (France). The SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the Meeting.

03.07.2014 Meeting with delegation of Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) was held in SEC NRS
On July 02, 2014 within the frames of the official visit to Moscow of Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) delegation headed by Vice-president of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) and Head of INRA Mr. Naser Rastkhah, the meeting with the management and leading experts of technical and scientific support organization of Rostechnadzor took place in SEC NRS premises.

30.06.2014 Roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” in Obninsk
In frames of events devoted to the 60th anniversary of the nuclear power industry and startup of the Obninsk NPP, as well as to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Nuclear Society (RNS) and to the 25th anniversary of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), a roundtable discussion “Enhancement of Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power Industry” was held by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia with the active participation of SEC NRS in Obninsk on June 25, 2014. The discussions were devoted to the status and actual problems of nuclear and radiation safety provision and regulation in nuclear power industry.

26.06.2014 Meeting with delegation from Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) took place in SEC NRS
On June 25, 2014 the meeting with IRSN delegation headed by Mrs. Sylvie SUPERVIL, Director of Emergency Response, took place in SEC NRS premises

25.06.2014 72nd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical
The 72nd issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out.

24.06.2014 Rostechnadzor delegation took part in 21st Annual WWER Forum Meeting
The 21st annual meeting of the Forum of the State Nuclear Authorities of the Countries Operating WWER Type Reactors (WWER Forum) took place on June 16 to 18, 2014, in Helsinki, Finland. The Rostechnadzor delegation headed by State Secretary - Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov attended the meeting

11.06.2014 SEC NRS specialists took part in the specialized exhibition organized in the framework of ATOMEXPO-2014 International Forum
A specialized exhibition of the leading Russian and foreign nuclear enterprises and the related industries was held in Moscow (Gostiny Dvor) in June 9–11, 2014 in the framework of the VI ATOMEXPO-2014 International Forum

09.06.2014 On June 9, 2014 the SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the round table “International Nuclear Law: Problem Issues of Formation of the Legal Bases of Nuclear Power Industry Development in XXI Century”

07.06.2014 Plenary session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 85)
The XIX plenary session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 85) was held in the International Trade Centre in June 2 – 6, 2014. The organizers of the plenary session were the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor), the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), Rosatom State Corporation

06.06.2014 A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the 55th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the NEA/OECD
The 55th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) of the Nuclear Energy Agency within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development  (NEA/OECD) was held within the period June 4 – 5, 2014 in Paris (France). A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in this Meeting

30.05.2014 SEC NRS summed up the results of the annual competition of young specialists in scientific research papers
On May 27, 2014 the results of the annual competition of SEC NRS young specialists in scientific research papers were summed up at the Scientific and Technical Conference “Young Specialists Awards – 2014”.

23.05.2014 Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в выставочных мероприятиях
с 21 по 23 мая 2014 года - Девятая международная научно-техническая конференция «Безопасность, эффективность и экономика атомной энергетики»
С 20 по 22 мая 2014 года - 10-ый Юбилейный Московский международный инновационный форум и выставка «Точные измерения - основа качества и безопасности»
С 20 по 23 мая 2014 года - Международный салон «Комплексная безопасность-2014»

16.05.2014 Rostechnadzor received the official report of the IAEA on the results of the IAEA integrated regulatory review service follow-up mission held in Russia in November 2013
In early May 2014, Mr. Denis Flory, the IAEA Deputy Director General, forwarded to the address of Rostechnadzor the IAEA final report on the results of the integrated regulatory review service (IRRS) follow-up mission that was held in Moscow (the Russian Federation) in November 11-19, 2013. The final report comprises the conclusions of experts participating in the review and represents an official document which is submitted by the IAEA to the Government of the Russian Federation.

12.05.2014 SEC NRS accreditation as an expert organization
SEC NRS has been accredited as an expert organization to be involved into supervision activities in compliance with the spheres of state regulation (supervision) in the field of use of atomic energy (Accreditation Certificate No. РОСС RU.0001.410200 dd. April 14, 2014).

21.04.2014 Rostechnadzor has been authorized to render assistance in development of national regulatory systems of the countries, which are planning to build nuclear facilities based on the Russian designs
The Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service has been authorized to render assistance on development of national regulatory systems of the countries, which are planning to build nuclear facilities based on the Russian designs

18.04.2014 Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor has certified 9 software tools
On April 17, 2014 the scheduled 63-rd meeting of the Expert Council for Software Certification within the powers of Rostechnadzor took place in SEC NRS. The Council considered the results of the review of 9 software tools and came to a positive decision to approve the certificates thereof.

17.04.2014 SEC NRS representatives participated ETSON research project training
In April 3 – 4, 2014 SEC NRS delegation participated ETSON research project training organized by IRSN.

27.03.2014 SEC NRS delegation participated the in the 3rd Programme Commitee Meeting of the International Conference on Technical and Scientific Support Organizations
During March 26-27, 2014 in Vienna (Austria) SEC NRS delegation headed by the Director A. Khamaza participated the in the 3rd Programme Commitee Meeting of the International Conference on Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSO), that will be held in October 2014 in Beijing (China)  under the auspices of IAEA and the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the TSO Forum (TSOF).

26.03.2014 71-st issue of the periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”
Author’s proof was performed in SEC NRS (TSO), passed for printing on 25.03.2014, circulation 500 copies Printed in SEC NRS.

24.03.2014 Delegation of SEC NRS took part in scientific and practice conference “New Technological Platform for Nuclear Power Industry. “Breakthrough” Project”
On March 21-22, 2014 in the congress-hotel Vinogradovo (Moscow Region) the delegation of SEC NRS headed by the Director A. Khamaza took part in the scientific and practice conference “New Technological Platform for Nuclear Power Industry. “Breakthrough” Project”.

10.03.2014 On March 7, 2014 in the Training Centre of Novovoronezh NPP was completed training of ТАЕК specialists, organized by SEC NRS
Training of specialists of the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (ТАЕК) was conducted within the period from February 10 to March 7.

24.02.2014 19th Plenary Session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization
Within June 2–6, 2014 the 19th Plenary Session of the Technical Committee 85 “Nuclear Energy” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 85), its subcommittees, working and consulting groups will take place in Moscow.

19.02.2014 Working visit of the Leadership of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) to SEC NRS

10.02.2014 On February 10, 2014 on the site of Novovoronezh NPP-2 started training of ТАЕК specialists, organized by SEC NRS
On February 10 in the Training Centre of Novovoronezh NPP-2 started training of ten specialists from the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (ТАЕК), organized by SEC NRS.

21.01.2014 SEC NRS Deputy Director, Sergey Bogdan, was elected to be the Chairman for the MDEP VVER Working Group (VVERWG)
On January 21, the VVER Working Group (VVERWG) started its activity.

16.12.2013 70th issue of the periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”
Author’s proof was performed in SEC NRS (TSO), passed for printing on 16.12.2013, circulation 500 copies Printed in SEC NRS.

12.12.2013 Addressed to the team of “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal
This year, the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal celebrates a 15-year anniversary.

09.12.2013 Congratulations of a subscriber and grateful reader on the 15-year anniversary of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal active life
The Inspector General Service of the State Corporation Rosatom congratulates on the 15-year anniversary of an active life the Establisher of the quarterly scientific and practical journal "Nuclear and Radiation Safety”, namely SEC NRS, the editorial board, the editorial staff, make-up editors, active authors, filling up the Journal with the useful content, as well as all SEC NRS employees supporting the Journal publishing and promotion to the users.

06.12.2013 Team of the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) and staff of “Ядерна та радіаційна безпека (Nuclear and Radiation Safety)” Journal

19.11.2013 IAEA IRRS Follow-up Mission Completed in Moscow
The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Follow-up Mission, which involved the effort of ten senior experts from the regulators of Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Cuba, Finland, Slovakia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, and five IAEA staff members, completed its work on November 19, 2013, in Moscow.

14.11.2013 Draft Regulatory Document
Amendments to the Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Requirements for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes of Nuclear Facilities” (NP-043-11).

13.11.2013 Rostechnadzor took part in Scheduled Exercise at Novovoronezh NPP
On November 13, 2013, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) took part in scheduled emergency exercise on the topic "Radiation Accident at Novovoronezh NPP to Practice Actions involving Emergency Mobile Equipment".

11.11.2013 The IAEA Follow-Up Mission started its activity in Moscow
On November 11, 2013 the IAEA Follow-Up Mission started its work in Moscow with the aim to assess the efficiency of activity of the regulatory body in charge of safety at nuclear energy use.

28.10.2013 SEC NRS arranged training for the specialists of Gosatomnadzor of the Republic of Belarus
Within the period October 14-25, 2013, a group of 8 specialists of the Republic of Belarus headed by Mr. Leonid Rydlevsky, First Deputy Head of Gosatomnadzor of the Republic of Belarus, received training in SEC NRS in frames of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme.

14.10.2013 The TSO International Programme Committee took place in Beijing (China) in October 9-12, 2013 with participation of SEC NRS delegation headed by A. Khamaza, the Director

25.09.2013 The 69th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out

21.09.2013 SEC NRS experts within the scope of the working groups of the Information and Analytical Center of Rostechnadzor took part in the integrated emergency response exercises at the Kalinin NPP

20.09.2013 SEC NRS representatives participated at TSOF meetings in the course of the 57th IAEA General Conference in Vienna
In September 17-20 on the sidelines of the 57th IAEA General Conference (Vienna, Austria) SEC NRS delegation headed by Director A. Khamaza participated at the meetings within the framework of Technical Support Organizations Forum (TSO Forum).

16.09.2013 Rostechnadzor and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan (NISA) have signed the Memorandum of Cooperation

16.09.2013 Rostechnadzor and the Nuclear Safety Authority of France (ASN) agreed for further strengthening of cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety

12.09.2013 Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes certified 6 computer codes
On September 12, 2013 SEC NRS held a scheduled 61st meeting of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes.

13.08.2013 SEC NRS representatives participated in the preparatory follow-up IAEA IRRS mission meeting, held on August 12-13, 2013 in Rostechnadzor
In the framework of the preparatory meeting representatives of the IAEA indicated in detailed manner the procedure of follow-up mission to be held in November 2013, the Rostechnadzor regulatory technical and policy issues subjected to review in the scope of the follow-up mission including those to address significant change in regulatory activities since the 2009 mission as well as organizational matters.

30.07.2013 Draft regulatory document

30.07.2013 Draft regulatory document

30.07.2013 The meeting with GRS experts took place in SEC NRS
On July 23,  2013 the working meeting between GRS and SEC NRS experts took place in Russian TSO’s premises within the framework of the BMWi delegation visit to Moscow to participate at the 7th Joint Coordination Meeting with Rosatom expert team on further development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of reactor safety and RAW R&D.

29.07.2013 Rostechnadzor summarized the results of the legislation activity for the first half-year
In the first half-year period of 2013 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) continued improvement of the legal and regulatory framework.

23.07.2013 3 questions to Alexander Khamaza on common procedures to exchange information
As the Director of SEC NRS, the Russian TSO, Alexander Khamaza provides the perspective of an ETSON associate member on the new challenges of nuclear safety and the mutual benefit a membership in ETSON can provide in taking them up.

22.07.2013 Draft regulatory document
Обеспечение безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации объектов использования атомной энергии. Общие положения. (НП-ХХХ-ХХ).

21.07.2013 SEC NRS representatives as members of Rostechnadzor delegation participated at the Technical meeting on state management of radiation and nuclear safety in Vietnam and the 1st Nuclear Regulatory Conference
that took place in Hai Phong, Vietnam, in July 18-19, 2013

09.07.2013 Rostechnadzor delegation visited FSUE “Mining and Chemical Combine” (the Krasnoyarsk Territory)
The delegation of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) headed by Valeriy Bezzubtsev, Deputy Chairman, in the period from July 3 to 5, 2013 made a working visit to FSUE “Mining and Chemical Combine” (Zheleznogorsk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Evgeniy Kudryavtsev, Head of Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and Radiation Hazardous Facilities, Sergey Chernov, Acting Head of the Rostechnadzor Interregional Territorial Department for Supervision over Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Siberia and Far East and Alexander Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS took part in the business visit.

In frames of the visit, a meeting was held to discuss the issues of licensing of new productions built on the site of the enterprise, and to arrangement of interaction between FSUE “MCC” and FSUE “National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management” in view of handover to the latter of the Deep Disposal Facility for Liquid Radioactive Wastes and performance of the relevant licensing procedures. The delegation was familiarized with the productions in operations and decommissioning, including the modernized spent nuclear fuel “wet” storage facility for VVER-1000 reactors and spent nuclear fuel “dry” storage facility for RBMK reactors, the license for industrial operation of the first stage of which was issued by Rostechnadzor at the end of June 2013, and also learnt about the progress of construction of the second stage of the storage. In the undermountain part of the enterprise the shutdown industrial reactor ADE-2 and underground TPP, as well as a number of other productions and supporting facilities were demonstrated to the delegation.

The delegation during its visit to all facilities was accompanied by Petr Gavrilov, Director General of FSUE “MCC”. A brief meeting of the delegation with journalists of regional media was held in the followup of the visit.

Source: http://www.gosnadzor.ru/news/1553/.

03.07.2013 В период c 2 по 3 июля 2013 года в г. Санкт-Петербург (Россия) состоялось заседание Совета управляющих и Генеральной ассамблеи Ассоциации Европейских организаций технической поддержки (ETSON)
Проведение заседаний было организовано ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» в историческом здании Национального минерально-сырьевого университета «Горный» при  активной поддержке ведущего российского института.

02.07.2013 В ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» состоялась встреча с делегацией Комиссии по ядерному регулированию США (NRC)
1 июня в  ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» состоялась встреча с делегацией Комиссии по ядерному регулированию США (NRC). Возглавлял американскую делегацию  комиссионер Джордж Апостолакис, который является одним из родоначальников вероятностного анализа безопасности АЭС.

01.07.2013 Проект нормативного документа
Требования к системам физической защиты ядерных материалов, ядерных установок и пунктов хранения ядерных материалов. (НП-083-ХХ</a>)

27.06.2013 Вышел в свет 68 выпуск Журнала "Ядерная и радиационная безопасность"
Верстка выполнена в ОНТИ ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ", подписано в печать 24.06.2013 г., тираж 500 экз. Отпечатано в ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ".

26.06.2013 26 июня 2013 года делегация ФБУ "НТЦ ЯРБ" во главе с директором А.А. Хамазой приняла участие в Симпозиуме "Актуальные вопросы международного ядерного права: правовая международная база атомной энергетики в XXI веке".
Симпозиум состоялся в рамках работы Международного промышленного форума "АТОМЭКСПО" 26-28 июня 2013 года в Санкт-Петербурге.

26.06.2013 Совет Федерации одобрил изменения в Федеральный закон «Об использовании атомной энергии»
26 июня 2013 года Совет Федерации одобрил Федеральный закон «О внесении изменений в статьи 25 и 26 Федерального закона «Об использовании атомной энергии»».

25.06.2013 Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в Европейском ядерном молодежном форуме (ENYGF-2013) в Швеции с 16 по 21 июня 2013 года

24.06.2013 SEC NRS specialists took part in the 23rd Annual Scientific and Technical Conference of the Nuclear Society of Russia “Nuclear Power Development Strategy and Nuclear Education”
Within June 18 – 20, 2013 the 23rd annual scientific and technical conference of the Nuclear Society of Russia “Nuclear Power Development Strategy and Nuclear Education” was held on the basis of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University.

29.05.2013 Mr. A.A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, presented a report on the topic “Development of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Nuclear Power Safety”
From May 21 to 24, 2013 the 8th International Scientific and Technical Conference “VVER NPP Safety” was held in OKB Gidropress JSC with the participation of the State Corporation ROSATOM, JSC “Atomenergomash”, Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, fuel company TVEL, RRC “Kurchatov Institute”.

23.05.2013 SEC NRS specialists took part in the 9th Moscow International Forum “Accurate Measurements - the Basis of Quality and Safety”
In period from May 21 to 23, 2013 the All-Russian Exhibition Center hosted the 9th Moscow International Forum “Accurate Measurements - the Basis of Quality and Safety” in support of the state policy in the area of modernization and technological development of the Russian economics.

16.05.2013 Rostechnadzor will host the IAEA mission in 2013
The Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia will start preparations to host the International Atomic Energy Agency mission in 2013.

18.04.2013 The Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes under Rostechnadzor validated 12 computer codes
On April 18, 2014 SEC NRS hosted the scheduled 60th meeting of the Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes under Rostechnadzor. The Council considered the results of the review of the 12 computer codes and made a positive decision to approve the validation certificates thereof.

17.04.2013 Meeting for discussion of the comments to the final revision of the draft Federal Safety Regulations “Rules of Physical Protection for Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities, Radioactive Wastes”

17.04.2013 SEC NRS held a technical meeting on the issues of regulation of investigations with regard to violations in operation of nuclear facilities
On April 16–17, 2013 in frames of the visit to Moscow of the IRSN delegation headed by Mr. Guy Damit, Manager of the International Project on Assessment of Nuclear Safety, SEC NRS held a technical meeting on the issues of regulation of investigations with regard to violations in operation of nuclear facilities.

17.04.2013 SEC NRS held a technical meeting on the issues of regulation of investigations with regard to violations in operation of nuclear facilities
On April 16–17, 2013 in frames of the visit to Moscow of the IRSN delegation headed by Mr. Guy Damit, Manager of the International Project on Assessment of Nuclear Safety, SEC NRS held a technical meeting on the issues of regulation of investigations with regard to violations in operation of nuclear facilities.

13.04.2013 SEC NRS hosted a working meeting with the delegation of the People's Republic of Bangladesh on share of experience in determination of the site selection criteria for the Rooppur NPP

10.04.2013 SEC NRS held a working meeting with the delegation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam headed by Le Dinh Tien, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology of Vietnam

04.03.2013 The Public Council of Rostechnadzor considered the participation of SEC NRS in implementation of the federal target programs in the field of nuclear and radiation safety
On March 01, 2013 the meeting of the Public Council of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) took place.

The meeting participants considered the participation of SEC NRS in implementation of the Federal Target Programs in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The report on the topic was presented by the member of the Public Council of Rostechnadzor, Director of SEC NRS, Mr. Alexander Khamaza.

SEC NRS participates in implementation of the three Federal Target Programs, the state Customer to which is Rostechnadzor:

Federal Target Program “Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the Period up to 2015” (FTP NRS);

Federal Target Program “Fire Safety in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2012”;

Federal Target Program “Reduction of Risks and Mitigation of Consequences of the Natural and Man-Induced Origin Emergencies in the Russian Federation up 2015”.

The Public Council highlighted the importance and relevance of the results of scientific and research works, performed by SEC NRS in 2008-2012 in frames of implementation of the Federal Target Programs in the field of nuclear and radiation safety.

The obtained results are practically significant, the researches were fulfilled within the planned scope and at the state-of-the-art level in science and technologies development.

The fulfilled complex of scientific and research works in frames of the mentioned programs represents a scientific and methodological basis both for enhancement of safety regulation, and for support of the licensing and supervision activity carried out by Rostechnadzor for nuclear facilities.

The works performed by SEC NRS comply with the key goals and tasks of the Federal Target Programs in the field of nuclear and radiation safety and to the functions of Rostechnadzor regulatory activity.

21.02.2013 Four ETSON guides on nuclear safety assessment methods published
ETSON publishes four reports: a general Safety Assessment Guide and three Technical Safety Assessment Guides.

07.02.2013 SEC NRS held a working meeting with the leadership of SSTC NRS
On February 6, 2013 SEC NRS held a working meeting with the leadership of SSTC NRS (Ukraine) to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation, in particular, of the draft Program for Cooperation for the Period 2013 – 2015 developed by the Ukrainian organization to include the following activity directions:
•    General safety provisions for NPP
•    Emergency cooling and heat removal from the nuclear reactor to the ultimate heat sink at NPP
•    Hydrogen explosion protection at NPP
•    Power supply at NPP
•    Management of fresh and spent nuclear fuel
•    Radiation safety at NPP
•    Emergency preparedness and emergency response
•    Radioactive materials clearance from the regulatory control
•    Safe management of ionizing radiation sources
•    Seismic stability of NPP
•    Localizing safety systems of NPP
•    Design and safe operation of equipment and pipelines
•    Information and control systems of NPP
•    Severe accident management
•    Safety regulation for nuclear research installations
•    Risk-informed approaches
•    Operating experience
•    Certification of computer codes applied for safety analysis of NPP
•    Validation and improvement of computer models used for expert evaluations

Based on the results of discussion of the draft Program for Cooperation the meeting participants agreed that the proposed topics for bilateral cooperation are in total actual.

05.02.2013 The 67th issue of the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Periodical has come out

31.01.2013 SEC NRS held a meeting with the delegation of the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (Association for Safety of Installations and Reactors (GRS))
On January 29, 2013 in frames of the visit to Moscow of the delegation of the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (Association for Safety of Installations and Reactors (GRS), Germany) headed by Mr. Frank-Peter Weiß, Director for Scientific and Technical Part, SEC NRS held a working meeting with the leadership and leading specialists of the scientific and technical support organization (TSO) for Rostechnadzor.

26.12.2012 “Young Specialists Awards – 2012”
On December 26, 2012 at the Scientific and Technical Conference “Young Specialists Awards – 2012” the results were summed up for the annual competition of scientific and research papers of SEC NRS young specialists.

15.12.2012 Training of two groups of Vietnamese specialists
In November-December 2012 in line with the agreement between Rostechnadzor and Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS), the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety conducted training of two groups of Vietnamese specialists on the issues of safety regulation in atomic energy use, which was finished on December 14, 2012.

12.12.2012 Rostechnadzor held the final meeting under the TACIS Project “Support to Rostechnadzor in Licensing of Waste Management Activities”
On December 11, 2012 Rostechnadzor held the final meeting under the TACIS Project “Support to Rostechnadzor in Licensing of Waste Management Activities” (RF/TS/54).

03.12.2012 SEC NRS is training specialists from VARANS, VAEA, VINATOM
On December 3, 2012 SEC NRS started training of the second group (out of 10) of Vietnamese specialists under the course “Nuclear and Radiation Safety Regulation in the Russian Federation. Review of the Computer Tools and Codes, applied in Rostechnadzor for Review of Safety Analyses and Scientific Researches”.

30.11.2012 Scientific and Practical Workshop with Heads of NRS Inspection Divisions
On November 29-30, 2012 the scheduled Scientific and Practical Workshop with Heads of NRS Inspection Divisions at NPPs and Heads of Divisions for Supervision over NRS of Nuclear Installations of Interregional Territorial Departments of Rostechnadzor for Supervision over NRS (Rostechnadzor Department 5) took place.

28.11.2012 Vacant job “Leading Legal Counsel”
Job duties:
• Participation in preparation of draft Regulatory Legal Acts, Federal Safety Regulations, Safety Guides
• Analysis of regulation in foreign countries and international organizations in the field of atomic energy use
• Monitoring of the reported documentation and analysis of the supervision efficiency in the area of nuclear and radiation safety
• Participation in legal review of Regulatory Legal Acts
• Participation in approval of draft regulatory documents in the field of atomic energy use

26.11.2012 SEC NRS is training specialists from VARANS
SEC NRS is training 6 specialists from VARANS on the topic “Safety Regulation Framework in the Field of Atomic Energy Use”.

12.11.2012 SEC NRS delegation took part in the work of “EUROSAFE-2012” Forum and ETSON meeting
SEC NRS delegation headed by A.A. Khamaza, Director of SEC NRS, took part in the work of the annual “EUROSAFE-2012” Forum, which took place on November 5-6, 2012 in Brussels (Belgium).

29.10.2012 The 5th International Nuclear Exhibition in Vietnam
SEC NRS specialists as a part of delegation of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia took part in the 5th International Nuclear Exhibition, which was held within October 25–27, 2012 in Vietnam (Hanoi).

25.10.2012 Meeting on the issue of NRS supervision at nuclear fuel cycle facilities for the expired period
On October 24, 2012 the scheduled meeting on the issue of NRS supervision at nuclear fuel cycle facilities for the expired period was held in the SEC NRS conference hall.

23.10.2012 SEC NRS held a meeting with the delegation of the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS/ Association for Safety of Installations and Reactors)
On October 23, 2012 SEC NRS hosted a meeting of the delegation of the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) with the leadership and leading employees in the scientific and technical support organization for Rostechnadzor in Moscow.

05.10.2012 SEC NRS hosted a meeting with the delegation of the Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN/ Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety of France)
On October 5, 2012 in frames of the visit to Moscow of the delegation of the Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN/ Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety of France) headed by Jacques Repussard, Director General of IRSN, SEC NRS hosted the meeting with leadership and leading employees of the scientific and technical support organization for Rostechnadzor.

04.10.2012 Rostechnadzor and Rosatom signed the Agreement on Cooperation
On October 2, 2012 an Agreement between the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia and the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” on Cooperation on the issues of rendering assistance or enhancement of nuclear power national infrastructures of countries planning or constructing the Russian-design nuclear facilities was signed in Moscow.

01.09.2012 The Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety
SEC NRS representatives on the Rostechnadzor delegation participated in the Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety that took place in IAEA, Vienna (Austria), April 27-31, 2012.

23.08.2012 Rostechnadzor received the delegation from the Belarusian Gosatomnadzor
Within August 21–22, 2012 the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia was visited by the delegation from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus headed by its Chairman - Olga Lugovskaya.

19.07.2012 On July 17–18, 2012 the working meeting took place in Kiev to discuss the current state of regulatory frameworks in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation in Russia and Ukraine
The goal of the working meeting was to review the current state of nuclear safety regulation in Russia and Ukraine, and to make recommendations for improvements.

12.07.2012 On July 11-12, 2012 Rostechnadzor hosted the Russian-French seminar to share information about the stress tests for NPPs fulfilled in Russia and France, as well as information about the review of stress tests reports
The French Party was represented in the event by the employees of the French regulatory authority (ASN) and by the operating organization for NPP “Electricite de France”. The Russian Party was represented by leadership and employees of Rostechnadzor, Rosenergoatom JSC, and Atomenergoproekt JSC.

11.07.2012 Meeting of the Research Working Group in the field of nuclear safety assessment
On July 5, 2012 Mr. Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director,  took part in the Research Working Group meeting in the field of nuclear safety assessment.

28.06.2012 Official ceremony for SEC NRS Entrance to ETSON
On June 28, 2012 the meeting of the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON) was held in Helsinki (Finland).

18.06.2012 Summary of comments in response to remarks and proposals to the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use
The summary of comments to the remarks and proposals to the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Rules for Nuclear Materials Transfer to Radioactive Substances or to Radioactive Wastes” published in the “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” Journal No.3(61)-2011.

08.06.2012 SEC NRS Deputy Director was awarded the National Award of the Russian Federation
For services to the Energy Field and many years of conscientious work Sergey Nikolaevich BOGDAN, SEC NRS Deputy Director, was heralded with an honorific “HONORED POWER ENGINEER OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”. The Award Decree was signed by the RF President, Dmitriy Anatolievich Medvedev.

05.06.2012 SEC NRS took part in the IV International Forum “AtomExpo-2012”
Employees of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) and Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) took part in the International Forum “AtomExpo-2012”, which is held in Moscow.

29.05.2012 SEC NRS hosted the meeting with the delegation of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS)
On May 29 the delegation of VARANS visited SEC NRS to discuss plans on rendering assistance to the Vietnamese party in the development of the national regulatory documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety.

22.05.2012 SEC NRS Conference
On May 22 the Conference devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) took place in Moscow.

05.12.2011 Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities”
1. Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities”
2. Summary of Comments in response to remarks and proposals for the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities”.
3. Letter “About Distribution of the Summary of Comments for the Draft Federal Safety Regulations”.

31.10.2011 “Safety in the Technogenic Sphere”
A book of the SEC NRS employee, Doctor in the Engineering Sciences, Professor O.M. Kovalevich “Safety in the Technogenic Sphere” was published in the Non-Public Education Center for Advanced Professional Training “Training and Methodological Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” and MPEI Publishing House. The book depicts the experience in provision of safety in the field of atomic energy use accumulated in the country, and the possibility for sharing this experience with the other areas of the technogenic sphere

27.06.2011 Terminology Dictionary on Nuclear and Radiation Safety
SEC NRS has published the Terminology Dictionary on Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the “SEC NRS Scientific Papers” Series.

Вышел в свет 114-й выпуск нашего журнала «Ядерная и радиационная безопасность»

Поздравляем Валерия Вячеславовича Бочкарева с успешной защитой диссертации!

Сотрудники ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в противоаварийной тренировке в НИЦ "Курчатовский институт"

В период с 9 по 13 декабря 2024 г. в штаб-квартире МАГАТЭ состоялось 57-е заседание Комитета МАГАТЭ по нормам радиационной безопасности (RASSC)

Заместитель руководителя Ростехнадзора Ферапонтов А. В. удостоен премии Правительства Российской Федерации в области науки и техники

Представители Ростехнадзора и ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в первых заседаниях рабочих групп по реакторам типа ВТГР и легководным СММР в рамках MDEP

Сотрудник ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» принял участие в 58-ом заседании Комитета МАГАТЭ по нормам ядерной безопасности (NUSSC)

15 ноября 2024 г. сотрудники ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в противоаварийной тренировке на исследовательской ядерной установке – исследовательском реакторе ИР-8 НИЦ «Курчатовский институт»

В период с 4 по 6 ноября 2024 г. в штаб-квартире МАГАТЭ состоялось 19-е заседание Комитета МАГАТЭ по нормам безопасности в области аварийной готовности и реагирования (EPReSC)

ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» и ГЕОХИ РАН заключили Соглашение о научно-техническом сотрудничестве

Призёр «Конкурса молодых-2024» – Никита Шкляев

Призёр «Конкурса молодых-2024» – Михаил Царёв

22 мая 2024 года в ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» в смешанном формате прошла ежегодная НТС-конференция «Конкурс молодых - 2024». В программе конференции было представлено 8 работ молодых специалистов учреждения по широкому спектру тем.

МАГАТЭ опубликовало документ серии Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-90 «Аспекты радиационной защиты при проектировании атомных станций»

Ознакомительный визит на ФГУП «ПО «Маяк»

Сотрудники ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» 20 декабря 2023 года приняли участие в техническом туре на Белоярскую АЭС

Состоялись 18-я Всемирная конференция по сейсмоизоляции, рассеиванию энергии и регулированию динамических характеристик сооруженийсовместной и 7-я Международная конференция по сейсмостойкости и сейсмологии

Представитель ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» принял участие в техническом совещании МАГАТЭ по вероятностному анализу безопасности ядерных установок с учетом внешних событий и их сочетаний

При участии ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» прошло совещание рабочей группы в рамках реализации Инициативы генерального директора МАГАТЭ Рафаэля Гросси

Получен патент №2803394 на изобретение «Расходомер сверхмалых потоков»

Делегация ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» во главе с директором Александром Хамазой приняла участие в заседании Рабочей группы по реакторам ВВЭР Многонациональной программы оценки новых проектов АЭС (MDEP)

Заседание объединенного научно-технического совета АО АСЭ по вопросу участия российских организаций в реализации Многонациональной программы оценки новых проектов АЭС

В период с 28 июня по 1 июля 2023 года в г. Санкт-Петербурге прошла X Международная научно-практическая конференция молодых учёных и специалистов атомной отрасли «КОМАНДА-2023»

Исследования на экспериментальном участке ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» в рамках научно-технической поддержки деятельности Ростехнадзора

Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие во Втором Всероссийском семинаре «Электрохимия в распределенной и атомной энергетике» с докладом на тему: «Исследование свойств продуктов пирохимической технологии, определяющие их пожаровзрывоопасность»

Восхождение на Эльбрус!

Конкурс молодых – 2022

Young Specialists Awards -– 2021
On May 27, 2021 the annual Scientific and Technical Conference "Young Specialists Awards" took place in the SEC NRS. Traditionally, the competition was held in frames of the meeting of the SEC NRS Scientific and Technical Council.

Meeting of Session No. 2 “Thermohydrodynamics and Multi-Physical Processes” of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes
Meeting of Session No. 2 “Thermohydrodynamics and Multi-Physical Processes” of Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Validation of Computer Codes

Emergency Response Exercise at the Beloyarsk NPP

Поздравляем Нурбола Мухтаровича Жылмаганбетова с успешной защитой кандидатской диссертации!

SEC NRS delegation visited the IRSN Technical Emergency Center and took part in the 66th meeting of CSNI (NEA/OECD)
On December 3, Alexey Ferapontov, Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor, Alexander Khamaza, SEC NRS Director, and Denis Mistryugov, SEC NRS Head of the International Cooperation Division visited the IRSN Technical Emergency Center. IRSN representatives provided information on the existing emergency response procedures.

ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняло участие в Форуме «EUROSAFE» в Кёльне

Заседание Президиума Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

«Женщины атомной отрасли» встретились с директором Департамента технического сотрудничества МАГАТЭ Аной Раффо-Каядо

Заседание секции № 6 «Прочность и надежность строительных конструкций зданий и сооружений» экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Сотрудник ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» Герман Пипченко занял 3 место среди участников Конференции молодых специалистов «Инновации в атомной энергетике»

Заседание секции № 2 «Теплогидродинамика и мультифизические процессы» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Совещание экспертов Рабочей группы ВВЭР в рамках Многонациональной программы оценки новых проектов АЭС

Двухсторонний российско-китайский семинар по вопросам регулирования безопасности ВВЭР-1000

Заседание секции № 5 «Вероятностный анализ безопасности и надежности систем и объектов» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

В Санкт-Петербурге открылся XIV Международный ядерный форум «Безопасность ядерных технологий: культура безопасности»

XIV Международный ядерный форум «Безопасность ядерных технологий: культура безопасности»

Заседание секции № 4 «Прочность, ресурс элементов, оборудования, систем» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Заседание секции № 1 «Физика ядерных реакторов и систем с ядерными материалами, ядерная безопасность» экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

на Смоленской АЭС прошли комплексные противоаварийные учения

SEC NRS hosted Interregional Group Scientific Visit on Licensing of Nuclear Power Plants within IAEA Technical Cooperation Program
On September 4, 2019 the Interregional group scientific visit on licensing of NPPs within IAEA Technical Cooperation Program took place at SEC NRS with participation of representatives of IAEA, Bangladesh, Belarus, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uzbekistan and Zambia.

Meeting of Section 2 “Thermohydrodynamics and multiphysical processes” of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Software Validation
Regular meeting of Section 2 “Thermohydrodynamics and multiphysical processes” of the Rostechnadzor Expert Council on Software Validation took place on July 10, 2019 at SEC NRS.

ETSON Board and General Assembly meetings took place in Prague and a Memorandum of understanding between SEC NRS and GRS was signed
The ETSON Board and General Assembly meetings were held on 3-4 July, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Заместитель руководителя Ростехнадзора Алексей Ферапонтов встретился с заместителем Генерального директора МАГАТЭ Хуаном Карлосом Лентихо

Заседание секции № 1 «Физика ядерных реакторов и систем с ядерными материалами, ядерная безопасность» экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Эксперты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участи в Научно-технической конференции в Обнинске

Заседание НТС «РосРАО» по обращению с отходами производства и потребления

НТС Ростехнадзора отметил положительный опыт деятельности ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» по экспертизе программ для ЭВМ в области использования атомной энергии

Второй день XII Международного салона «Комплексная безопасность»

Cостоялось заседание Президиума Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Выездное заседание секции № 5 «Вероятностный анализ безопасности, надежности систем и объектов» Экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Алексей Алёшин принял участие в конференции ЮНИДО

ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» принимает участие в работе МНТК – 2019

Заседание секции № 3 «Перенос ионизирующего излучения, радиационная защита, распространение (миграция) радиоактивных веществ» экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

В ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» состоялась ежегодная научно-техническая конференция «Конкурс молодых – 2019»

Заседание секции № 1 «Физика ядерных реакторов и систем с ядерными материалами, ядерная безопасность» экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Состоялось заседание секции № 6 «Прочность и надежность строительных конструкций зданий и сооружений»

Специалисты ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняли участие в плановой противоаварийной тренировке

Rostechnadzor - NNSA Joint Coordination Meeting held on April 23-24 in Beijing
A Joint Coordination meeting between Rostekhnadzor and the Nuclear State Safety Administration of China (NNSA) was held on 23-24 April in Beijing (People's Republic of China).

Алексей Ферапонтов выступил перед слушателями Школы России и МАГАТЭ по менеджменту для руководителей атомной отрасли

Заседание секции № 3 Научно-технического совета Ростехнадзора «Безопасность объектов использования атомной энергии»

Состоялась рабочая встреча по вопросам экспертизы программ для ЭВМ и документов, обосновывающих безопасность исследовательской ядерной установки ПИК

Программное средство «Классификатор ИНЕС 1.00» передано в Банк данных Агентства по ядерной энергии

Интервью заместителя руководителя Ростехнадзора А.В. Ферапонтова журналу «Промышленность и безопасность»

Состоялось заседание секции № 6 «Прочность и надежность строительных конструкций зданий и сооружений»

Состоялось очередное заседание секции № 1 экспертного совета по аттестации программ для ЭВМ при Ростехнадзоре

Захоронение радиоактивных отходов: безопасность — главный приоритет

состоялось очередное заседание экспертного совета Ростехнадзора по аттестации программ для ЭВМ

3d Day of the TSO International Conference conluded in Brussels
In the course of the third day of the IAEA International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security held in Brussels s (Belgium) two Sessions were held – "Role of the TSOs in emergency preparedness and response" and "Other chalenges of TSOs".

Ростехнадзор подписал два Меморандума о сотрудничестве на сессии Генеральной Конференции МАГАТЭ

Делегация Ростехнадзора посетила объекты АО «Сибирский химический комбинат»

В Санкт-Петербурге пройдет XIII Международный ядерный форум «Безопасность ядерных технологий: транспортирование радиоактивных материалов - «АТОМТРАНС-2018»

Утверждено постановление Правительства «О нормативах допустимых выбросов радиоактивных веществ и нормативах допустимых сбросов радиоактивных веществ, а также о выдаче разрешений на выбросы радиоактивных веществ, разрешений на сбросы радиоактивных веществ»

В Ростехнадзоре прошло заседание Секции № 3 Научно-технического совета «Безопасность объектов использования атомной энергии»

Ростехнадзор и МИФИ заключили Соглашение о научно-техническом сотрудничестве

SEC NRS hosted 10th VVERWG meeting
On May 23-24, 2018, SEC NRS hosted the 10th meeting of the VVER Working Group of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP VVERWG) with participation of representatives of regulators – STUK (Finland), HAEA (Hungary), NNSA (China), AERB (India), TAEK (Turkey), SEC NRS (Russia) and NEA OECD.

состоялось очередное заседание секции № 4 «Расчеты напряженно-деформированного состояния и анализ прочности элементов активных зон, оборудования и трубопроводов ОИАЭ» экспертного Совета по аттестации программных средств

11-я Международная научно-техническая конференция «Безопасность, эффективность и экономика атомной энергетики» продолжает работу


Выездное заседание секции № 5 «Вероятностный анализ безопасности. Анализ надежности систем контроля и управления технологическими процессами» экспертного Совета по аттестации программных средств при Ростехнадзоре

В Сочи открылся юбилейный X Международный форум «АТОМЭКСПО-2018»

Секция № 7 экспертного Совета по аттестации программных средств при Ростехнадзоре рассмотрела результаты экспертизы программного средства «COTRAN-M»

ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» приняло участие в III Межотраслевом информационно-технологическом форуме «МНОГОМЕРНАЯ РОССИЯ-2018»

SEC NRS hosted the meeting with IRSN
On the 11th April, 2018 IRSN representatives visited SEC NRS to discuss the status and prospects of mutual cooperation.

В ФБУ «НТЦ ЯРБ» проходит согласительное совещание по рассмотрению сводки предложений на опубликованную редакцию проекта федеральных норм и правил в области использования атомной энергии

New Director of International Affairs of IRSN visited SEC NRS
On the 1st of February a new Director of International Affairs of IRSN Ciril Pinel, who was appointed in January 2018, visited SEC NRS.

В Ростехнадзоре прошло заседание Общественного совета

Подведены итоги Международного общественного форума-диалога и выставки «АтомЭко 2017»

SEC NRS delegation participated in EUROSAFE Forum and ETSON Board and General Assembly Meetings in Paris.
SEC NRS delegation headed by Director A. Khamaza participated in the annual EUROSAFE Forum held on November 6-7 in Paris (France).

Состоялось 42-е пленарное заседание Комиссии по разработке стандартов в области безопасности

Первый рабочий день ХХI Международной выставки средств обеспечения безопасности государства «Интерполитех-2017» завершен

Пятый национальный Доклад по Объединенной конвенции будет представлен на Шестом совещании Договаривающихся сторон

Repeal of NP-029-01 “Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships” and NP-022-2000 “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships”

Enactment of NP-022-17 and NP-029-17
Federal Safety Regulations “General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and other Vessels” (NP-022-17) and “Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and other Vessels” (NP-029-17).

Draft Federal Safety Regulations “Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities”
Requirements to accounting of external natural and man-induced impacts on nuclear facilities, radiation sources, storage facilities of categories I and II considering potential radiation hazard, as well as on radioactive wastes disposal facilities of categories I–III.

Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities”

Draft Federal Safety Regulations in the Field of Atomic Energy Use “Plutonium-Containing Nuclear Fuel Production Plants. Safety Requirements”

raft Federal Safety Regulations “General Safety Provisions for Spacecrafts with Nuclear Reactors”
Meeting for discussion of a Summary of Comments drawn up considering the remarks and proposals submitted in response to the draft Federal Safety Regulations in the field of atomic energy use “General Safety Provisions for Spacecrafts with Nuclear Reactors” (posted on Rostechnadzor website on October 21, 2016) will be held on December 27, 2016 at 10-00 at the address: Moscow, Malaya Krasnoselskaya st. 2/8, bld. 5. Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS).

SEC NRS software “Calculating tool for radiological, thermal and physical characteristics of SNF” has successfully passed the procedure of state registration

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Rostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure .


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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»